3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

RinnzlerFRL wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:

2 sources, many of us run "socketed gems are supported by lv1 fortify" in our weapon, and the rest are running the "kingmaker" 2 handed axe on their animated guardian which provides nearby allies fortify.

So it is unnecessary to use both fortify on weapon and kingmaker?
If that's so, then I'd probably change my weapon to something with str or minion damage

fortify buff is not fortify support.

fortify buff - gives u a damage reduction (kingmaker)
fortify support - gives u a damage reduction AND 20% increased damage to supported gems.
Where can i see my current setup for my AG?

I dont get it ^^

What is the best damage flask for this build? I have 1 slot open....2 life flasks isnt needed with the tanky setup :)
Hi all, I've been able to do most content in the game, but I'm still not quite getting the whole "conquerors in 4 seconds" dps. I can be tanky AF though, even with a crap Lethal Pride. Would someone mind taking a quick look at my build for what I can improve? I'm buying a 21/20 raise zombie, and a lvl 21 spectre tomorrow, and I think i'll still have enough for a 4 empower, but im stuck at 1200 str. Not quite sure how people are getting to 1500+ for that 15th/16th zombie. Thanks!
Hi all,

I have working a lot on the build version with Geofri's Sanctuary (the tanky version)

I am quiet OK with the result:

(caracter thibthib)

But i am "stuck" with 1270 strengh. 15 zombies. I wonder how i can grow higher now? i have seen player with 1800,2200+ without spending tons of exalt. Am I missing something?

Thank you

Kert7412 wrote:
Hi all, I've been able to do most content in the game, but I'm still not quite getting the whole "conquerors in 4 seconds" dps. I can be tanky AF though, even with a crap Lethal Pride. Would someone mind taking a quick look at my build for what I can improve? I'm buying a 21/20 raise zombie, and a lvl 21 spectre tomorrow, and I think i'll still have enough for a 4 empower, but im stuck at 1200 str. Not quite sure how people are getting to 1500+ for that 15th/16th zombie. Thanks!

Alberon boots give 18% str.
Could get slightly better Efficient training jewels.
There is around +40 str on the right side of the skill tree you could get.
Belt is ok but could get more strength on.

I have 1500 ish str but still dont do 4 second kills, as I miss some other bits.
Cyrom wrote:
Cyrom wrote:
After weeks of changing setups and trying every single item recommended i finaly found my Dream setup (still looking for better rings still but with these stats i managed to equal my resistances for The Wise Oak):

and a thread of hope.

With this setup i have: 16k+ ehp, all resistances capped including chaos (not even using a watchers eye) 1m+ dps per zombie times 16 (1500+ str) Combined with the the following flasks i just feel unkillable and everything just MELTS.

For those who asked for my PoB: https://pastebin.com/0Zaxqdta
i just looked through that PoB but the dmg,strength and ehp numbers are lower than stated in the comment. I am really interested in this Version of the build and would like to know if i overlooked something.
Kert7412 wrote:
Hi all, I've been able to do most content in the game, but I'm still not quite getting the whole "conquerors in 4 seconds" dps. I can be tanky AF though, even with a crap Lethal Pride. Would someone mind taking a quick look at my build for what I can improve? I'm buying a 21/20 raise zombie, and a lvl 21 spectre tomorrow, and I think i'll still have enough for a 4 empower, but im stuck at 1200 str. Not quite sure how people are getting to 1500+ for that 15th/16th zombie. Thanks!

im at 1200str with 320%minion dmg hubris jewel, and i think im doing like 3-4s kills. sometimes i kill al-hezmin before he ports out.

so strength stacking is not the only way to get dps.

also ur aura setup is kind of.. where is pride? i think its one of strongest dps auras, and u dont have it?

picking extra hp nodes next to devotion and faith&steel? why? u just spent 2 points for 5%es 6%hp in a str stacking build. u could at least take soreveignty instead, maybe that will help with pride aura, none of them +30str nodes is taken.

