[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

fundealer163 wrote:
Hello. I'm started on this build, i really like it, but have some issues with solo target dmg and survive. I've cleared T15-16 maps, but bosses on this maps and conquers is really pain in ass for me. Cols u give me some tips what to do to improve solo dmg (except 6 link Shav)??

An easy instant gain would be to drop spire traps and use the trigger wand setup:) It'll increase your single target damage quite a bit, provided you don't completely miss your wave of conviction/sniper's mark all the time ;P (it's auto cast with trigger setup)

oestergreen wrote:
Vennto wrote:
Why is everyone asking for individual tips what to improve next? Cmon guys, just READ THE GUIDE. I literally have not played that build, any Trapper OR any ES build before and all information you need is right there. Honestly, if I were Oster I wouldn't even answer those questions because why would he put in the work to study your pob's or profiles in-depth while you kind of not put in YOUR work to read the guide and the last pages? Always surprised by the lack of effort.

There's two ways I try to think of this:) Firstly, you're not wrong that often some things are overlooked and I'm answering stuff that is literally in the guide - but.

And this is the reason I'm here answering when time permits me; It's inspiring to see so many people discover something which often is totally new to them (ES trapper?.. "wtf rly, you can blow up a boss, with TRAPS?... you're ES?").
You could say I counteract myself, because in recent leagues when this guide started getting a lot of visits/reads, my usual "free" lab enchant that cost me 5c is now in the 2ex'ish category. Still far from meta enchants at 10-20ex+.
But on the other hand, I totally enjoy the idea of a chill off-meta community and so this league I took up streaming more seriously and there has been way more people than I expected who took their time to support it, even just coming by to hang out etc.

I became an affiliate almost exclusively from streaming my league start and having people that are regularly coming by, even if just to put the stream in the background and play POE and sometimes jump in chat and ask a Q or just watch.
I know some might think "affiliate lul, anyone can get it with just a few viewers!" ... Yeah, but if 10 ppl bothers to take their time to help me being able to stream more often, then I can definitely take an hour or two every so often to help ppl have a better league experience.

When you combine it with actually enjoying to see people find a build they post fanatically about and say they wanna use again next league and do even better... for me, that's a good feeling that never ended when a league ends, because so many people posted their experiences at the end-of Ritual, enjoying the build and they'll be taking that experience into the next league:) (so long as GGG doesn't suddenly for no reason nerf-hammer us all ;P we're off the meta, leave us be!)

Digging the build, I did have one question, I feel like things are going really slow, stuff dies, but compared to my guildies trapper I feel like im lacking something? it just seems a lot more fast paced where this is pretty slow and steady or is that the way it is meant to be played?

Not sure in what way you mean, but there are tons of videos show-casing last few leagues to give you a feel for how the speed is. (my YT has some too that aren't in the guide).
You definitely want the enchant, as then your general clear speeds up quite a bit, even just with +2.
Trap throwing speed will make everything feel faster, thats why we pick up a bit as early as lvl 14ish. Later on, we replace those points because we instead get trap speed through items, jewels and a few other nodes on the tree. (Your biggest trap throwing speed is your gloves and belt, outside of having it on jewels which usually is very cheap to get as traps are not META)

Lastly, for single target/bossing, you definitely want to consider going the Trigger route as suggested in the gem section, as it'll increase your single target DPS for the endgame bossing. (check some of my boss vids from last league, they are all recorded with the trigger setup)

When is it best to go Glancing Blows?

It's mostly a preference choice that often you base on "feel" and your own current gear.
There's a reddit discussion about glancing blows here and some math:

tldr: Glancing helps reducing the chance you get one-shot, as you'll far more often block an attack and those high dmg boss or rare monster attacks are then reduced by 35%.
Secondly, it saves you in the situation where normally you could get hit 5 times in a quick succession, which is super unlikely if you got 60-75% block and getting hit 2 times at 65% of the dmg is more manageable
than taking full dmg 5 hits because you never successfully blocked with only 30% chance.

aegistitan wrote:
Im currently at level 70, got 3 exalts to blow, but cant seem to figure out for which gem combos I should go first and then build upon?
Not sure how to advance, as more to what is more improtant at the moment, and thanks in advance love the build & guide!

Will be easier if you un-private your characters, this way I can see all your current gems and links combined and better answer.

squallmaster wrote:
just wanted to leave a note saying, as someone else who plays lightning trap obsessively, this is a really fun build. thanks!

A fellow lightning trap obsessed guy! That is very much appreciated, ty:)

Made some HUGE improvements today and intend to keep tweaking to reach similar levels of your end game examples. I opted to forgo chain reaction for more damage and I haven't really noticed issues with triggering traps. Great guide and I appreciate the help you gave me earlier when I was slogging through yellow maps.
Here is my current gear, got the bottled faith today and as expected the damage boost is unreal

I'm super glad you found your way and unlocked the potential, now you'll be making more and more decisions based on your preferences:) Which is totally what the idea is with the build, that you can customize many choices, based on your own preference or playstyle and still clear it all.

