3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

tffiad wrote:
RinnzlerFRL wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:

2 sources, many of us run "socketed gems are supported by lv1 fortify" in our weapon, and the rest are running the "kingmaker" 2 handed axe on their animated guardian which provides nearby allies fortify.

So it is unnecessary to use both fortify on weapon and kingmaker?
If that's so, then I'd probably change my weapon to something with str or minion damage

fortify buff is not fortify support.

fortify buff - gives u a damage reduction (kingmaker)
fortify support - gives u a damage reduction AND 20% increased damage to supported gems.

I see now, thanks!
So instead of a new weapon, i think I'll transition into victario's for more dps. I currently have 16.6k Ehp when buffed around 500k dps per zombie and kill things between 2-10s (depends on what fight it is) but i do want more damage and that seems the way to go. I want a good elegant hubris but it's been imposible fpr for me to obtain it :(.
Ps: if anyone has one, message me!
No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).
Last edited by RinnzlerFRL on Feb 19, 2020, 7:37:44 AM
tffiad wrote:
Cyrom wrote:
Hopefully they dont nerf zombies into the ground but if they do ive been wanting to try 6l holy relic in chest and 6l skellies in weapon with stampede boots. Just casually cyclone through maps and clearing everything with relic while skellies will melt down bosses, seems pretty fun right? In PoB i can easily get over 1m dps with holy relic 6l in chest, i actually cant w8 to try this out lol since skellies are so broken right now when it comes to dps.

can u share relic gem links please?

this is sounds interesting to me. i was planning to run CoC nova occultist next league or assassin, but to transition to that build i need something as starter one, that idea looks great as long as there is cyclone with stampede :D

I have just been theory crafting a tiny bit but i was thinking something like: Holy relic, Empower, Minion dmg, Controlled destruction, Brutality, Deathmark

If i put this setup in my weapon the relic does 1.5m dps.
is it 4381 Life / 1181 ES (2389-ish when at Spirit Offering buff) safe enough to kill A8 Sirus and Friends?

Here my latest POB + Fork : https://pastebin.com/S2sFr5kZ
StuckOnHer wrote:
is it 4381 Life / 1181 ES (2389-ish when at Spirit Offering buff) safe enough to kill A8 Sirus and Friends?

Here my latest POB + Fork : https://pastebin.com/S2sFr5kZ

if u know mechanics by heart - yes.
StuckOnHer wrote:
is it 4381 Life / 1181 ES (2389-ish when at Spirit Offering buff) safe enough to kill A8 Sirus and Friends?

Here my latest POB + Fork : https://pastebin.com/S2sFr5kZ

let me know how it goes.
The speed dps setup seems a little squishy but with great damage and i'm not sure if to transition towards it.
No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).
Thank you so much.Its incredible understandable and fluent.
Im selling my entire build
necromancer build worth 70+ EX
18 zombies , + 15 million DPS
full gear,weapon , gems , jewels
everything .

hit me up in message or in game

for more details
Last edited by RonSenpai on Feb 19, 2020, 8:52:05 AM
Hey guys,

what's the best version of this build to handle blighted maps.

i keep getting overwhelmed running from group to group

vonnie123 wrote:
Hey guys,

what's the best version of this build to handle blighted maps.

i keep getting overwhelmed running from group to group


Any version. Sounds like a building issue. Are you building or just running around hoping zombies clear everything?

tffiad wrote:
well, that league is a bit crazy when it comes to metamorphs, u can actually be 1shoted with 14k ehp. and since i was 95lvl and was running t15+ corrupted maps, i was stuck in exp, because for each 10% of exp i gain i died at least one time to some crazy meta. at that point i just bought hubris, rolled 320%, respeced tree, removed all chaos resist, needless str, and now im with 4.7k hp and around 3.5k es without offering buff. my goal since that was to kill metamorph before he kills me, and u know, its actually worked since ive got to 96lvl and then i moved to new char.

what i mean is, trying to minmax amulet/boots with +%attr, lethal pride for 1ex cost and bunch of extra eff training jewels (2 or 3 more depends from tree) is costs like.. 10ex or even more, depends from ur luck on crafting str gear.

while hubris was bought for 20c, each divine was bought for 11c (it was a bit month ago) and i used 25 divines to get it. so its about 286c for me to just double my dps. can be farmed in a day. im really happy that u made a video a while ago about hubris jewel, it was just in time for me, and thankfully its damn cheap and underrated by everyone, even in this topic.

afterall 9k ehp was enough to facetank shaper's beam and ignore his teleport attack completely, while 14k ehp with about 1600str + clarity watcher's eye wasnt enough to tank sirus multibeam. so whats the reason to bother with defence as it helps only in half of situations while takes big chunk of effort and money on multiple items.

I hit 100 without really trying just by spamming A8 T16 quad-sextant corrupted maps (mostly Summit and Prom). I died to exactly one metamorph between 98 and 100, and that's only because I wasn't paying attention. I don't know if it's a playstyle difference or if I was just further along with min/maxing at that point; do you just stand next to the metamorph when it spawns, or do you cyclone around it? I feel that a lot of people that die to them just stand still, then their resists and extra ES fall off, so they die.

You also can't tank the Sirus beam because of what it does. Shaper's beam doesn't apply freeze, shock, and 20 stacks of corrupted blood (and I think another degen, too, actually), while Sirus's does.

Defense increases the likelihood that you can survive things that would otherwise kill you. Some people like more damage, some people like more defense. The neat thing with this build is, you can have both at the same time without really sacrificing anything.
vonnie123 wrote:
Hey guys,

what's the best version of this build to handle blighted maps.

i keep getting overwhelmed running from group to group


I'm using the tanky one (with Goefry) and i have no problems with Blighted maps. What matters, is your tactic :)

Build minion and cold tower as near your Plant as possible - this will help you getting more time to kill minions when near the plant.

Build meteor towers where there are chunks of tunnels, but not too far from your Plant (let's say, 2-3 screens from the plant is max distance you want to travel). Good idea is to build few t1 fire turret, and then when you will be near, just upgrade them (as building turret takes much more time than upgrading only).

Use cyclon whole time around the plant (don't run too far from plant, let's say you should be as far as possible, while still having the plant on your screen), recall minions from time to time (especially on the face of bosses), and you should be fine.

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