3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hi, any improvements I should prioritize? I have about 6 ex to work with.

Last edited by Klyrux on Feb 7, 2020, 12:21:00 AM
The usual answer, the weapon.

Glancing at poe.trade the cheapest pre-made, 6-linked weapon base is 6.5ex (socketed gems supported by lv1 fortify / +1 to socketed gems).

You would still need to save for the bench mods, 2ex multi mod, 2ex + to supported gems.

Or you can follow the OPs crafting guide an attempt to make one yourself.
Would you go weapon before Empower 3 / 4 ?
I just finished my rings 2x 65str and belt 10%attributes and high str to put me at EXACTLY 1200str (13 zombies)!
Starting to save cash for a big purchase.

I'm still on a 5-link femur and i won't hit zombie #15 unless i get both empower 4 and the crafted weapon.

Would a simple empower 3 give me some DPS or its not worth it ?
I dont want to tell you the wrong thing, myself, I went for the weapon first, then the empower. They are both important but I think its just easier to make due with a cheap lv 3 bricked empower and the proper crafted weapon rather then the other way around.

I originally bought a pre-made base with just the 2 rolls, fortify and plus to gems, then added the rest via my own bench.

Down the road I eventually sold that one and bought a similar base with a t1 strength suffix, and worked that one up to what I use now;

The first one though, with just the 2 rolls, and the multi-mod, +2 to gems, and minion hybrid speed was more then enough for all the content.
Sarclol wrote:
Korr4K wrote:
Maybe my question is stupid but why whould I swap Flesh and Stone out? Out Vuln.(which goes to the gloves)+Blas. and in Pride+Skitt.(?) with Enl. lvl4 and haste off I could run the new setup I think

You don't have to. I only mentioned Skitterbots because that's what I ran in my link, and I was comparing how much mana I had to how much mana I think you have. Skitterbots is 35, and Blasphemy is 35.

If you turn off Haste and turn on Pride, and swap Blasphemy -> Skitterbots, then your mana stays where it was, plus whatever else you had on (which would be Flesh and Stone, for one).

(I actually realized I was calculating wrong, and I didn't have my Victario's "equipped" in POB, so I wasn't accounting for an extra 30% reduction.)

By the way, does it work correctly for you PoB? I loaded my complete profile and it says 35% mana available when in reality I have 3% probably. I read that recent updates had some bugs with mana reserved
Sisilim wrote:
any tips which map/mods/boss and also metamorph combo to avaoid when using kingmaker AG?

Hall of grandmasters is 100% impossible for necro, Acid Cavern I don't know why people say it is dangerous.. I run it several times at all tiers and never had problems
Korr4K wrote:
Sisilim wrote:
any tips which map/mods/boss and also metamorph combo to avaoid when using kingmaker AG?

Hall of grandmasters is 100% impossible for necro, Acid Cavern I don't know why people say it is dangerous.. I run it several times at all tiers and never had problems

Acid Caverns spawns two random bosses from a pool of eight. One of these bosses, Morgrants the Deafening is responsible for numerous player and AG deaths. Here's the reason why from the Wiki:

"Morgrants uses a monster-only variant of Spectral Throw that triggers Storm Call, Flame Call and Frost Call at random on every single hit. Since Spectral Throw can hit multiple targets and the trigger has no cooldown, Morgrants can proc hundreds of Calls a second against minions. If the map has additional projectiles and the player uses Vaal Summon Skeletons, Morgrants' DPS may potentially reach the billions."

Last league I used to run Acid Caverns and then every now and then, my AG and minions would just get deleted. Ever since then I just avoid it because if I've learned anything from playing this game, it's that RNG is a spiteful bitch.
Hello there, i looked back alot of pages and i did not find the question i have.

Im looking over the Awakened Multistrike gem and searched some on google. Found some Reddit posts that says that it is not worth it for a necro build. And some say that it is.

What do you think about it, is it worth to invest 60+ex(at current rate in leauge) in a gem. Or am i better of putting that currency into something else in the build ?
sjoensen wrote:
sjoensen wrote:
I tryed this build after a fail build, and I really like it, I have all the armor, gems and almost all jewels that are recomended.. but my problem is I get 1 hit killed vs bosses alot any tips ?

Your characters are currently hidden. You'll need to make these public so we can see your gear and tree in order to be able to help you.

ok I have set my Characters to public.

Alright, I'm going to assume looking at your tree and gear that you're just over 1200 strength and wanting to hold that level for the extra Zombie. Let me know if I'm wrong about that though.

Overall your build seems fine in relation to gems (obviously, finish levelling them) but if you're struggling with survivability consider slotting in Flesh and Stone and using the Sand stance. The blind attribute is phenomenally strong for defensiveness and probably one of the most underestimated mechanics in POE. I've dropped Blasphemy and just manually curse bosses when I need to. Everything else dies so quick I really don't think you need a curse as an aura.

You should drop the belt and craft (or buy) a descent Heavy Belt to get Strength, Attributes and some needed resists. You should also swap out your Amethyst ring for one with a high strength roll and whatever resists you need. If you get luck with your belt crafting and resists, you should be able to pick up a reasonably priced ring to fill the gaps.

Are you overdoing your resists with the tree? Don't forget that Spirit offering boosts your resists as do your minions so check your real level once these are active, not what your passive reading is.

Your non-core jewels are absolute garbage. You've got three slots to play with and you're using them mostly for Strength (total of 36). Respec one skill point and grab Physique and you get 30 strength alone. Go buy some Ghastly Jewels as they role minion mods and at the very least get one that gives leech to your minions. This will help make them near immortal. You can also get Phys damage for minions, resists for them and all sorts of other goodies that will help.

Respec the three points in the Quick Recovery wheel, they are totally unnecessary for this build. You don't need any extra mana regen and with Baron leech, your own life regen is redundant. Instead use these points to complete Grave Intentions wheel (two points for you, and there's your third extra point for Physique).

Once you've sorted your gear you also shouldn't need the three points around Diamond Skin so you could use them to push for more strength or other Defensive measures. If you come around the top from the Influence wheel, three points would get you to Written in Blood for 12% life, 15% ES and 10 more strength.

Alternately look at the Soul of Steel wheel where 4 skill points will get you 10% all elemental resists, +1 max all resists and 5% Phys Reduction which are all great defensive measures. Oh, and 10 extra strength too.

Lastly, consider your play style. Are you cycloning through bosses or sitting back and letting your minions tank while you spin at a safe distance? Analyse your deaths and work out why they happened? Did you push too high with your maps, are you rolling them too dangerous? Are you keeping your flasks up and using Bone Armour when necessary?

Hope that helps and good luck!
Last edited by MahouSensou on Feb 7, 2020, 4:14:54 AM

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