The bottle is a superb choice and investment imo, especially this league (and in former ritual league too), because you don't have much room in the league mechanic, so you're often gonna be standing in that consecrated effect, same as monsters will be, so you get
both a stronger ES regen and more DMG.

EzBreesy wrote:

You think I can get zealotry if I get enlighten 3 without the "reduce resarvation skill" mod on the shield ?
Also I wonder can you stand still in those T14+ ultimatum with the recovery one block ?
Are the cluster jewel, surprise sabotage and set and forget that strong for the build ?

I doubt no-one will ever just stand still in this league mechanic, but I'm close to saying it would be possible if you have end-game gear (9k es, es-on block etc).
Numerouswaffles already answered second part, but yes definitely. And for anyone else reading this part; every league a lot speedybois start by leveling enlightens/empowers in their offhands and vaal spamming and all the ones that fail get sold off as "broken" lvl 3s and drops fast in price first weeks - in meantime, you can pay or you can level just one enlighten yourself in the offhands. The build only needs a broken lvl 3 when you have sovereignty nodes, we don't require a lvl 4. For super end-game min/max we can get a 15% shield and use lvl 4 enlightens to free up reserve nodes - but again, it is not at all required, just an option if you're rich and dunno what to throw currency at.

Macca84 wrote:
Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for the guide. Progressing well now into early maps.

Just a note to the people who seem to be struggling - go back and read. I've picked up loads of nuggets of info just reading from the start of the ultimatum posts. Also reading between the lines, the main difference I can see between peoples gear who are and aren't struggling seems to be the lab enchant on helm. I have the enchant and even before shavs with just energy shield gear and CI I didn't have that much trouble.

Looking forward to moving through the season with this build. Thank you for being active on the forum and keeping your guide up to date.

You are very welcome mate. I hope to see you post your progression later on again and in the meantime enjoy the league. :)

Thank you to everyone who took time to give a follow and hang out, even if just by having the stream in the background while playing POE, same as I do with many, it's a big help for someone new. Thanks <3

Thanks for the active responses and help man, I got the enchant and changed around some things and it feels a lot better! thank you!!

Yw, glad it worked out :) *cough, it's on purpose I didn't remove the big quote and carried it over to this new page, so more people see the answers ;P*
Last edited by oestergreen on Apr 24, 2021, 3:39:56 AM
Was looking for an answer to this in the guide, if I missed it sorry :I

I am still missing one trial for my uber lab until then I try to get the +2 pierce helmet enchant and my question is, when I get the +2 pierce enchant should I swap my act 5 unique pierce jewel for a better ES/Dmg jewel cause +2 pierce is enough for now or is the difference between pierece+2 and pierce+3 still bigger than my potential DPS/ES from a good rare jewel?
Bought Shavs 5l and Chayula, what should I upgrade next? also are my gem links correct?

Thanks in advance!

I have 8 ex to play with, wondering what my next upgrade should be. Better gloves (thrap speed) and rings/boots. Or save for Bottled faith? I have never used it so don't know how good it is.

Also wondering if it's correct to use light pen over controlled destruction?


My profile is public awell.

Last edited by Cyterizz on Apr 24, 2021, 12:59:37 PM
Enjoying this build quite a bit so far, so thank you for the amount of time you've put into it thus far and continue to league-to-league!

I am however having a few problems that I can't seem to figure out. I'm earlier in gearing up so I'm definitely missing a few things but I was hoping this are fairly simple questions that may be able to lead towards me prioritizing certain aspects.

FYI - I'm on the crux of going low-life.

1. I feel as though I don't have enough Trap Throwing Speed - I'm finding that often times the time in which it takes to get traps out is enough for packs/uniques to land hits on me before I can move again. I've only got 19% right now and I don't yet have the Chain Reactions ascendancy node. Is there a source of this stat that I'm missing?

2. In all the videos I watch ES seems to start recharging the moment you take damage. In harder (for me) maps I find that packs just slowly wear me down and I'm unable to hit that time for it to start regening. Am I missing something?

Hope all of this is clear and understandable - thanks!
CardeaC wrote:
Enjoying this build quite a bit so far, so thank you for the amount of time you've put into it thus far and continue to league-to-league!

I am however having a few problems that I can't seem to figure out. I'm earlier in gearing up so I'm definitely missing a few things but I was hoping this are fairly simple questions that may be able to lead towards me prioritizing certain aspects.

FYI - I'm on the crux of going low-life.

1. I feel as though I don't have enough Trap Throwing Speed - I'm finding that often times the time in which it takes to get traps out is enough for packs/uniques to land hits on me before I can move again. I've only got 19% right now and I don't yet have the Chain Reactions ascendancy node. Is there a source of this stat that I'm missing?

