3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

JCOH35 wrote:
...the only must have is the infused channeling b/c that extra mitigation really does make the difference on being 1 hit in A8 maps.

To each their own, of course, but I personally think it's a wasted slot. I did 99-100 deathless on a boring 4L Cyclone with only 16k HP and your gear is far better than what mine was, and you Cyclone through things much faster because of those cute ass boots.

If you have capped resistances and as much EHP as you have (and Chaos resistance), there's nothing that can kill you unless you're running full sextant, max pack size, corrupted T19/20 maps with 2x extra damage and LMP... in which case you're probably going to die no matter what you do.
So, I decided to see what happened when I anointed Cleansed Thoughts with just my base chaos resistance from the passive tree

I went from -48 to -96 lmao

I feel like I might need to get more base chaos resistance before using that notable XD
I reworked my CI setup a bit to avoid using "mana reserved" gems to make this version of the build a lot cheaper/accessible.

Now using only 1 "mana reserved" point in the tree + an helmet with some "mana reserved" enchant (Flesh & Stone, Pride, Discipline or whatever aura you're using).

This allows me to reach 2700+ strength, 20 zombies, 17k ES with my current gear while running ...

Flesh & Stone linked with maim
Dread Banner or War Banner

POB link if anyone is interrested (make sure to choose "Without mana reserved" tree at the bottom of the page)...

And btw, i'm still selling the same lethal pride used in this build.
Full description of the gem here...

Last edited by Släyer on Feb 6, 2020, 12:07:08 PM
I am still looking for a lethal pride jewel on standard.
JCOH35 wrote:
Cruonit wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:
Ya its tricky, im at 1,804 without using any extra nodes in tree for out of the way lethal pride targets but as I said, its really hard hitting 1.8 with no STR boots and astramentis.

Regarding the shock, shock nova and arc give you a set % to apply shock debuff seperate from the base mechanic of applying it with a % of damage done, atleast thats what I have been told b/c arc and nova were recommended to me.

(also shows in PoB a 25% chance to apply shock debuff for me with my nova so idk, I was told use arc for mapping for the debuff, nova for bosses)

How much str do you lose with +55str and %10 inc str boots compared To alberon's?
Red Arc mtx is beautiful. Shocknova Will start hurting your Eyes if U use too long. You can also try coldsnap if U are bored or need something more defensive.

Im still open to suggestions on the last link in my cyclone setup. I really liked soulrend but it noticably slows down your cyclone, even in The Stampede but I am pretty sure shock nova shocks, now to be fair Crazy could also be right and the shock duration could be miniscule and not worth it, ill wait for a more certain answer on that.

I never worried about the loss of STR, I faceroll content in nearly the same time with 1,300 or 2,600 STR, ive run the entire range now and have felt very little difference.

This is my current STR/Speed on A8 Content;


However its not that much different from when I dropped all the way down to 1,300 just to see what it would look like.

I think there are other factors dramatically affecting dps b/c some of the people at 2 or even 2.5k STR with more zombies are having less dps, and im barely even over 200% minion damage modifier, I sit at like 215.

So theres something that I use that must be significantly stronger but I couldnt tell you what, thats why I always link my current setups b/c I get all my stuff from sampling other peoples's builds and seeing what works for them.

I see you are no longer running Maim, why not just put that in ur cyclone setup? since u cyclone nonstop with those boots u will be maiming and causing vulnerability all the time wich is a nice dps boost.
Last edited by Cyrom on Feb 6, 2020, 12:51:12 PM
Finally I bought an good weapon and Shaper gloves with vulnerability on hit.
What gems I put on chest now (instead vulnerability and blasphemy)?
With all buffs on I have 33 mana, so I can't put more auras (maybe clarity low lvl changing my enligteen to level 4).

And what is the best upgrade to my build now? I have 10ex atm

Thanks :)

Ya idk, we get a built in 20% chance to maim on hit with attacks anyways with the Vulnerability, I never really saw a dps loss when I dropped that, or from when I even ran flesh and stone linked with maim support.

Im sure it shows in PoB but again, I dont use it, so many people obsess over number crunching in there, I just dont see the need when we already kill everything in 3-5 seconds. Im just trying to be as tanky as possible to get these last 2 levels without losing exp.
I tryed this build after a fail build, and I really like it, I have all the armor, gems and almost all jewels that are recomended.. but my problem is I get 1 hit killed vs bosses alot any tips ?
For the record, the maim on Vulnerability is ONLY the slow.


Hello Guys. What can I change in my build? I know about enchant but atm I don't have enough currency to buy Baron with enchant.

There is my POB: https://pastebin.com/Gy2szZrV

Thank You .

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