3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game


To start with, spend 7 chaos and buy an Empower lvl 3 for the extra Zombie level (assuming you don't want to spend a fortune on the lvl 4). Level up your uncorrupted one in your secondary weapon slots.

-Maybe i will invest the 5 Ex for the lvl 4 gem :)

Consider upgrading your socketed ring with more strength if you can. Upgrade your belt to one with an Increased Attributes affix.

-Is this affix only for the item or global? It would be a major strengh boost

You'll probably want to complete the Sovereignty wheel for the mana reduction over the next few levels.

-These are my next nodes

After that you're starting to get into crazy min/max territory and spend lots of Ex on crafting.

Thanks for your help
Bbudt wrote:
@ Bbudt

You've just had two people spend a fair amount of time to help you out, and both come independently to pretty much the same conclusion and you've just come back with a lot of attitude rather than spend some time to think about the advice and consider it.

In regard to Empower and Enlighten, you can buy a corrupted level 3 of each for a handful of chaos if you don't want to level them.

There's plenty of good people here willing to help. You could at least be grateful for that assistance.

im grateful but i find it very frustrating.. for the fact that i have copied exactly this build and not come out the other end exactly the same....

FYI you haven't copied it "exactly". You are missing a few key ingredients.

1) You need a Level 21 Raise Zombie gem
2) You need a Level 4 Empower Gem in weapon
3) You need a Level 4 Enlighten gem in chest
4) You are wasting a tonnee of points speccing into Ravenous Horde when it it already annointed on your amulet. Use those points to spec into Enduring Bond and some more defence.
5) Swap out Blood andd Sand gem for something more useful.

Those are the key things and will dramatically improve your game.
wakabajashi wrote:
DongKingKong wrote:
Since this build can do all content which do you guys think is the best currency maker?

1. Spam T16 promenade to spawn conquerors
2. Uber elder farm buying fragments
3. Deep delves fossil hunting
4. T16 blight map spam

Why T16 promenade ?

Bump. Also interested
@brunowa: big thanks for the best build i played so far. Could make maps 10 or more level higher than my own lvl. Its so fucking amazing good!
Guys quick question, Im trying to shift to the Saqawal's Nest setup, may I what are the 7 auras OP is running? I only counted 6:
dread banner/war banner
purity of elements
aspect of the avian

vaal haste is not aura right?
Last edited by ShinyValkyrie on Feb 18, 2020, 6:06:22 AM
TIMIK23 wrote:

Anyone need? 20%/40 Strength.

P.S. Build is insane. Sirus 8 dead like it was.. nothing.

And selling this!


dude hit me up in game i want couple of stuff
Paquitoman wrote:
wakabajashi wrote:
DongKingKong wrote:
Since this build can do all content which do you guys think is the best currency maker?

1. Spam T16 promenade to spawn conquerors
2. Uber elder farm buying fragments
3. Deep delves fossil hunting
4. T16 blight map spam

Why T16 promenade ?

Bump. Also interested

Easy to buy in bulk because its one of only 3 maps that are in the orb of horizon pool.

Super easy layout and fast to run to spawn more conquerers and metas per hour. Also means more zanas per hour too

Easiest boss with no phases which is nice as they can drop good items on awakener 8
Bbudt wrote:

can i not stack TWO x Ravenous Horde???? Where does it say that I cannot? in what rule book?? show me.... please.

Where do i see that minions always hit? and WHY do they offer accuracy on the tree if they in fact always hit? totally bizzare to me..

I am above 1000 str.

Blood and sand is just a filler... I cannot use flesh and stone cos other said auras plus F+S do total too high!!!!!

yes i constantly use cyclone to tank bosses, sometimes i get one shotted like on Minotaur i did..

Empower and Enlightened will take me 100 years to level the rate im going. Do you people even have full time jobs???

correction 3 rare jewels. It seemed to me that all my rare jewels offer much more than any unique jewel could..

You cannot have two identical passives. They just overlap instead of stacking. So it's not a good use of your annoitment.

Zombies have a very high attack rating already. With no accuracy anywhere, my zombies have 6030 attack rating, and 100% chance to hit according to PoB.
Other minions may not have this high of accuracy which is why its offered.

And efficient training offers incredible strength which synergizes with geofris and shaper's touch for tons of ES. If i were to remove both of my Efficent trainings i would lose apx 300 str, 400 life, 800 ES, and lose a minion. No rare jewels can come close to that.

Flesh and stone has an identical mana reserve cost as blood and sand... so if you can use one, you could swap for the other.

As I and others suggested, instead of leveling your enlighten and empower in your main gear, level them in off hands, and buy lvl 3 corrupted ones for now. I believe they cost 10 and 20c, which isn't much for the large upgrade they provide.

Also it appears even with the 22% res all from spirit offering, you aren't capped on resistances, which is going to make survival a lot harder. May I suggest taking Faith and Steel passive in your tree on the left side for 2 points, most of us have it for the ES% boost, 8% res all and 20% armor. (By Annoiting Death Attunement to your amulet like the rest of us you can save 7 points on your tree and use those for faith and steel, as well as soveignity for reduced mana reserved)

Lastly, anything you can do to get more damage will go a long way. More damage means more leeched health from your zombies. PoB is showing you at about 180k dps for a zombie which is on the lower end of things.

These are all just suggestions we've been making, not trying to come at you hard or anything, but you asked for our advice on how to fix your problems.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
crazypearce wrote:
Easy to buy in bulk because its one of only 3 maps that are in the orb of horizon pool.

Super easy layout and fast to run to spawn more conquerers and metas per hour. Also means more zanas per hour too

Easiest boss with no phases which is nice as they can drop good items on awakener 8

maybe i dont understand how orb of horizon works? why its one of 3 maps in pool?
tffiad wrote:
crazypearce wrote:
Easy to buy in bulk because its one of only 3 maps that are in the orb of horizon pool.

Super easy layout and fast to run to spawn more conquerers and metas per hour. Also means more zanas per hour too

Easiest boss with no phases which is nice as they can drop good items on awakener 8

maybe i dont understand how orb of horizon works? why its one of 3 maps in pool?

It's pretty easy - Orb of horizon will re-roll the map into other type of the same tier. As the huge changes were made with map tiers (same map with differnet tiers can be dropped), Orb of Horizon now have "a little change" in the re-rolling map - it will roll the map into only those map, which APPEAR on this tier. For example, you can't get Promenade map on any other tier than 16 - this means, it appears in the atlas on t16. That's why it can be "horizonted". For example, you will never get Burial Chamber t16 (or 14, i can't remember higest tier), by spending orb of horizon, as burial chamber appears in the atlas on t6 if i remember correctly. So, you can get Burial chamber t6 only by using the orb on other t6 maps, but will never get this map on any other tier by using this orb.
And there are only 3 maps that appear on t16 only - promenade and 2 others, but i can't remember which.

It's very easy, but i see i made pretty complicated explanation xD I hope you will understand what i was tring to tell.

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