[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

Do we use thread of hope? Or not?
one shots are so annoying on red maps..
This is my first shav's build. How do I deal with poison?
First of all thank you for putting in all the work to keep this build updated!

I've been running this build as a league starter and had a great time with it so far. But I'm having the same problems of getting one shot in red maps and also in heists.

Also I'm not really seeing a fix for this. The only defensives I can really add are the max. 15% block chance/15% spell block chance on my shield and I was looking to get an enlighten support gem to run artic armour. Besides that there is obviously still room for more ES since I'm currently at 7k.

I've been considering to switch to a different build since I got a lucky 10-15EX drop but maybe someone can point out issues with my build that I'm missing. I'm also not expirienced with PoE at all and might not fully understand the scaling - the last league I played a decent amount was bestiary I believe. Maybe I'm not understanding the scaling

Thats the gear I'm currently running:

(edit - added the updated defenses video!)
I also updated the main POB to reflect these changes AND I've dropped arctic to focus on NOT needing ANY enlighten gem in this build (their prices are stupid high ---- READ the POB notes!!!)



bgi123 wrote:
Do we use thread of hope? Or not?

No :)

nuub wrote:
one shots are so annoying on red maps..

Check my response to Starasta about getting phys% mitigation (i'll also upload a video covering the topic in more detail, it'll be up tomorrow!)

Starasta wrote:
First of all thank you for putting in all the work to keep this build updated!

I've been running this build as a league starter and had a great time with it so far. But I'm having the same problems of getting one shot in red maps and also in heists.

Also I'm not really seeing a fix for this. The only defensives I can really add are the max. 15% block chance/15% spell block chance on my shield and I was looking to get an enlighten support gem to run artic armour. Besides that there is obviously still room for more ES since I'm currently at 7k.

I've been considering to switch to a different build since I got a lucky 10-15EX drop but maybe someone can point out issues with my build that I'm missing. I'm also not expirienced with PoE at all and might not fully understand the scaling - the last league I played a decent amount was bestiary I believe. Maybe I'm not understanding the scaling

Thats the gear I'm currently running:


Your weapon is very very in need of replacement mate, it's holding you back big-time. You could grab one for even just 5-10c that will skyrocket your damage in comparison to your current. Come by my stream tomorrow or PM me and i'll help you with some trade links to get a proper weapon. :)

I'll put up a video about some defensive tricks tonight/tomorrow, but you don't need enlighten and just get freeze immune on a flask, don't worry about trying to fit arctic armor. You have way bigger upgrades you need, like the weapon and boots with lightning 160dmg enchant and helmet with pierce (I see you run it as a gem in ur 6L, but it's a huge dmg loss, even when using pen helmet enchant -- trap&mine dmg is our biggest support gem for dmg as it's a 50% more multiplier)

But pierce is still crucial, hence why we put it in the helm as everything your lightning balls pierce gets its damage reduced to you by 15% (born in the shadows ascendancy), so once you have +3 pierce lab enchant, the entire screen/offscreen will get pierced by your traps and be dealing 15% less dmg to you.

You can check my gear, I've really not played that much and have probably in some aspects worse gear, but my tooltip in hideout atm is 39k, to give you something to compare with. Idk what your tooltip is, but if I was to guess with ur weapon and pierce in 6l, probably 25k'ish.

As for defensive:
Don't need enlighten, instead follow my current gems:
Mana reserves>> Wrath, Skitterbots, Tempest Shield, Discipline, Clarity lvl 6-10.
Life reserves>> Zealotry, Defiance Banner.

Combining defiance banner (ty Ankhain!^) with our crown helm and rumi's flask, you have around 40-45% physical mitigation on top of 65-70% spellblock (if you followed the build) and around 36-42% att-block depending on how well rolled your rumi's is and 50%++ if u got block on on shield etc (not really needed once u got 70'ish spell and 40'ish att with 40% phys mitigation and 7-9k ES, u are quite friggin' tanky hehe, plus you're recovering 5% es on every single block.

These mitigations + being immune to shock/ignite/blind (from ascendancy) and having a full-screen/off-screen main attack... is the point of this build :)

Last edited by oestergreen on Oct 31, 2021, 8:10:16 AM
how do you guys feeling about running lightning trap in the glove slot?
Can someone explain to me the tainted 6 link method I cant seem to find a page for it. I have a decently rolled 5L6S shavs but I am scared to vaal orb and use fusings. Is there a safer method or to I have to wing it? double corrupt temple?
Namper wrote:
Can someone explain to me the tainted 6 link method I cant seem to find a page for it. I have a decently rolled 5L6S shavs but I am scared to vaal orb and use fusings. Is there a safer method or to I have to wing it? double corrupt temple?

The armor has to be corrupted, so you have a few choices:

1) 4 Link with bench or 5 Link the armor (harvest craft or buy 5L prophecy)

2) Corrupt with scourge (bad if it gets terrible mods)
3) Vaal orb or Temple double corrupt (I believe it's 1 in 4 it can be destroyed)
4) Craicic Vassal beast in the menagerie to 30% qual + corrupt (its safe)

Once it's a corrupted 4-link through either method:

5) Tainted fuse it, hope it gets 5L and if it does, tainted fuse again, hoping for 6L.
6) If the first tainted fuse puts it back to a 3L, then bench craft it back to a 4L (costs a few vaal orbs + normal fuses).
Then go for step 5 again.

I did it in a video here, more or less...

Last edited by oestergreen on Oct 31, 2021, 12:13:38 AM
thanks for the reply, I switched in rumi and defiance banner and its night and day so far!
Iirc temple double corruption has 50% chance to make your armour unusable.

25% normal brick
25% destruction

Always have a backup shavs when using temple corruption; or chances are you'll end up with no body armour you can use.
Last edited by Sorafina on Oct 31, 2021, 3:08:49 AM

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