3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Sarclol wrote:

Timbo Zero wrote:
Excuse the daft question but I am confused about curse limits.
If I have the suggested AG gear used and am using a Merviles Retainer spectre, will those two curses fight each other or (as they are different sources) compliment each other ?
Assuming the later (and that I have vuln provided by the spectre) I assume my vuln/blast gems in Geofri chest are wasted and I could/should replace them with something (perhaps Vaal skeletons and FF)?

Do you have curse on hit on AG or something? AG is its own "character," basically, so it has its own curse limit. If you have "can apply an additional curse," that does NOT apply to AG, but you can apply a second curse if the AG applies first; if AG has "can apply an additional curse," that does NOT apply to you, but the AG can apply a second curse if you apply yours first.

And yeah, two sources of Vuln aren't going to stack, so if you're running Vuln/Blasphemy AND a Merveil's Retainer, you'll never get the benefit of Merveil's since your constant AOE aura will overwrite anything she does.

Thanks for the reply.
Yes I have the Mervilles spectre doing Vuln and the Asenath gloves on the AG doing TC. (AG chest has +1 curse)
So the chest basically has three spare sockets (not using Pride as only have 11% mana left atm)
Thinking I could move the auras to boots and make a stronger cyclone link?
Or is there something else I could do that is essentially automatic use (Xbox p,Ayer and no spare binds left)?
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Feb 18, 2020, 10:23:37 AM
Mind if I ask for some help?

I've been using the tanky setup with the Geof. With both the aura and skeleton setup in OP. Then I've tried other aura setups, and about an hour ago switched to the current one (holy relic, purity of elements). I looked at JCOH35's setup, and I forgot who else had something similar.

No luck getting a 21 zombie, so I'm leveling up a few gems again, struck out on a level 4 empower, so doing a few of those too.

I don't feel as strong compared to other peoples experiences running the aura setup. If I run vaal skel, I burn through bosses much faster though.

If I switch some Alberon to Stamped, it's a 1428 to 1289 in terms of strength. If I change my current two-stone, I'd probably get another 20-30 str from it, but I'd have to play around with my resistances again, and might possibly lose a gem slot for more res.

Without actually changing anything in the config in POB (minions using charges, consec. ground, etc), I'm sitting at 136k combined dps.

I'm probably missing something super obvious.

edit - swapped out flame dash atm to level up a zombie gem in the unset ring
Last edited by dokterr on Feb 18, 2020, 10:41:32 AM
Timbo Zero wrote:
Thanks for the reply.
Yes I have the Mervilles spectre doing Vuln and the Asenath gloves on the AG doing TC. (AG chest has +1 curse)
So the chest basically has three spare sockets (not using Pride as only have 11% mana left atm)
Thinking I could move the auras to boots and make a stronger cyclone link?
Or is there something else I could do that is essentially automatic use (Xbox p,Ayer and no spare binds left)?

Okay, so in that case you'll need Merveil's Retainer to apply her curse first, then the AG will apply Temp Chains and both will take effect. It'll eventually work out that way (like it shouldn't prevent you from applying Vulnerability, that will just overwrite TC when it is applied, then it gets reapplied on its next hit).

I'm not sure if you're doing these calcs in POB or in game, so I'm not sure what you've done yet (I'm just going off your character, so I apologize if you're already doing things I suggest).

You can move Purity of Elements to where Blasphemy is so it benefits from Enlighten. Do you need (or want) both of those for defense? When I ran the tanky setup I was running Flesh and Stone/Maim (28), Pride (50), and Skitterbots (35) in my chest with Enlighten 4 and a movement skill. Then I used Generosity/Dread Banner (10) in my gloves. If that interests you, you might be able to do that with Enlighten 3 if you ran Pride, (a 35% aura of your choice), Flesh and Stone (without Maim), and Dread Banner in your chest. Really just comes down to what you feel comfortable with.

You could also swap your cyclone link into your chest and swap auras to gloves or boots if you're not running pride. You can add Infused Channeling to the cyclone link as a lot of people do for an extra defensive layer, or add Maim to that link - lots of options there.

If I had to pick one, I'd recommend trying to fiddle with the auras a bit more, though. You should be able to fit one 50, one 35, one 25, and one 10 with Sovereignty and Enlighten 3.

