3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Codela wrote:
Hey folks,

first of all: thank you for this amazing multi-facetted guide! It's great to have a guide which provides different options for both new and experienced players. Well done!

As for my actual request, I'd like to have your ideas on how to improve my gear at this point. I'm following the "Budget and Newbies Setup" at the moment; however, there's still some linking to do on my chest which might greatly improve my overall performance. Also, there's still much work to do when it comes to my flasks as I've barely touched on that topic yet. Ideally, at some point, I want to progress to the "Tanky Setup using Geofri's Sanctuary" build.

This is what I'm currently running:

In addition to that, I'm using two Efficient Training Crimson Jewels and a Brawn Crimson Jewel as a filler until I get my hands on something that suits the build. But until that, do you have any immediate recommendations for my gear? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

Thanks in advance!

The biggest upgrades I see would be getting Shaper's Touch to replace Vise for the big defensive upgrade, and something like a 6L Queen's Escape or Decree in the weapon slot. There's obviously bigger upgrades with Rare +1 gems/minion boosts, but those are incredibly expensive or hard to roll. A Queen's will replace the SRS and Spectre boosts you're not using with a great upgrade to the skills you are without breaking the bank.

You'll want to make up the Str from Vise with better Str rolls on you rings/belt/amulet, if possible. Getting that magic 1000 Str for the Baron bonus can be a pain while balancing resists, but the leech is huge for defense in juiced maps, as well as providing more ES and maybe another zombie for dps.

After that, you're at either very incremental and/or expensive upgrades, but prioritizing Str, replacing your weapon and gloves as well as 6Ling your chest will more than pay for itself in allowing you to really push end game maps.
Last edited by synk2 on Feb 17, 2020, 12:47:24 PM
After weeks of changing setups and trying every single item recommended i finaly found my Dream setup (still looking for better rings still but with these stats i managed to equal my resistances for The Wise Oak):

and a thread of hope.

With this setup i have: 16k+ ehp, all resistances capped including chaos (not even using a watchers eye) 1m+ dps per zombie times 16 (1500+ str) Combined with the the following flasks i just feel unkillable and everything just MELTS.

Last edited by Cyrom on Feb 17, 2020, 1:14:55 PM
Third character ever, first league ever -- wanted to know if there is something glaringly wrong w/ this build I have or if it'll even out as I get closer to lvl90 (currently 78)

My current gettup is:

with two efficient trainings in my tree.

Having a lot of fun w/ this! I modelled this off of the speed dps variant, but needed different boots for resistances :/

I can kill conquerors easy enough w/ Awakener Level 6, but sometimes I just get melted, and even rarer my zombies will go poof. Don't know if that's par for the course until I'm done leveling or if I done goofed --- any advice is appreciated!

Should say, I'm sitting at something like 5k eHP. Also, while things don't disintegrate like they do in the videos, unless I'm fighting something that is really juiced up, like some metamorphs, I havn't found DPS to be a problem. But, I'm hesitant to loose any DPS because some fights are still a slog.
Last edited by Deltran on Feb 17, 2020, 1:52:41 PM
Deltran wrote:
Third character ever, first league ever -- wanted to know if there is something glaringly wrong w/ this build I have or if it'll even out as I get closer to lvl90 (currently 78)

My current gettup is:

with two efficient trainings in my tree.

Having a lot of fun w/ this! I modelled this off of the speed dps variant, but needed different boots for resistances :/

I can kill conquerors easy enough w/ Awakener Level 6, but sometimes I just get melted, and even rarer my zombies will go poof. Don't know if that's par for the course until I'm done leveling or if I done goofed --- any advice is appreciated!

Should say, I'm sitting at something like 5k eHP. Also, while things don't disintegrate like they do in the videos, unless I'm fighting something that is really juiced up, like some metamorphs, I havn't found DPS to be a problem. But, I'm hesitant to loose any DPS because some fights are still a slog.

It looks fine for level 78. Your character will get significantly stronger by level 90+ and you still have your last important ascendancy to get.

You also have a ton of upgrades you can make as you level and gain currency. Here is the first group to work on.

1) upgrade weapon, huge DPS boost
2) Level 21 Raise Zombie + Level 4 Empower for huge DPS boost and acccess to raise another zombie
3) Moving to the end game flask set up. You should have no need for any mana flasks. Get a good life flask, one movement flask and then three defensive flasks

It looks fine for level 78. Your character will get significantly stronger by level 90+ and you still have your last important ascendancy to get.

You also have a ton of upgrades you can make as you level and gain currency. Here is the first group to work on.

1) upgrade weapon, huge DPS boost
2) Level 21 Raise Zombie + Level 4 Empower for huge DPS boost and acccess to raise another zombie
3) Moving to the end game flask set up. You should have no need for any mana flasks. Get a good life flask, one movement flask and then three defensive flasks

Thanks for the feedback, AndyLovesHisBge!! Getting the currency for that weapon scares me but I noticed just how much umph get zombies over lvl 25 can have in PoB. Also, good to know that I'm at a good place where I am and have some great things to aim for right now.

Thx again!
Still have Lethal Pride with 25% str rolls and watcher's eye with 18% extra ES with clarity and 25% impale chance while using pride for sale if anyone is interested
Does anyone play on xbox 1 or is everyone on pc
Deltran wrote:

It looks fine for level 78. Your character will get significantly stronger by level 90+ and you still have your last important ascendancy to get.

You also have a ton of upgrades you can make as you level and gain currency. Here is the first group to work on.

1) upgrade weapon, huge DPS boost
2) Level 21 Raise Zombie + Level 4 Empower for huge DPS boost and acccess to raise another zombie
3) Moving to the end game flask set up. You should have no need for any mana flasks. Get a good life flask, one movement flask and then three defensive flasks

Thanks for the feedback, AndyLovesHisBge!! Getting the currency for that weapon scares me but I noticed just how much umph get zombies over lvl 25 can have in PoB. Also, good to know that I'm at a good place where I am and have some great things to aim for right now.

Thx again!

Don't worry too much about the cost, if you're enjoying the game that will just fall into place. You can craft one yourself relatively easily if you have the stuff to do so, and it ends up being several exalts cheaper than just buying one for a moderate increase in effort. If it's worth anything to you, I killed A8 Sirus with a Queen's Escape and Skeletons (only 3 auras), so while the weapon is quite a large boost, you can sit on it for a while if you need to while you get smaller upgrades in other areas.
Tirandill wrote:
Still have Lethal Pride with 25% str rolls and watcher's eye with 18% extra ES with clarity and 25% impale chance while using pride for sale if anyone is interested

Clarity's great, but Impale chance on WE is irrelevant for this build.
Hello just sharing my endgame build for you guys and it's really fun to try and develop the build based on your needs and preferences :)

Im using the tanky build but modified so i can fit in 5-6 auras if need be like the saqawal version. DPS is uper high and can get effective 22 k hp on dangerous spots (life 6k + ES 7k + bone barrier 2k + vaal molten shell 9k)

Vulnerability comes from specter so no need to waste gems

Just farming up for awakened multistrike and a watcher that has both purity of elements and clarity mod which are both stupid expensive and unnecessary.If anyone sees anything else i can do pls msg me im obsessed with min maxing lol

Thanks to Brunowa and everyone here in the thread constatly improving the build

Note this needs 26% total reduced mana reserve nodes from passive , helm enchant and amulet reservation for the auras to work. Left me with exatly 20 mana just enough for cyclone lol

Forgot +1 corruption geofri as well for level 5 enlighten lol
Last edited by DongKingKong on Feb 17, 2020, 4:15:31 PM

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