3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

JCOH35 wrote:
Hey guys! Love the build and the leauge cant stop playing....
Got any tips for improving my gear? Och what to aim for first? I know weapon and 6 links but weapon is so expensive
And i got like 5 ex

Just keep saving, every time you get a zana mission run it on a t16 and pick the fragment maps to sell those for 30-50c, keep an eye out for cassia and sell those drops or run the blighted maps, sell your extra currency, go through your divination cards and turn them in, sell that, go through your beastiary menagrie and convert $ monsters into orbs and sell those (the chimeral item imprint beasts sell for like 1.2ex EACH).

The weapon is like 95% of the build, your not that far off a pre-made base, just keep farming.

I am going on the right way? What should I improve, my weapon is fine?
POB: https: //pastebin.com/VeYeutpT
Im currently grinding the 8ex needed for the gloves with vulnerability curse.

Is it worth going auras in chest with blasphemy and vulnerability or stick with skeletons until I have the gloves then go full 6 link auras after that?

Not sure my skellies are as effective now on Tier 16's as they were early end game
what gems for the 6l skellies?
TRADITORE1994 wrote:
what gems for the 6l skellies?

whatever sims higher on PoB.

probably multistrike, minion damage, melee phys, brutality and feeding frenzy
For anyone crafting a belt I thought I'd share some of my data on odds to roll Attributes % on Hunter vs Elder belts:

Elder: 400/74500 ~0.5% - 186.25 suffix rolls
Hunter: 500/66250 ~0.75% - 132.5 suffix rolls

You do normally get a few suffix rolls, but the odds to calculate further change based on the first roll locking out other affix pools and I'm not getting into that math, so.... let's just assume you get on average 1.5-2 rolls per.

Elder: 139.69 w/ 1.5 rolls per items
Hunter: 99.38 w/ 1.5 rolls per items
40c difference
Elder: 93.125 w/ 2 rolls per items
Hunter: 66.25 w/ 2 rolls per items
27c difference

So while the elder belt is cheaper by at least 20-70c depending on the day, you are likely going to need a few times hitting the mod to get a useful belt. This means after 2 times of hitting the mod, you will have spent 52-80c more on chaos spamming to hit the attributes% mod, which is basically your difference in belt cost, and any further spamming for better belts (usually the case as 2 rolls of attributes isn't likely to be fruitful) or bad luck is mitigated.

Hunter's also has the same slightly higher weighting for max health % which is a decent mod to land.

So tl;dr, elder is only good if you get lucky early, otherwise, invest in a hunter belt and save money in the long run.

"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User

POB Link: https://pastebin.com/YKAqXGSy

Finally got everything-ish and dps number is good (according to POB) UwU, is the lethal pride or watcher eye still needed?

Ps. Thanks a lot Andy for your advice before <3
JCOH35 wrote:
RinnzlerFRL wrote:
So the only way to achieve a high EHP is with the clarity watcher's eye jewel? Cuz without I'm currently at 7-8k and it can't go higher.
Also, I'm kinda new to minions builds. Do minions disappear after we log out? How do we do sirus for example if i don't have any corpse to raise my minions? What about animate guardian, does he loose the weapon everyone he dies/despawns?
Thanks in advance!

You can add quite a bit of strength and ehp / es by making some minor adjustments to your skill tree, the one I use is a combination of the amazing CI tree Crazypearce made and Brunowa's original tree.

It uses 3 efficient training jewels, 1 might of the meek, and leaves you 1 socket for a watcher's eye.

I have over 18k EHP without a 30+ex clarity watchers eye. I also use no STR boots or fancy crafted amulet, just the regular astramentis. It will be relatively cheap to swap your tree, basically the cost of a 3rd efficient training jewel and maybe 20 chaos worths of regrets.

It should noticably increase your durability, if you can, incorporating a holy relic also makes life for you and your minions, much, much easier.

(my character is public, just look at my tree from my characters tab)

Thanks for the tips!
I've been playing the build for a day now and it's absolutely amazing. I've around 10-15ex to get the starting gear for the tanky version and it wrecks everything so far. So I think i'm just gonna start stocking more currency and then do the corresponding changes that you pointed out. I'm planning on getting all those 21L-23% gems, vulnerability gloves, the right enchant for helmet and the jewels, but i need to level up first to get those slots.
Anyways, i appreciate your help!
No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).
StuckOnHer wrote:

POB Link: https://pastebin.com/YKAqXGSy

Finally got everything-ish and dps number is good (according to POB) UwU, is the lethal pride or watcher eye still needed?

Ps. Thanks a lot Andy for your advice before <3

Looks awesome! Great work. DPS is excellent and should allow you to shred end game at will.

All upgrades from this point are pure min max so you and your wallet can decide what you want to do.
Saving up 8ex for either weapon or gloves with vulnerability.

Which would you go for first?
2 questions:
1) why minion life support on the baron?
2) how much currency can you expect to use to craft those weapons suggested? (I'm aware that it can vary drastically, but since I'm at about 3 ex not sure I can craft it yet)

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