Also the 16% damage on your belt doesn't benefit the zombies, only you, so you can replace that with a Life craft. :)
Last edited by Sarclol on Feb 18, 2020, 10:45:09 AM
Sarclol wrote:
Timbo Zero wrote:
Thanks for the reply.
Yes I have the Mervilles spectre doing Vuln and the Asenath gloves on the AG doing TC. (AG chest has +1 curse)
So the chest basically has three spare sockets (not using Pride as only have 11% mana left atm)
Thinking I could move the auras to boots and make a stronger cyclone link?
Or is there something else I could do that is essentially automatic use (Xbox p,Ayer and no spare binds left)?

Okay, so in that case you'll need Merveil's Retainer to apply her curse first, then the AG will apply Temp Chains and both will take effect. It'll eventually work out that way (like it shouldn't prevent you from applying Vulnerability, that will just overwrite TC when it is applied, then it gets reapplied on its next hit).

I'm not sure if you're doing these calcs in POB or in game, so I'm not sure what you've done yet (I'm just going off your character, so I apologize if you're already doing things I suggest).

You can move Purity of Elements to where Blasphemy is so it benefits from Enlighten. Do you need (or want) both of those for defense? When I ran the tanky setup I was running Flesh and Stone/Maim (28), Pride (50), and Skitterbots (35) in my chest with Enlighten 4 and a movement skill. Then I used Generosity/Dread Banner (10) in my gloves. If that interests you, you might be able to do that with Enlighten 3 if you ran Pride, (a 35% aura of your choice), Flesh and Stone (without Maim), and Dread Banner in your chest. Really just comes down to what you feel comfortable with.

You could also swap your cyclone link into your chest and swap auras to gloves or boots if you're not running pride. You can add Infused Channeling to the cyclone link as a lot of people do for an extra defensive layer, or add Maim to that link - lots of options there.

If I had to pick one, I'd recommend trying to fiddle with the auras a bit more, though. You should be able to fit one 50, one 35, one 25, and one 10 with Sovereignty and Enlighten 3.

Also the 16% damage on your belt doesn't benefit the zombies, only you, so you can replace that with a Life craft. :)

Ok I understand now how the curses are working and yeah seen the overwrites you mention happen before both end up on tougher mobs (most melt beforehand)

The auras I have running at the moment are Avian, Purity of Elements (capped but low res all of them), dread banner and discipline. Got the full Sovereignty wheel and Enlighten 3 (4s are about 12ex on Xbox and just don’t have that, same for why I am missing empower 4)
Do you think those are sub par, would you go another way ?

Edit: moved PoElements to chest and it and discipline now reserve 28% each, avian 22% and dread banner 8% (game tooltip in skills for those %age)
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Feb 18, 2020, 11:01:16 AM
dokterr wrote:
Mind if I ask for some help?

I've been using the tanky setup with the Geof. With both the aura and skeleton setup in OP. Then I've tried other aura setups, and about an hour ago switched to the current one (holy relic, purity of elements). I looked at JCOH35's setup, and I forgot who else had something similar.

No luck getting a 21 zombie, so I'm leveling up a few gems again, struck out on a level 4 empower, so doing a few of those too.

I don't feel as strong compared to other peoples experiences running the aura setup. If I run vaal skel, I burn through bosses much faster though.

If I switch some Alberon to Stamped, it's a 1428 to 1289 in terms of strength. If I change my current two-stone, I'd probably get another 20-30 str from it, but I'd have to play around with my resistances again, and might possibly lose a gem slot for more res.

Without actually changing anything in the config in POB (minions using charges, consec. ground, etc), I'm sitting at 136k combined dps.

I'm probably missing something super obvious.

edit - swapped out flame dash atm to level up a zombie gem in the unset ring

Are you SSF? Because you can just save up to buy a Level 21 zombie/Level 4 empower - as we get closer to the end of the league, those should be getting cheaper and cheaper since more and more are dropping and getting leveled.

I don't want to be a buzzkill, but that level 30 zombie is a big breakpoint. You also get another zombie.

Do you happen to have a Lethal Pride node that gives 5% strength that isn't efficient to path to? Something like Divine Judgment? Maybe that 5% strength will be a better allocation than Beef if you're going to use The Stampede - check POB to be sure.

I believe JCOH is also using a Might of the Meek in his build, and that seems very similar to yours. You can check out what he's got going on here https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/JCOH35/characters
Timbo Zero wrote:
Ok I understand now how the curses are working and yeah seen the overwrites you mention happen before both end up on tougher mobs (most melt beforehand)

The auras I have running at the moment are Avian, Purity of Elements (capped but low res all of them), dread banner and discipline. Got the full Sovereignty wheel and Enlighten 3 (4s are about 12ex on Xbox and just don’t have that, same for why I am missing empower 4)
Do you think those are sub par, would you go another way ?