2. In all the videos I watch ES seems to start recharging the moment you take damage. In harder (for me) maps I find that packs just slowly wear me down and I'm unable to hit that time for it to start regening. Am I missing something?

Hope all of this is clear and understandable - thanks!

Yw :)
Reason your ES doesn't recharge mid-fights is because you haven't picked up Zealot's Oath, so your pyromaniac ascendancy is still restoring life instead of ES.

Trap throwing speed sources are; 10% we always have from the tree. Optional extra 18% on the tree (so total 28%).
Belt crafting with Essence of Zeal gives 21% Throw speed and Gloves with advanced traps mod gives 20%.

Other than that, you can get it on jewels as secondary stats quite cheap as it's not a stat most people are chasing :)

I would say having 30-40%, from any combination of sources above is more than enough.

Lewdz wrote:
poe_shniggies wrote:
sorry if this has been answered, but i couldn't find the answer...
question about your gloves, does it make sense to do the double shaper mod for just bear trap? i think it makes sense if you have lightning spire setup with 3 supports, but for just bear trap it seems overkill. or am i missing something?

Not OP but keep in mind both shaper mods have a local and global part to them. the local part (socketed gems are supported by X) is nice to have i guess but as you rightly noticed isnt worth 2 affixes from gear just for bear trap.

what we care about is the global parts (=affecting lightning trap aswell), especially the trap throw speed so we can free up a couple skillpoints from the tree for other things like jewel sockets/clusters.

As i said, not OP but that is how i see it

What Lewds said is spot on. :)
Last edited by oestergreen on Apr 24, 2021, 2:07:22 PM
Zyvex23 wrote:
Was looking for an answer to this in the guide, if I missed it sorry :I

I am still missing one trial for my uber lab until then I try to get the +2 pierce helmet enchant and my question is, when I get the +2 pierce enchant should I swap my act 5 unique pierce jewel for a better ES/Dmg jewel cause +2 pierce is enough for now or is the difference between pierece+2 and pierce+3 still bigger than my potential DPS/ES from a good rare jewel?

If you can grab a relatively cheap rare jewel with some multiplier stats (we can use many different types, lightning, elemental, spells, global), I would replace the act 5 pierce with a rare jewel and rely on the +2 helmet for now :)
aegistitan wrote:
Bought Shavs 5l and Chayula, what should I upgrade next? also are my gem links correct?

Thanks in advance!

Fix flasks as in the guide (get wise oak and make sure lightning ress is your highest ress)
Aim to get much better ES in your items as soon as you can. Even small increases make a lot of difference. 150 in boots and gloves preferably and 40+ in rings. An ES helmet with +2 pierce for lightning trap. A new weapon soon'ish, you can get a much stronger one for 3-8c.
Replace added lightning with lightning penetration (just follow gem section, its up2date) Your abyss jewels/belt looks good for now. :)

Cyterizz wrote:

I have 8 ex to play with, wondering what my next upgrade should be. Better gloves (thrap speed) and rings/boots. Or save for Bottled faith? I have never used it so don't know how good it is.

Also wondering if it's correct to use light pen over controlled destruction?


My profile is public awell.


Lightning pen is correct just follow the gem section, its up2date:)
Controlled destru is only if/when you get enough penetration that POB starts telling you destru is stronger than light pen (you won't be in that situation without cluster setups with pen stat)

Bottled faith is super strong and makes a lot of sense this league with small circles/ultimatum stuff, but it's also really a luxury and non-required item. I would only chase it if I felt my other gear was pretty much all set.

Shaper gloves with double trap mods would be probably a bigger upgrade for you in terms of QoL. Trap throwing speed and projectile damage etc.

Last edited by oestergreen on Apr 24, 2021, 2:35:43 PM
aegistitan wrote:
Im currently at level 70, got 3 exalts to blow, but cant seem to figure out for which gem combos I should go first and then build upon?


Not sure how to advance, as more to what is more improtant at the moment, and thanks in advance love the build & guide!

Key is to get higher energy shield. Anything below 4k (with Discipline) will not get you far.
I tried the build with 5s Tinkerskin but that did not go very well, since I swapped to Shavronne everything goes a lot more smooth. Also I reserved all my life with Arrogance Support to use Pain Attunement. Next should be Chayula, which will give a lot of sustain. I got 6k ES with Chayula and feel safe with it.
With 3ex you should be able to get Shavronne + Chayula and other needed high energy max resistance gear. A energy shield when you block is nice to have but the ones with good amount of energy shield are expensive. Otherwise get the needed flasks.

Edit: You posted that you use Steelskin+Immortal Call, that will not work, only one at a time works.
Last edited by wetdream on Apr 24, 2021, 2:54:38 PM

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