[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

BenKerkhofs wrote:
Hi guys,

Someone can help me for the process to craft the helmet with the -9 cold res? Suposing we begin with any 85 ilvl redeemer helmet with the correct lab enchant...I'm not use to fossils craft... Ty in advance

Two options:

1. Use Frigid/Pristine fossils on it until you get a helmet with good mods, including that -9% res one.

2. Use fossils or spam chaos until you get the -9% mod AND NO OTHER REDEEMER MODS on the helmet, then find another helmet with the tier 1 Hunter's mod of adds cold damage to spells AND NO OTHER HUNTER MODS, then use an Awakener's Orb to destroy the Hunter's helmet and paste the Cold Damage mod onto the Redeemer helmet. This guarantees the 9% res and the cold damage mods, but the rest is completely random.

I would like to thank Wallach and others active players who helping here in this forum thread with build.

I play POE from 3.5 and every league i ended with some variations of cyclone build cause its nostalgia for me from D2.

And every league I played like 10 days played with 25-30 challenges done, no Sirus, uber elder was more like luck:D and shaper on farm. So no big success for me. Eventually i raged and quited and come back in next league.

Every league i farm like 50-60ex but im that player who start build - get it to lvl 90, then stands in fire or when Sirus say that DIEEEE run straight into that beam...>D ... and blame the build ofc.

This time after endless cyclone deads what was surely my fault I raged, rerolled to Templar and found this build. Ofc in every totem build its that in CONS - totems are not for everyone - so i was thinking. Well im more like meele player so i will try this and after like 5-6 deaths in T16 i will quit and come back next league. Well how i was so wrong.

To the build:
Its perfect. As i sad i tryed endless builds on casual manner but this build pushes you from upgrade to upgrade. As every upgrade has its own impact. Its not only dmg like in other builds.

When you starting with this build i was like hmm this is squishy as hell, it will be miracle to farm rare T16. Then i got Atziri and well, its like another build. It was so refreshing, that i almost played another char. Then wand, awakened gems and in no time you really become GOD.
Like hello rare T16 maps full delirium. Hello Sirus, uber elder. Im basically now leaving chaos orbs on ground as im too lazy to get back for them. Never did that before. And there is another funny thing here. If i see map with ...cursed with temporal chains - im actually happy:D.

Im now 36/40 challenges, Sirus, Uber Elder, Elder, Shaper, Atziri, Mastermind, All conquerors, Guardians, 20/20 simultarium - everythink its done.
Most of the content its just easy mode. Where i was struggling with meele builds now i just place totem and can focus on deadly stuff happening>D

Im still that player that if Sirus scream DIEEE i will surely 100% just in milisecond flame dash to his beam and die. But it doesnt matter cause i am able to kill him finally on second/third portal. Because it will happen, but not every time when he does that. As i have time now for survive and focus while totems does damage.

The guide is well written. How to craft, which orb use, how to progress, lots of usefull help here in this post from other players too.

Cheers you all adn thanks for effort.


Now the questions:)

Im basically done with this league (loved this build) but in next i wanna try somethink else. I found that totem playstyle really suits me. Place totems where you want and watch/focus on deadly stuff.

Is somethink similar in POE with this playstyle? I was thinking about mines. Seems like you throw mines and then focus on survive. Necro was abit harsh for me because i dont like that i dont know what will the minions attack and they are often behind me:|.

There is another class - Chieftan with ancestrall warchief totems i think. Whats the bigger difference between this build and lets say this ancestral warchief totem builds?

P.S: Sorry for my English, its not my mature language and im not very good at it.

majo540 wrote:

im that player who start build - get it to lvl 90, then stands in fire or when Sirus say that DIEEEE run straight into that beam.

Are you my twin?
I do the EXACT same thing!
Although I can and have beat Sirus,I always seem to blow through all 6 portals during the last phase.
Just last night I easily burned him down in phase 1 and 2 in no time at all.
Then the 3rd phase and you would think I was playing with oven mitts on and blindfolded.
i finally got my reflection, still dying so much, any advice what i could change? :D
My fp totems was warming the bench for some time while I was messing with hollow palm cyclone gladiator. Now I grew tired of him and want to ask, how viable is fp totems on basic gear - kikazarus and should mantle?
Upgrading to atzi reflection is not an option, there's only one shield on ps4 for sale for 29ex and one prophecy for 30ex.
Idk if I should just give it up in favour of some other build. I definitely won't ever get that reflection.

Also, which pob tree is the one to go until I get clusters, uber lab or lvl95 (no clusters)?
Last edited by Alex_Spiegel on Apr 13, 2020, 3:51:55 PM
In POB Wallach use jewell socket where haven't 40 intellegent. First snow working without "at least 40 int"? don't understand how it work
Josta39 wrote:
In POB Wallach use jewell socket where haven't 40 intellegent. First snow working without "at least 40 int"? don't understand how it work

Threshold jewels like First Snow don't check whether their stat requirements are actually allocated or not. Just whether or not that amount of stat exists within radius of the jewel. It's a way to control which jewel sockets you are able to place the threshold jewel in and have it work is all.
The 40 int don't have to be allocated, they just need to be in range of the jewel.

Today, after dying on my other character and losing interest in him, I got some minor upgrades.

I think my next upgrade will be a helmet, as my wand would be insanely pricey to upgrade. Basically any wand that isn't super expensive gives me less dps in PoB.

Also got myself a wise oak finally and got a 1% cold pen clear mind.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to get frenzy charges consistently? I was thinking about a setup like: Cold Snap - Awakened Curse on Hit - Frostbite - Projectile Weakness, though I can't buy the awakened gem just yet.
Last edited by Siza1337 on Apr 13, 2020, 8:01:12 PM
KoenKolko wrote:
BenKerkhofs wrote:
Hi guys,

Someone can help me for the process to craft the helmet with the -9 cold res? Suposing we begin with any 85 ilvl redeemer helmet with the correct lab enchant...I'm not use to fossils craft... Ty in advance

Two options:

1. Use Frigid/Pristine fossils on it until you get a helmet with good mods, including that -9% res one.

2. Use fossils or spam chaos until you get the -9% mod AND NO OTHER REDEEMER MODS on the helmet, then find another helmet with the tier 1 Hunter's mod of adds cold damage to spells AND NO OTHER HUNTER MODS, then use an Awakener's Orb to destroy the Hunter's helmet and paste the Cold Damage mod onto the Redeemer helmet. This guarantees the 9% res and the cold damage mods, but the rest is completely random.

For option 1 you can go to craftofexile.com to check the chances. Sometimes 3 socket resonators are cheaper than 2 and you can throw in an Aberrant to block some affixes and reduce overall cost. It is also useful to tick various mod tiers to see what is realistic to stop on and when to keep rolling.

Siza1337 wrote:
Does anyone have suggestions on how to get frenzy charges consistently? I was thinking about a setup like: Cold Snap - Awakened Curse on Hit - Frostbite - Projectile Weakness, though I can't buy the awakened gem just yet.

If you're looking to spend a lot you could throw an Unnatural Instinct near the Overcharged node but that won't help on some bosses.
Last edited by SuperBurgers on Apr 13, 2020, 8:59:20 PM

Can someone check if i configured my POB correctly? Using the Atziri's Reflection comes a bit complicated to me. Not sure if I should set all the curses to 1 or leave it blank.

Here is my POB link. https://pastebin.com/Nf3YS5sf

Thanks guys! and GREAT BUILD Wallach! Was able to take down AL8 Sirus with this build, unlike last league where I had around 2.2 mil Shaper DPS using Elementalist Arc build.

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