[3.12] Double Strike / Flicker Assassin ~ League starter and ender! U-Elder and U-Atziri deathless!

hey! awesome build!
are you going to update the skill tree to include the new cluster jewels?
DunkMasterVex wrote:
Hi been using this build this league and loving it it's the furthest i've gotten in any league as of yet! Starting maps (admittedly i'm not a very experienced player) but curious what I should focus on upgrading at the moment? My damage seems to be fine but my resists are admittedly low and i'm not quite sure what the best way is to go about raising them at the moment. I'm also not very wealthy recourse wise I recieved a lucky tabula drop this season but that's really it.

I'd say 100% get a better belt, either rustic sash or leather belt if you want extra life(they go for 10c or so with decent resistances.), later on get stygian vise if you get some currency. Also 6 link corrupted chest pieces are pretty cheap this league.
I'm definitely struggling a little in low red maps, not sure what my next upgrade should be. I've got roughly 2 or 3ex right now so it's tough to find the boots with fortify.

I feel like my flicker keeps stopping and getting on cooldown... is that from not having 100% hit? Also I'm pretty squishy but I'm not sure what I'm missing for that. Like sometimes a T11 boss will just straight up one shot me.
what are we linking with Vaal Ancestral Warchief?

4 & 5 links?
RoyalTee wrote:
I'm definitely struggling a little in low red maps, not sure what my next upgrade should be. I've got roughly 2 or 3ex right now so it's tough to find the boots with fortify.

I feel like my flicker keeps stopping and getting on cooldown... is that from not having 100% hit? Also I'm pretty squishy but I'm not sure what I'm missing for that. Like sometimes a T11 boss will just straight up one shot me.

First of all, you're missing some critical multi nodes, get blade of cunning. Remember, your flicker strike relies on critting on 1st hits, get high dps foils with crit dmg as soon as possible, i have 520% crit multiplier and mostly 1hit all trash mobs. Your flicker might be stopping bec you run out of frenzy. I fixed being squishy with linking steelskin a nd lightning golem to cast on damage taken, it helps alot, i went from dying all the time to rarely dying on tier 13 maps.
Chinkyfam wrote:
what are we linking with Vaal Ancestral Warchief?

4 & 5 links?

4 link, faster attacks, maim and chance to bleed.
HeikKiii wrote:
Chinkyfam wrote:
what are we linking with Vaal Ancestral Warchief?

4 & 5 links?

4 link, faster attacks, maim and chance to bleed.

thank you!
Chinkyfam wrote:
HeikKiii wrote:
Chinkyfam wrote:
what are we linking with Vaal Ancestral Warchief?

4 & 5 links?

4 link, faster attacks, maim and chance to bleed.

thank you!

No problem! That'll be 1 6 linked belly of the beast! :)
RoyalTee wrote:
I'm definitely struggling a little in low red maps, not sure what my next upgrade should be. I've got roughly 2 or 3ex right now so it's tough to find the boots with fortify.

I feel like my flicker keeps stopping and getting on cooldown... is that from not having 100% hit? Also I'm pretty squishy but I'm not sure what I'm missing for that. Like sometimes a T11 boss will just straight up one shot me.

It depends, Flicker stopping could be caused by a lot of situations.

Missing a hit will definitely screw you up, since you can't generate Frenzy or leech mana. You're running 2 Corsairs, so I don't think you hit-chance should be low enough to be causing it all the time though. Since you don't have your 5L Flicker setup yet, you are also missing out on a lot of damage. The reason Fort boots are difficult for you to get is likely because you are relying on a good portion of resists from your boots, which significantly limits your pool of direct upgrades to very expensive rolls -- trying to get a 44% or higher resist roll on an influence item won't come easily. By the way, you have a lone Dex node that can be unallocated in the bottom-right of your tree near Arrow Dancing.

Another important thing is to remember that this build is not made for infinite Frenzy generation. This means when you get deep in the fog and the Delirium rares have boss-like life pools, you will quickly consume all of your Frenzy charges trying to kill them since everything else on the screen will have been deleted and Blood Rage provides half of your Frenzy generation. If you find yourself in these situations, it's best to just use DS to kill them instead.
Last edited by Verdale on Mar 21, 2020, 1:53:36 PM
sebistrong wrote:
hey! awesome build!
are you going to update the skill tree to include the new cluster jewels?

Testing lots of combos on my character's PoB from last league and none of it seems worth it. They cost too many points and I end up with less damage and life due to having to cut points from elsewhere. The medium clusters seem the most efficient, if you get 2 notables and a jewel socket on a 4 passive cluster. If you're trying this build for the first time, get to 95 and then see what you think is worth cutting for a cluster.

Trying a berserker now and the Mob Mentality jewel is mandatory to use, at least for me, and I am having a lot of fun with it.

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