[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

what is the best lvl 21 gem to get after you get 21 freezing pulse?
how do u have 2 conquerer affixes on ur necklace? +1 cold skill and +1 int skill
Wallach wrote:
RE: Arcane Capacitor - it's in the build along with the Prodigal Perfection wheel to ensure folks get closer to their Mind Over Matter ratios. They are the two most efficient wheels in the tree for balancing mana and damage, especially on a character that has Transfiguration of Mind. That is true even assuming the barest minimum of Arcane Surge effect (though this has to be simulated manually as even the community fork does not account for increases to Arcane Surge effect). On Mecielle's current character for example, even with the Arcane Capacitor wheel there wouldn't be enough total mana to protect their entire life pool, so it would be offering full eHP value per point.

If you are doing high-end content and feel you'd still be comfortable shedding eHP (or have so much mana from gear you don't need it as much), then there's certainly nothing wrong with dropping it. In terms of raw damage it is definitely not going to compete with points in clusters, or even other damage-focused nodes we're already connected to like Mental Rapidity.

Well, the choice is pretty much between 3 points for Arcane Capacitor or 2x 4%life+4% chaos res and 1x 5%life. No other way to get 3 passives for Capacitor on my tree.

And I don't even feel any more EHP will do me much good. The very few times I died, I would also have died with 500 more EHP. Namely, stupid mistakes during Sirus 8 fights.

But I get what you say, it has its uses for the build. But I maintain my opinion that pretty much everything else on the tree, including a full cluster setup, has priority over it.

GGTeMpLaR wrote:
how do u have 2 conquerer affixes on ur necklace? +1 cold skill and +1 int skill

Awakener orbed an amulet with +1 cold onto one woth +1 int.
Last edited by Mecielle on Jun 26, 2020, 1:25:17 AM
Hey wallach i was thinking if we take CI and hearth of ice, we can leech energy shield. Opinions?

Im 3.5k life and 1.5k shield
Last edited by SrRagnarTV on Jun 26, 2020, 4:14:34 AM
SrRagnarTV wrote:
Hey wallach i was thinking if we take CI and hearth of ice, we can leech energy shield. Opinions?

Im 3.5k life and 1.5k shield

Your totems can't leech anything to you with their hits, so that interaction won't really work.
Hey guys can some1 check my profile the hardcore harvest character

And check what i could best upgrade in terms of defense and offense
Gems and boots enchant are already on radar...

I see ppl with 1 mil totem dps. Unsure how i can get there without sacraficing ehp....or defense...
Is it more damage if i buy a cheap shaper shield and roll for +1 totem compared to having 2 normal wands?
Depends on the wands - you'd have to test it out in POB
Just keep in mind that PoB shows the DPS per totem. So when using the shield, multiply it by 5 and when using dual wands, by 4.
hmmm ok understood

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