in fact if u aiming for str stacking build then u might to mess with tree skill a bit,mainly by changing here and there. for example keep in my mind that with proper pathing u can get lets say 40str from somewhere which will give u same amount of hp as 6% max hp node. but since max hp node provides only hp and thats it, strength gives u dps and hp. so its priority. overthink ur tree skill to remove some hp nodes and replacing them with extra str nodes to stay on same hp but getting more strength. personally i would drop barbarism and juggernaut lines, and use those points to path to both +30str nodes or to closest jewel socket down from constition node, because main path of it goes with str nodes. u can also achieve that jewel socket from bot side by using only str nodes near soul and steel node. also, u r getting to soul and steel node via using 2 5% nodes from bloodless wheel, but u can actually go around with exactly 2 points and get 20str istead of 10%hp if its ok to u, and it shortens route to jewel socket. in the said jewel socket u can place 2nd brawn jewel with 6% str, just by doing such micro changes u can esily hit 1700str with a very little investment but in cost of 200~ hp.

as example of tree for 92lvl.

im not at home so i cant check how much of defensive stats u lose, but im 100% sure this is already enough to hit 1500str without any issues.

and yes i took ravenous horde mannually because of str provided by eff traning jewel by that route. u can annoint something else best options are: whispers of doom for double curse or charisma for even more mana reservation help.

Last edited by tffiad on Feb 19, 2020, 5:34:11 AM
Strength stacking is not the most effective way of getting DPS. You can get great DPS but you gotta invest like crazy into it.

Strength stacking is great for defence... you get a shit tonne of Life and Energy Shield when strength stacking.

But if you really want super insane DPS, you need to stop strength stacking and start prioriting offence.

Things like Elegant Hubris instead of Lethal Pride.

Potentially even get a Saqawals or a Victarios if you're inclined.

Run another aura etc

That's the best way of getting under 4 sec kills.
Last edited by brunowa on Feb 19, 2020, 6:07:38 AM
SlayzerEx wrote:
Cyrom wrote:
Cyrom wrote:
After weeks of changing setups and trying every single item recommended i finaly found my Dream setup (still looking for better rings still but with these stats i managed to equal my resistances for The Wise Oak):

and a thread of hope.

With this setup i have: 16k+ ehp, all resistances capped including chaos (not even using a watchers eye) 1m+ dps per zombie times 16 (1500+ str) Combined with the the following flasks i just feel unkillable and everything just MELTS.

For those who asked for my PoB: https://pastebin.com/0Zaxqdta
i just looked through that PoB but the dmg,strength and ehp numbers are lower than stated in the comment. I am really interested in this Version of the build and would like to know if i overlooked something.

PoB doesnt count in the Lethal Pride jewel and AG
brunowa wrote:
Strength stacking is not the most effective way of getting DPS. You can get great DPS but you gotta invest like crazy into it.

Strength stacking is great for defence... you get a shit tonne of Life and Energy Shield when strength stacking.

But if you really want super insane DPS, you need to stop strength stacking and start prioriting offence.

Things like Elegant Hubris instead of Lethal Pride.

Potentially even get a Saqawals or a Victarios if you're inclined.

Run another aura etc

That's the best way of getting under 4 sec kills.

well, that league is a bit crazy when it comes to metamorphs, u can actually be 1shoted with 14k ehp. and since i was 95lvl and was running t15+ corrupted maps, i was stuck in exp, because for each 10% of exp i gain i died at least one time to some crazy meta. at that point i just bought hubris, rolled 320%, respeced tree, removed all chaos resist, needless str, and now im with 4.7k hp and around 3.5k es without offering buff. my goal since that was to kill metamorph before he kills me, and u know, its actually worked since ive got to 96lvl and then i moved to new char.

what i mean is, trying to minmax amulet/boots with +%attr, lethal pride for 1ex cost and bunch of extra eff training jewels (2 or 3 more depends from tree) is costs like.. 10ex or even more, depends from ur luck on crafting str gear.

while hubris was bought for 20c, each divine was bought for 11c (it was a bit month ago) and i used 25 divines to get it. so its about 286c for me to just double my dps. can be farmed in a day. im really happy that u made a video a while ago about hubris jewel, it was just in time for me, and thankfully its damn cheap and underrated by everyone, even in this topic.

afterall 9k ehp was enough to facetank shaper's beam and ignore his teleport attack completely, while 14k ehp with about 1600str + clarity watcher's eye wasnt enough to tank sirus multibeam. so whats the reason to bother with defence as it helps only in half of situations while takes big chunk of effort and money on multiple items.
Last edited by tffiad on Feb 19, 2020, 7:34:12 AM

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