3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Last edited by Cyrom on Feb 18, 2020, 7:48:05 AM
I have additional curse and 10%life as ES on my AG’s chest, and am using TC from AG’s gloves and Vuln from a spectre.
As I already have two curses elsewhere I assume I have a spare socket on Geofri’s chest I could use for skeletons?
Also is blasphemy on chest doing anything for me, or should I put something else there now?


Any other advice appreciated (just keep it cheap, I already know about lvl4s, lvl21s and timeless)
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Feb 18, 2020, 7:41:40 AM
Zeratul_PL wrote:
tffiad wrote:
crazypearce wrote:
Easy to buy in bulk because its one of only 3 maps that are in the orb of horizon pool.

Super easy layout and fast to run to spawn more conquerers and metas per hour. Also means more zanas per hour too

Easiest boss with no phases which is nice as they can drop good items on awakener 8

maybe i dont understand how orb of horizon works? why its one of 3 maps in pool?

It's pretty easy - Orb of horizon will re-roll the map into other type of the same tier. As the huge changes were made with map tiers (same map with differnet tiers can be dropped), Orb of Horizon now have "a little change" in the re-rolling map - it will roll the map into only those map, which APPEAR on this tier. For example, you can't get Promenade map on any other tier than 16 - this means, it appears in the atlas on t16. That's why it can be "horizonted". For example, you will never get Burial Chamber t16 (or 14, i can't remember higest tier), by spending orb of horizon, as burial chamber appears in the atlas on t6 if i remember correctly. So, you can get Burial chamber t6 only by using the orb on other t6 maps, but will never get this map on any other tier by using this orb.
And there are only 3 maps that appear on t16 only - promenade and 2 others, but i can't remember which.

It's very easy, but i see i made pretty complicated explanation xD I hope you will understand what i was tring to tell.

god bless you. it helped a lot, since i wasnt confident about "a little change" i guess i missed it somehow in patch notes.

as i remember summit appears on t16 too, which is one of my favo maps for using breach scarabs and legion scarabs as well. so 2 maps from 3 are really useful. thanks you again, ill just spam orbs on all my t16 maps now.
crazypearce wrote:
wakabajashi wrote:
DongKingKong wrote:
Since this build can do all content which do you guys think is the best currency maker?

1. Spam T16 promenade to spawn conquerors
2. Uber elder farm buying fragments
3. Deep delves fossil hunting
4. T16 blight map spam

Why T16 promenade ?

Easy to buy in bulk because its one of only 3 maps that are in the orb of horizon pool.

Super easy layout and fast to run to spawn more conquerers and metas per hour. Also means more zanas per hour too

Easiest boss with no phases which is nice as they can drop good items on awakener 8

So you spam Promenade untill u get a Conqueror influence, then u spam low tier maps till u can fight the conqueror, kill it and then start spamming Promenade again untill you get the next conqueror influence? Because to my understanding is that you get the influence faster if u run different maps in the same region.
Mubbsy wrote:
crazypearce wrote:
Each zombie has a 10% chance with each hit afaik. Their attack speed plus MULTISTRIKE = 100% uptime on anything that matters. Paying extra for intimidate on a lethal pride or watchers eye is retarded

Read the tooltip, cus im pretty sure it doesn't

it has 10% chance to on attacks

not supported skills

and when you hover over your zombie skill it is not listed as a modifier to them.

So based on that and what I've read on wiki and other threads, it doesn't effect our zombies whatsoever.

Read the tooltip again, it says 10% chance to intimidate on hit.
No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).
Bbudt wrote:

can i not stack TWO x Ravenous Horde???? Where does it say that I cannot? in what rule book?? show me.... please.

Where do i see that minions always hit? and WHY do they offer accuracy on the tree if they in fact always hit? totally bizzare to me..

I am above 1000 str.

Blood and sand is just a filler... I cannot use flesh and stone cos other said auras plus F+S do total too high!!!!!

yes i constantly use cyclone to tank bosses, sometimes i get one shotted like on Minotaur i did..

Empower and Enlightened will take me 100 years to level the rate im going. Do you people even have full time jobs???

correction 3 rare jewels. It seemed to me that all my rare jewels offer much more than any unique jewel could..

