3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Berserk_Grant wrote:
I love this build but I am highly confused on why my dps is so shit. Its not even at 100k. I have just about all the required gear except for one or two flask.

Level 21 raise zombie and level 4 Empower will make you go boom shakalaka

Edit: it also looks like you're running no auras. Get some auras buffing your minions man!! Use all that mana! Get it to zero!
Last edited by brunowa on Feb 9, 2020, 11:52:10 PM
Berserk_Grant wrote:
I love this build but I am highly confused on why my dps is so shit. Its not even at 100k. I have just about all the required gear except for one or two flask.

You can do somethings, you need to get 20 quality in the support gems in weapon and chest to improve a lot the dps of zombies and skelletons. Grave Intentions and enduring bond skill nodes are also a really nice damage boost, and defensive for your minions. AG kingmaker is also a boost in dmg with culling strike and crit chance to allies, the cheap AG set up is also a little help for dmg.

After that Empower 4 and Zombies 21 is a priority to get 1 more minion, more dmg and more hp, I recomend trying to get 20 quality in zombies since increase life and speed clear, that's big for clear maps. I can keep going with improvements but will get expensive and expensive, if you invest a unholy amount of currency you can push 1.2million dps per zombie against shaper, but thats a huge overkill since you can kill everything with waaaaaaaay less dmg.
Last edited by Osgili4th on Feb 10, 2020, 12:04:33 AM
Hi guys could you please tell me what could i upgrade now? i saved about 15ex.
I think i could buy new weapon or awakened skills im not sure what could help me right now. Im very happy with the build.
If are you looking for jewell(s) with strengh or minion DMG, i have two , ideal for this build.

brunowa wrote:
Question for the maker, is the golem build still good?

I haven't tried it in 3.9 but should still be good. I just rewatched the golem vid and the DPS is pretty epic :) makes me want to try it again!

if you happen to try it again, can you post another vid of it? i'd want to do that next league
Few days ago I decided to help a friend (he needs funds for first HH) and I donated him ALL my gear /currency. I started to gear again and right now I have:

I have more than 1000 STR but rews are not capped yet. At least most of gems has quality on them.

I have 2ex and I need a bit of advice: what to upgrade next ?

I consider also to try CI route (my char is lv92), I bought some items also (still no shield yet):

So, what do you think ?
Last edited by _MrL_ on Feb 10, 2020, 5:29:10 AM
PS No longer my 2ex, I was scammed. Stupid to fast buy without proper check a 6L Geoffry.

back to farm , I think. Lesson learned. Why I am laughing right now ???

It's just a game, I would prefer to be asked nicely to donate 2ex without hesitation. Not to be scammed ....
_MrL_ wrote:
PS No longer my 2ex, I was scammed. Stupid to fast buy without proper check a 6L Geoffry.

back to farm , I think. Lesson learned. Why I am laughing right now ???

It's just a game, I would prefer to be asked nicely to donate 2ex without hesitation. Not to be scammed ....

Identical thing (same gear) happened to me this league. Totally my fault of course but damn people can be such scum.
I donated many times to random guys in global820 who ask for help. Gear, chaoses, ex, you name it. But the feeling to be scammed is not a good one.

Anyway, back to farm, I will be "rich" in no time :)

Still looking for that Geo 6L :)

Hi can someone give me a rough idea what upgrade to prioritize? I'm torn between raise spectre 21/20, level 4 empower and lethal pride. I only have about 3 ex atm otherwise I'd just get all 3. Or perhaps there's another upgrade that I'm unaware of that I should get first. Cheers.

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