Brunowa generally doesn't recommend Avian unless you're also using Saqawal's Nest for your chest. I haven't used it without Saqawal's, but I have used it with, and it's quite good. That's the only one that I would consider "sub par," the rest are based on what you want or need.

If you're asking me personally, I'd say maybe give Flesh and Stone (blood stance) a shot over Avian for a bit and see how that feels. The thing there is, that pairs really nicely with Pride, since things getting maimed for extra damage by Flesh and Stone are also in your Pride aura.

Remember that you're also getting bonus resists from having 10 minions summoned, and from Spirit Offering - 60 extra. If you're capped with those, maybe you can play around with dropping Purity of Elements. If you're not capped with those, but you are with Purity of Elements, maybe you can play around with the idea of dropping Discipline to try out Pride. Only you know how much you like one setup better than the other, so you need to do a bit of feeling it out.

With what you have, I might try to run Pride, Purity of Elements, Dread Banner, and Flesh and Stone. That's a 5L for you with Enlighten 3 that will leave you with 4% unreserved mana. When you hit 6L in your chest, you can swap in maim on Flesh and Stone to just about double its effectiveness. For now you can slap a movement skill in there if you want to fill it with something, or keep it for a leveling slot, or run Portal - lots of options.

If that's appealing, give it a shot. If you try it and hate it, swap back to what you were doing. :)
Sarclol wrote:
Timbo Zero wrote:
Ok I understand now how the curses are working and yeah seen the overwrites you mention happen before both end up on tougher mobs (most melt beforehand)

The auras I have running at the moment are Avian, Purity of Elements (capped but low res all of them), dread banner and discipline. Got the full Sovereignty wheel and Enlighten 3 (4s are about 12ex on Xbox and just don’t have that, same for why I am missing empower 4)
Do you think those are sub par, would you go another way ?

Brunowa generally doesn't recommend Avian unless you're also using Saqawal's Nest for your chest. I haven't used it without Saqawal's, but I have used it with, and it's quite good. That's the only one that I would consider "sub par," the rest are based on what you want or need.

If you're asking me personally, I'd say maybe give Flesh and Stone (blood stance) a shot over Avian for a bit and see how that feels. The thing there is, that pairs really nicely with Pride, since things getting maimed for extra damage by Flesh and Stone are also in your Pride aura.

Remember that you're also getting bonus resists from having 10 minions summoned, and from Spirit Offering - 60 extra. If you're capped with those, maybe you can play around with dropping Purity of Elements. If you're not capped with those, but you are with Purity of Elements, maybe you can play around with the idea of dropping Discipline to try out Pride. Only you know how much you like one setup better than the other, so you need to do a bit of feeling it out.

With what you have, I might try to run Pride, Purity of Elements, Dread Banner, and Flesh and Stone. That's a 5L for you with Enlighten 3 that will leave you with 4% unreserved mana. When you hit 6L in your chest, you can swap in maim on Flesh and Stone to just about double its effectiveness. For now you can slap a movement skill in there if you want to fill it with something, or keep it for a leveling slot, or run Portal - lots of options.

If that's appealing, give it a shot. If you try it and hate it, swap back to what you were doing. :)

Ok thanks, swapping out F&S for Avian for a tryout. Sadly I need the Purity for caps so can’t do Pride instead.
Will play about with the two changes you’ve given me for now until I can afford or luck a En4 .
Thanks again :)
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Feb 18, 2020, 11:27:14 AM
soz if this has already been answered havent been able to find a definite answer on this.

Impale support and dread banner vs minion damage/ melee phyiscal support and war banner

which is better and why

thanks in advance :D
Last edited by R1N1X on Feb 18, 2020, 11:58:40 AM
You'll notice bigger up-front hits with Minion Damage and War Banner than you will with Impale and Dread Banner, but that begins to matter less and less as you get more gear and when boss damage is really all that matters.

Dread Banner also gives you a non-negligible defensive benefit of lowering nearby enemy accuracy.

The difference between them is honestly so small you won't notice a difference, but the general recommendation is Impale/Dread for the extra bit of defense and boss killing power.
R1N1X wrote:
soz if this has already been answered havent been able to find a definite answer on this.

Impale support and dread banner vs minion damage/ melee phyiscal support and war banner

which is better and why

thanks in advance :D

According to the Fork version of PoB Dread banner + Impale gives a bit more dps and is also a bit better on bosses. The best part of running Impale support is that u can swap Feeding frenzy with Minion dmg for bosses wich gives the most dps u can get.

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