[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Prices are generated by the the market.

A 20% quality Mantle is ~1200 fuses to link, which is < 3ex. If the market says 12ex, keep buying ilvl50+ copies and 6L them. You are now rich.

Atziri's reflection will be 10ex+ forever. It's a chase item, you don't need it to play the build.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jun 27, 2020, 6:52:45 PM
Thank you for the guide! I am now level 89 and I can clear the maps really fast but I am struggling with DPS when it comes to bosses. For example today I tried my first sirius(T4) and my dps was so low I finished it with 7 deaths and it took so much time.

As I am kind a new to this game and don't know totem mechanics I don't know where to focus. I have 6 exalts worth of chaos and don't know where to spend them.

Any suggestions?

P.S: I don't have the cluster jewels yet and some of flasks


Skill Build
This build mentions wave of conviction totems pretty heavily and I noticed they just got nerfed in the patch notes tonight. Does this advice still apply to levelling?
emekcitiny wrote:
Thank you for the guide! I am now level 89 and I can clear the maps really fast but I am struggling with DPS when it comes to bosses. For example today I tried my first sirius(T4) and my dps was so low I finished it with 7 deaths and it took so much time.

Boot enchant is a good boost against bosses, and cast speed is valuable on your wands - better ones probably won't be too expensive. I suggest getting a six link too, and a 20/20 freezing pulse.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jun 28, 2020, 3:12:37 AM
So here's the BEST skill setup:

7L chest: same as OP

4-5L Helm: Cold Snap + Bonechill + Inc Duration + Arcane Surge (level 10)
With Shaper Inc AoE affix = Surge level 11

4-5L Boots: Wave of Conviction + Spell Totem + Multiple Totems + Awakened Added Cold Damage
With Elder Boots for Spell Totem Support: add Awakened Controlled Destruction
(but Hunter Tailwind is preferred)

4-5L Gloves: Purifying Flame + Awakened Curse on Hit + Frostbite + Projectile Weakness
Optional Faster Casting via Shaper affix
(but Warlord Culling Strike is preferred)

3L (CWDT): Steelskin + CWDT + Inc Duration

3L: movement and/or Vaal skills, to taste

Why is this the best?

1. When you're clearing trash (especially Delving) the best (de)buffs are those not tied to a specific location or applied to specific enemies, specifically Frenzy charges and Arcane Surge. Putting both on the same skill, especially with Increased Duration, means one cast every 7 seconds or so keeps Frenzy charges and Arcane Surge on, very easy. Trust me, this is huge quality of life.

2. Using Multiple Totems Support allows 2 extra totems, granting additional bonuses per Ritual of Awakening. The Wave can apply Cold Exposure at same strength as Frost Bomb and can do a small but significant amount of damage in its own right, especially once Hatred is acquired — but Added Cold is enough to guarantee with Wave's huge 220% damage effectiveness. And as long as you summon at least 4 Pulse Totems between uses of Wave, the Pulses will only replace Pulse Totems and the Waves only replace Wave totems.

3. Why have one curse when you can have two, with no additional passive tree investment? The Consecrated Ground also grants increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies on it, as well as Regen for when enemies are already in your face somehow.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jun 28, 2020, 1:18:18 PM
Thank you for the updates! :)
Can you also quote them in the original post, please?

There are soo many active buttons now, I can handle maximum 2.
One is for main totems and another one I made is:
Freezing Pulse-Curse on Hit-Frostbite-Projectile Weakness.
Everything else is on different CWDT setups.
I hope I didn't fail the build too much by doing that ^_^
Vampyrex wrote:
This build mentions wave of conviction totems pretty heavily and I noticed they just got nerfed in the patch notes tonight. Does this advice still apply to levelling?

The only patch note I've seen related to Wave of Conviction recently was a bug fix for Arcanist Brand specifically. It has no impact on using Wave of Conviction any other way, including through Spell Totem Support.
is it me or since the FP buff, added # to # cold damage hatred watcher's eye is better than hatred pen watcher's eye?
Puryemail wrote:
Thank you for the updates! :)
Can you also quote them in the original post, please?
I'm not Wallach


Molasses edit: this is a bit of a nitpick but Culling Strike is actually equivalent to 11% more damage to Life (not enemy ES), not 10%. Damage that used to reduce enemies to 90% max Life kills instead, 90→100 is 11.11% more.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jun 28, 2020, 1:27:09 PM

I Just got those gloves, now i have a question regarding harvest Crafting for Unnerve. Would the following Work?

1. Hunters Exalted Orb

If Unnerve: Sucess!
2. Harvest Craft remove a random Defence Modifier -> removing Evasion guaranteed
3. Harvest Craft add a random Caster Modifier -> Guaranteed unnerve
Last edited by zweckform on Jun 28, 2020, 3:54:20 PM

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