What an entitled and disrespectful answer, people are taking their time to look through your shitfest of a build, helping you fix it. When you're shit at the game you need to listen to people who know better and stop questionning it with that condescending shit eating grin, you ungrateful swine
Timbo Zero wrote:
I have additional curse and 10%life as ES on my AG’s chest, and am using TC from AG’s gloves and Vuln from a spectre.
As I already have two curses elsewhere I assume I have a spare socket on Geofri’s chest I could use for skeletons?
Also is blasphemy on chest doing anything for me, or should I put something else there now?


Any other advice appreciated (just keep it cheap, I already know about lvl4s, lvl21s and timeless)

The blasphemy is not doing you anything so you can remove it. I don't know how much mana you have left but you should see if you can sneak in another aura.

I would start looking towards the end game flask set up. To start the end game you should have have 1 life, 1 movement and three defensive flasks.
Timbo Zero wrote:
I have additional curse and 10%life as ES on my AG’s chest, and am using TC from AG’s gloves and Vuln from a spectre.
As I already have two curses elsewhere I assume I have a spare socket on Geofri’s chest I could use for skeletons?
Also is blasphemy on chest doing anything for me, or should I put something else there now?


Any other advice appreciated (just keep it cheap, I already know about lvl4s, lvl21s and timeless)

The blasphemy is not doing you anything so you can remove it. I don't know how much mana you have left but you should see if you can sneak in another aura.

I would start looking towards the end game flask set up. To start the end game you should have have 1 life, 1 movement and three defensive flasks.

Sadly only 11% mana left. Not even able to run the Pride aura (as using Astramentis for stats rather than Auls with pride).
Tempted to remove blasphemy, pride and the unused vuln and make a 3 link skeleton in the chest (easier than six linking the damn thing). Wondering about skel/brutality/melee phys ?
That said, as I play on Xbox and have no spare buttons left to bind, I’d prefer something useful that was ‘fire and forget’

Yes I hear you about the flasks, got the life, the quicksilver and the rumi flask done but tbh the mana one is there to speed up the session start (zombie summons) and the second life flask is just waiting for something nice to roll on a util flask.
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Feb 18, 2020, 9:49:08 AM
Long post, sorry - saw a few things over the last couple of pages that didn't get responses.
Zeratul_PL wrote:
Sarclol wrote:
Zeratul_PL wrote:
Hi guys,

Could anyone take a look on my summoner? I know that picking "tanky option" will rpovide less dmg than speed one, but i have a feeling that i got stuck. PoB shows around 230k dps per zombie (can summon 15), but i got a feeling that i should be melting bosses and maps without issues, maybe even conquerors... but i need at least 30 sec for a conqueror to be killed, metamorphs take a moment as well, and even shaper guardians are not as fast and easy as i was expecting. Did i missed someting? What should i aim to improve next?

I'm not using AG yet - will it improve dps a lot?

Honestly mate, it doesn't look like there's any key thing missing. You should try to go for a Lethal Pride. How much strength do you have right now? From a glance it looks like you should be close to that 1500/16 zombie breakpoint.

If you're running things at Awakening Level 8, remember that bosses and metamorphs will have 24% more health, and any mods that increase their toughness (things like Unique Boss Life, Monster Life, Physical Damage reduction) will also be increased and make things seem like they take AGES to kill. Any time I was having a slower map than usual, I checked to see if I had those mods on the map. There's not much you can do about that with the tanky setup other than deal with it, but it is offset by having Hatred in the balanced/speed setups.

For AG, it's 10% less damage you need to do to mobs.
I have currently 1256 str/15 zombies - so it's not that clsoe to 1500 str ;)
Lethal Pride? Isn't it defensive option, according to FAQ? Yesterday i get Eternal Hubris but was unlucky with divines (max 80% minion dmg, while lossing a lot of str).

It's not a defensive option, it's just an option. Elegant Hubris is the offensive option, but you lose a ton of strength to do so - which is EHP AND damage (and potentially another zombie). If you dropped a Lethal Pride with 10% strength into your build right now you'd probably hit 1400+ strength, which would let you start minmaxing for 1500. (Technically Glorious Vanity could be the defensive option with a well-rolled one giving you a ton of Energy Shield and resists, including chaos resists.)

