3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

RinnzlerFRL wrote:
So the only way to achieve a high EHP is with the clarity watcher's eye jewel? Cuz without I'm currently at 7-8k and it can't go higher.
Also, I'm kinda new to minions builds. Do minions disappear after we log out? How do we do sirus for example if i don't have any corpse to raise my minions? What about animate guardian, does he loose the weapon everyone he dies/despawns?
Thanks in advance!

Clarity jewel is a way to propel your ES higher. It's about a 1-2k gain depending on the rest of your gear and mana pool. Discipline does a bit less than that. More EHP comes with better gear and more strength. While I did my push to 100, I had somewhere around 7.8k life and 8k ES with Spirit Offering active, running the typical Geofri's setup with 1500 Strength. A Lethal Pride might be something for you to look at. If you can get one with two 5% increased Strength rolls, that's a pretty big increase in EHP from Geofri's and Shaper's Touch.

Minions disappear when you log out, except for Spectres, which hang around until they die or you remove the gem to despawn them manually.

AG will lose his gear if he dies, but not if he is despawned manually or when you log out.

When you log in, summon your zombies in your hideout using Desecrate. If zombies die, same thing. Just cyclone around for a second and summon them. To make it easier on yourself, you can pull Spirit Offering out of the link while you do that.
JCOH35 wrote:
Is there anyway to transition into CI? I've been thinking about doing it for a while now but don't know how to respec into it, any advice?

Crazy and Respeck are still running full CI, just glance at their skill trees.

Where can I find their skill trees? PoE Ninja?

Here is the latest PoB from my post history


Only change since then is a reduced mana helmet > clarity to gloves > dread banner in chest > drop minion damage for impale.
Tirandill wrote:
Need help here. Just realized that I am lacking 2 passive points and it's not from bandits (even crafted the book of reform to test it).

type /passives in-game, that will show you any points from quests you may be missing....a total of 123 at level 100 with killing all bandits
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Tirandill wrote:
Need help here. Just realized that I am lacking 2 passive points and it's not from bandits (even crafted the book of reform to test it).

type /passives in-game, that will show you any points from quests you may be missing....a total of 123 at level 100 with killing all bandits

Thanks. Think it's just PoB bug, wasn't showing 2 of my passives spent. Have 118 points at lvl 95 so must be correct.
RinnzlerFRL wrote:
So the only way to achieve a high EHP is with the clarity watcher's eye jewel? Cuz without I'm currently at 7-8k and it can't go higher.
Also, I'm kinda new to minions builds. Do minions disappear after we log out? How do we do sirus for example if i don't have any corpse to raise my minions? What about animate guardian, does he loose the weapon everyone he dies/despawns?
Thanks in advance!

You can add quite a bit of strength and ehp / es by making some minor adjustments to your skill tree, the one I use is a combination of the amazing CI tree Crazypearce made and Brunowa's original tree.

It uses 3 efficient training jewels, 1 might of the meek, and leaves you 1 socket for a watcher's eye.

I have over 18k EHP without a 30+ex clarity watchers eye. I also use no STR boots or fancy crafted amulet, just the regular astramentis. It will be relatively cheap to swap your tree, basically the cost of a 3rd efficient training jewel and maybe 20 chaos worths of regrets.

It should noticably increase your durability, if you can, incorporating a holy relic also makes life for you and your minions, much, much easier.

(my character is public, just look at my tree from my characters tab)
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 7, 2020, 8:51:56 PM
Tirandill wrote:
Tirandill wrote:
Need help here. Just realized that I am lacking 2 passive points and it's not from bandits (even crafted the book of reform to test it).

type /passives in-game, that will show you any points from quests you may be missing....a total of 123 at level 100 with killing all bandits

Thanks. Think it's just PoB bug, wasn't showing 2 of my passives spent. Have 118 points at lvl 95 so must be correct.

Ya you can adjust your bandit choice, upper left of PoB underneath the Tree Skills Items Calcs buttons
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Thank you, brunowa, for this build. I'm still new to the game, just started a month ago. And this build is one of the reasons I'm loving this game so far.

A few questions I have though. Anyone able to clarify is deeply appreciated.

1) Lethal Pride - Does 10% increased STR mean 2x 5% increased STR in 2 of the 4 notable passives where it should placed? Or just a 10% increase from flat STR?

2) What's the proper way to use phase run? I currently just pop a spirit offering for resists and phase run through maps with quicksilver. When bossing, spirit offering, phase run then stand on them with Pride. If boss can one shot me despite 6600 life/9100 ES, I don't bother with pride, I stand away and let minions do their thing. Am I doing this right?

3) How does withering step compare to phase run? Any benefit/trade off if switched? I'm using geofri setup btw.

4) Why can't I heal beyond 2/3 life at times when mapping? It goes back to normal when I return hideout.

5)I plan to get watcher's eye soon with max ES by clarity. Any thought on mods with pride like "increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride"? I tried to input into POB. Doesn't yield any damage increase. Is it not calculated or doesn't affect minions?

6) Where do last 4 passive point go?

Be careful if you guys are looking at other people's lethal pride seed numbers trying to get a close roll hoping for similar stats.

I found one tonight only 1 digit off my perfect rolled one, and it was only 5% strength overall, even 1 digit can completely brick it.

I have seen many up lately close to mine (kilova) within a few digits for absurd prices and none of them are even remotely good.
I'm currently running the 2nd build option with the more tanky play style (aura's in Geofri's Sanctuary) and have a question about Dread Banner. I've never really understood the mechanic and trying to figure out how it's best used in this setup.

Should I be holding the banner until it gets full stacks and then only place it on boss or metamorph, or should I be dropping it more often? I've watched a handful of videos in the OP and some I see the banner being held but have yet to ever see it actually placed. Are we holding it 100% of the time just for the added chance to Impale, is that the only function?

Thanks! Other than this the build has been incredibly strong and amazing to play.
I imagine its more optimal to drop the banner during boss fights but im lv98, halfway to 99 and ive never dropped the thing.

I just use it for the passive impale chance, if your dps is still a bit slow drop it for bosses but if not, I wouldnt be too concerned with it.

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