3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

JCOH35 wrote:
Pride - additional hits on impale
Pride - 100% chance to intimidate

Discipline - regen ES

Purity of Elements - unaffected by ele weakness

Clarity - gain % of max mana as max ES

im sure theres many more im missing, but the chaos roll alone is like 3-4ex so get whatever you can afford

The additional impale will do nothing. It doesn't effect minions. You can't scale impale at all outside of the gem and dread banner. And intimidate is worthless too, just get awakened melee phys damage, it will auto intimidate for you.

Best one is probably discipline regen, or maybe ES gained on hit. Cyclone hits so fast that you get a lot of ES back in aoe packs but for bossing the regen will be ahead for sure.

Aside from the clarity one you said every other one is basically pointless. They're mostly a QoL option as most of the cool damage ones will not effect your minions
jordanpker wrote:
Is Kingmaker really going to change my dps that much? My AG has virtually no damage. It is kind've sad. He is an aurabot for my zombies right now.

King maker give you and minions fortify, also culling strike and a good buff in dmg with crit strike multiplier to minions. AG is supposed to be another source of buffs for your zombies, that's why is focus only on being a huge meat ball to survive the content. AG can dealth a lot of dmg but in other types of builds.
Hi. How important is minion life support for AG and spectres? Will it ever die if i remove it?
nightwalker76 wrote:
Hi. How important is minion life support for AG and spectres? Will it ever die if i remove it?

Depends on how much life they have, I use meat shield 21/20 instead of minion life so they can taunt and be near me to defend me against high tier maps or delve. I think you can get away without minion life but you need to have cap chaos and elemental resistances so AG and spectres don't die to burst dmg, also AG set up in the guide is based in really high life amounts in AG, so without minion life the set up is weaker.
Osgili4th wrote:
nightwalker76 wrote:
Hi. How important is minion life support for AG and spectres? Will it ever die if i remove it?

Depends on how much life they have, I use meat shield 21/20 instead of minion life so they can taunt and be near me to defend me against high tier maps or delve. I think you can get away without minion life but you need to have cap chaos and elemental resistances so AG and spectres don't die to burst dmg, also AG set up in the guide is based in really high life amounts in AG, so without minion life the set up is weaker.

My AG has 85k life with minion life support, 54k without. Do you think thats fine?

Also does meathshield help alot with survivability while mapping?
I think you are fine, Meat Shield give a lot of good little things for you the taunt to enemies, the extra movement speed to minions and the reduced damage taken helps a lot. And since they are defensive if AG have Kingmaker and Garb of the Ephemeral you have fortify, inmunity to movement speed reduction and no crits from enemies. For Mapping is good if you run corrupted with a lot of modifiers to help you to don't get oneshot every second.
any tips which map/mods/boss and also metamorph combo to avaoid when using kingmaker AG?
Sisilim wrote:
any tips which map/mods/boss and also metamorph combo to avaoid when using kingmaker AG?

only 2 things,

hall of grandmasters / acid caverns boss or metamorph organ
sjoensen wrote:
I tryed this build after a fail build, and I really like it, I have all the armor, gems and almost all jewels that are recomended.. but my problem is I get 1 hit killed vs bosses alot any tips ?

Your characters are currently hidden. You'll need to make these public so we can see your gear and tree in order to be able to help you.

ok I have set my Characters to public.
Just want to take a quick second to thank the creator of this build. Tonight I hit 36 challenges and level 98. I am very min maxed and I really appreciate the creator and everyone else that helped me, this has been a great league!

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