Timbo Zero wrote:
Excuse the daft question but I am confused about curse limits.
If I have the suggested AG gear used and am using a Merviles Retainer spectre, will those two curses fight each other or (as they are different sources) compliment each other ?
Assuming the later (and that I have vuln provided by the spectre) I assume my vuln/blast gems in Geofri chest are wasted and I could/should replace them with something (perhaps Vaal skeletons and FF)?

Do you have curse on hit on AG or something? AG is its own "character," basically, so it has its own curse limit. If you have "can apply an additional curse," that does NOT apply to AG, but you can apply a second curse if the AG applies first; if AG has "can apply an additional curse," that does NOT apply to you, but the AG can apply a second curse if you apply yours first.

And yeah, two sources of Vuln aren't going to stack, so if you're running Vuln/Blasphemy AND a Merveil's Retainer, you'll never get the benefit of Merveil's since your constant AOE aura will overwrite anything she does.

Mubbsy wrote:
Mubbsy wrote:

True, i didn't think about that, but does it actually intimidate enemies from my cyclone hits if that isn't linked. Is it just a modifier to any actual attacks? (as it doesn't give zombies intimidate unfortunately)

Also Awakened Melee Phys only gives a 10% chance to intimidate for 4 seconds... that means we'd have enemies intimidated hardly ever correct, even on a boss you'd have to sit on him for 10s to intimidate, and he's gonna be dead already by then.

Watcher's eye is 100% chance, so no sitting and waiting... am I missing something here?

Or is watcher's eye still superior?

I'm curious why you think it doesn't apply to Zombies. It applies to the linked skill, which would be Zombies, and therefore each zombie would have a 10% chance on hit to apply the free intimidate for 4s.

Watcher's Eye in comparison is directly inferior while mapping because it requires you to be spinning on top of whatever you want to be intimidated - and zombies fan out quite a bit. On bosses they're going to be very similar.

RinnzlerFRL wrote:
Ps: bought a bottled faith and it didn't feel much of an upgrade so i guess I'll resell it and get some other upgrade. Btw any suggestions on what to get? I'm sitting at 16xx str / 16 zombies and 15k ehp. Dps feels ok (doesn't bother me killing things in 5-10 sec) but i do want to min max the tanky set up. I've changed alberons for stampede and it feels so nice even tho i lost some dps. I'm currently sitting at 25ish ex. I want to drop my PoE but that's the only thing that caps out my resistances lol so maybe I'll need a new set of rings.

Bottled Faith is the only offensive flask that we can really get any use out of in the build, which is why most of the end-game builds are running it. On its own, it's not going to give you a tremendous power spike, especially considering how strong you are already. In my POB for instance, it's about an 80k dps increase per zombie.

FreXation wrote:
Bbudt wrote:

can i not stack TWO x Ravenous Horde???? Where does it say that I cannot? in what rule book?? show me.... please.

Where do i see that minions always hit? and WHY do they offer accuracy on the tree if they in fact always hit? totally bizzare to me..

I am above 1000 str.

Blood and sand is just a filler... I cannot use flesh and stone cos other said auras plus F+S do total too high!!!!!

yes i constantly use cyclone to tank bosses, sometimes i get one shotted like on Minotaur i did..

Empower and Enlightened will take me 100 years to level the rate im going. Do you people even have full time jobs???

correction 3 rare jewels. It seemed to me that all my rare jewels offer much more than any unique jewel could..

What an entitled and disrespectful answer, people are taking their time to look through your shitfest of a build, helping you fix it. When you're shit at the game you need to listen to people who know better and stop questionning it with that condescending shit eating grin, you ungrateful swine

This doesn't really help either, mate. There's actually 0 helpful information in this post for anyone.
I wonder if zombies will be nerfed again. Looking at PoB I was curious how much dmg will be if instead of zombies I have Skelletons... well my zombies do around 1.2 million dmg to shaper, skelletons do 3.3million, my build will do literally 2.5 times more dmg... Skelletons are beyond broken, maybe that will save this build to get a direct nerf, I hope it is the case.

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