3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Korr4K wrote:
Is HH worth the investment for this build? Should I instead pick up a better weapon and an enchanted helmet? My budget is around 70ex

Well it looks like you're at the pointy end of the build so any upgrade is a luxury.

HH is mostly for fun... It spices things up. I like it because it makes every map unique but if you're after the most "powerful" setup then stick with a regular belt. With your speed setup, HH is a good addition because you often get speed mods but it's not consistent like the speed belt.
brunowa wrote:
Korr4K wrote:
Is HH worth the investment for this build? Should I instead pick up a better weapon and an enchanted helmet? My budget is around 70ex

Well it looks like you're at the pointy end of the build so any upgrade is a luxury.

HH is mostly for fun... It spices things up. I like it because it makes every map unique but if you're after the most "powerful" setup then stick with a regular belt. With your speed setup, HH is a good addition because you often get speed mods but it's not consistent like the speed belt.

At this point I can do any content without problems even with the speed setup, things are getting boring, I don't think that killing mobs 0.5 seconds earlier would change that much and therefore I was aiming for something game changing like an HH. I'm just having difficulties going under depth 450 cause I just get oneshotted simetimes but I think I'll need to gain hp to survive, which means changing setup.. which I don't want to, I'm having fun with my uber speed
Mayhem69 wrote:
Hey, loving da build so far, just wanted to ask, what 6link gems to use with zombies in avian vesrsion? I have both awakened minion damage and melee physical damage, right now im using zombies-awakened minion damage-impale-feeding frenzy-multistrike-empower, which setup will give best results?

Swapping in melee Phys instead of minion damage will probably yield a higher DPS for you but will depend on your setup.

You could add in melee Phys instead of feeding Frenzy which will ultimately be the highest DPS, but it will impact mapping and clear slightly negatively. So that's your call based on personal preference.
Korr4K wrote:
brunowa wrote:
Korr4K wrote:
Is HH worth the investment for this build? Should I instead pick up a better weapon and an enchanted helmet? My budget is around 70ex

Well it looks like you're at the pointy end of the build so any upgrade is a luxury.

HH is mostly for fun... It spices things up. I like it because it makes every map unique but if you're after the most "powerful" setup then stick with a regular belt. With your speed setup, HH is a good addition because you often get speed mods but it's not consistent like the speed belt.

At this point I can do any content without problems even with the speed setup, things are getting boring, I don't think that killing mobs 0.5 seconds earlier would change that much and therefore I was aiming for something game changing like an HH. I'm just having difficulties going under depth 450 cause I just get oneshotted simetimes but I think I'll need to gain hp to survive, which means changing setup.. which I don't want to, I'm having fun with my uber speed

In that case I would definitely go HH and perhaps try my current setup using hungry loop and ranged spectres + holy relic... Really spices things up and is insanely fun :)

Edit: see my latest vid as an example of playstyle.
Last edited by brunowa on Feb 8, 2020, 5:22:48 PM
Thanks for great build and guide, did almost all content so far, melting everything, uber elder was like normal map boss.
brunowa wrote:
Mayhem69 wrote:
Hey, loving da build so far, just wanted to ask, what 6link gems to use with zombies in avian vesrsion? I have both awakened minion damage and melee physical damage, right now im using zombies-awakened minion damage-impale-feeding frenzy-multistrike-empower, which setup will give best results?

Swapping in melee Phys instead of minion damage will probably yield a higher DPS for you but will depend on your setup.

You could add in melee Phys instead of feeding Frenzy which will ultimately be the highest DPS, but it will impact mapping and clear slightly negatively. So that's your call based on personal preference.

Hey, thanks for answering so fast :) Just ran some pob testing and it seems like awakened melee phys damage gives slightly more damage if we count intimidate from a a gem, its a 6k damage per zombie more with phys melee :) ofc with my setup, it can differ for other ppls, like you said before, anyway thanks a lot for a tip, cheers mate.
Last edited by Mayhem69 on Feb 8, 2020, 5:43:10 PM

Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/mb6tMLR6

Hello All! It has taken me a lot of time theory crafting and min/maxing to be able run the Saqawal's setup WITHOUT aul's amulet so I wanted to post my POB and gear so others could potentially save some time. My effective EHP is around 13,400 and I'm NOT using Purity of Elements Or Discipline. I'm also able to fit Flesh and Stone (blood stance) which is a very nice little bonus.

You'll notice I still don't have my Zombies at lvl 21 natively (I've lvld up 6 but failed at the corrupt so I'm leveling another 6 as we speak) So quite soon I'll have my 16th zombie.

Much of the gear is still expensive but I was able to snipe a few pieces quite cheap (Saqawal's for 3.5 ex) by scouring the trade site. Still you'll save 40+ ex by not getting/needing an Aul's amulet :)

Cheers and Gratitude to DanteTDH for the hours of time spent theory crafting with me.

I should state that the Aul's would have made life a lot easier as I'd prefer Not to run Resistances on Jewels...but...such is life.

Should also mention that I'm not amazing with PoB so do not follow the damage numbers as I have tweaked nothing except to click my potions as active..it is strictly for you to see my Passive tree <3
Last edited by Alavar on Feb 8, 2020, 5:48:49 PM
Hey, what would be the best crafting process if I wanted to keep the +1zombies of this amulet and put as many str as I could on it ?

Throw it away and buy an influenced amulet with +1 zombies and the increased strength or attributes % roll, then the other influenced amulet with the other roll, and awakener orb slam them together and hope all 3 rolls are transfered.

The +1 zombie roll by itself is trash and very, very common on influenced amulets, you are looking for % increased strength and attributes.
I come across what seems like an issue..

I levelled Raise Spectre...
I sold it with one GCP to 20Q it...
I relevelled it...
I corrupted it...

It did not roll as a level 21 gem so therefore i need to sacrifice one other slot for the gem that grants another level to linked gems.. (forgot name as im not logged in at this minute)

So what you are trying to say is that i have to relevel yet ANOTHER raise spectre gem qual it.. relevel it and try corrupt it AGAIN???

and in the meantime... i have to put up with having only 3 spectres????

for the chance that it may not roll level 21 again???

surely this is not the way you are meant to play this
Last edited by Bbudt on Feb 8, 2020, 6:56:35 PM

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