3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

JCOH35 wrote:
paranoiah wrote:
i use flamedash just for quality of life. holy relic really makes me feel more safe, so i will give switching out flamedash a chance, thank you very much.

i recently switched to a way more defensive approach, since each of my 17 zombies is at 360k impale dps with only pride and banner as offensive auras.

in PoB (just installed the fork for the first time...) we only set withered stacks to 6, right?

edit: one more question regarding PoB: i have 5%chance to shock from Holy Dominion Passive, wich i need for my 15% str lethal pride.
as i see it, this only applies to my cyclones, so what do i configure in PoB fork for this?

Actually, looking at your necromancer you run almost an identical variant to me, have you ever tried switching to the;

It will let you drop your movement skill all together opening more sockets and you can then super sayian that relic that you like (I love mine too);

Not to mention you will get a free 2nd annointment and cyclone at 150% movement speed, also removes the need for a speed flask.

i tried the boots and liked them. however, i finally reached 1800 str and wont be able to get there without my alberons currently.

also @crazypearce thank you very much for the insight.
@AndyLovesHisBge i cant fit in skitterbots right now, sadly.
Last edited by paranoiah on Feb 6, 2020, 9:37:18 AM
Ya its tricky, im at 1,804 without using any extra nodes in tree for out of the way lethal pride targets but as I said, its really hard hitting 1.8 with no STR boots and astramentis.

Regarding the shock, shock nova and arc give you a set % to apply shock debuff seperate from the base mechanic of applying it with a % of damage done, atleast thats what I have been told b/c arc and nova were recommended to me.

(also shows in PoB a 25% chance to apply shock debuff for me with my nova so idk, I was told use arc for mapping for the debuff, nova for bosses)
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 6, 2020, 9:51:25 AM
"Any effect/passive that grants +x% chance to shock when dealt lightning damage will give you the ability to have that x% chance to shock without critting. Arc has a built in 10% chance, static blows gives +10% chance for any lightning damage."

Is what ive found over and over when looking into the topic, b/c again, I was told to try arc or nova aswell to specifially apply the debuff.

So my nova should have a seperate 20% chance to apply the debuff regardless of the amount of damage it does, and there are also multiple nodes in the skill tree that allow any amount or non-crit damage of a specific type to inflict the matching status ailment.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 6, 2020, 10:13:56 AM
In the Pros and cons section:
brunowa wrote:
All map mods (except Phys reflect)

But I find my build(currently running the tanky setup)having difficulties doing no regen maps, too.
here's my build: https://pastebin.com/npFHg1Lt
I pretty much copied n pasted the gear of the tanky setup(except for the shitty weapon since I haven't earned enough currency:/).
Is there anything i'm doing wrong or is no regen simply a no go mod for this build, too?
Last edited by photon0113 on Feb 6, 2020, 10:24:24 AM
JCOH35 wrote:
Ya its tricky, im at 1,804 without using any extra nodes in tree for out of the way lethal pride targets but as I said, its really hard hitting 1.8 with no STR boots and astramentis.

Regarding the shock, shock nova and arc give you a set % to apply shock debuff seperate from the base mechanic of applying it with a % of damage done, atleast thats what I have been told b/c arc and nova were recommended to me.

(also shows in PoB a 25% chance to apply shock debuff for me with my nova so idk, I was told use arc for mapping for the debuff, nova for bosses)

How much str do you lose with +55str and %10 inc str boots compared To alberon's?
Red Arc mtx is beautiful. Shocknova Will start hurting your Eyes if U use too long. You can also try coldsnap if U are bored or need something more defensive.
Cruonit wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:
Ya its tricky, im at 1,804 without using any extra nodes in tree for out of the way lethal pride targets but as I said, its really hard hitting 1.8 with no STR boots and astramentis.

Regarding the shock, shock nova and arc give you a set % to apply shock debuff seperate from the base mechanic of applying it with a % of damage done, atleast thats what I have been told b/c arc and nova were recommended to me.

(also shows in PoB a 25% chance to apply shock debuff for me with my nova so idk, I was told use arc for mapping for the debuff, nova for bosses)

How much str do you lose with +55str and %10 inc str boots compared To alberon's?
Red Arc mtx is beautiful. Shocknova Will start hurting your Eyes if U use too long. You can also try coldsnap if U are bored or need something more defensive.

Im still open to suggestions on the last link in my cyclone setup. I really liked soulrend but it noticably slows down your cyclone, even in The Stampede but I am pretty sure shock nova shocks, now to be fair Crazy could also be right and the shock duration could be miniscule and not worth it, ill wait for a more certain answer on that.

I never worried about the loss of STR, I faceroll content in nearly the same time with 1,300 or 2,600 STR, ive run the entire range now and have felt very little difference.

This is my current STR/Speed on A8 Content;


However its not that much different from when I dropped all the way down to 1,300 just to see what it would look like.

I think there are other factors dramatically affecting dps b/c some of the people at 2 or even 2.5k STR with more zombies are having less dps, and im barely even over 200% minion damage modifier, I sit at like 215.

So theres something that I use that must be significantly stronger but I couldnt tell you what, thats why I always link my current setups b/c I get all my stuff from sampling other peoples's builds and seeing what works for them.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 6, 2020, 10:31:52 AM
Kumbas wrote:
Hi guys,

I have a question about the balanced version with aspect of Avian. Sadly I dont have Aul's Uprising with pride mana no reservation. How to squeeze Hatred, Dread Banner and Pride ? to this set up ? Important to add I wont be using Purity of elements since i dont have watchers eye for it. Please help :) Is it possible?

I run this version right now. My auras are Hatred, Pride, and Dread Banner with Enlighten and Awakened Generosity in there. I tossed Convocation in the link because I ran out of mana to reserve.

You can check out my character, it should be public. I use Flesh and Stone with Maim over Avian as a preference, but you can use Avian instead if you want - it actually reserves less mana.
JCOH35 wrote:
Cruonit wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:
Ya its tricky, im at 1,804 without using any extra nodes in tree for out of the way lethal pride targets but as I said, its really hard hitting 1.8 with no STR boots and astramentis.

Regarding the shock, shock nova and arc give you a set % to apply shock debuff seperate from the base mechanic of applying it with a % of damage done, atleast thats what I have been told b/c arc and nova were recommended to me.

(also shows in PoB a 25% chance to apply shock debuff for me with my nova so idk, I was told use arc for mapping for the debuff, nova for bosses)

How much str do you lose with +55str and %10 inc str boots compared To alberon's?
Red Arc mtx is beautiful. Shocknova Will start hurting your Eyes if U use too long. You can also try coldsnap if U are bored or need something more defensive.

Im still open to suggestions on the last link in my cyclone setup. I really liked soulrend but it noticably slows down your cyclone, even in The Stampede but I am pretty sure shock nova shocks, now to be fair Crazy could also be right and the shock duration could be miniscule and not worth it, ill wait for a more certain answer on that.

I never worried about the loss of STR, I faceroll content in nearly the same time with 1,300 or 2,600 STR, ive run the entire range now and have felt very little difference.

This is my current STR/Speed on A8 Content;


However its not that much different from when I dropped all the way down to 1,300 just to see what it would look like.

I think there are other factors dramatically affecting dps b/c some of the people at 2 or even 2.5k STR with more zombies are having less dps, and im barely even over 200% minion damage modifier, I sit at like 215.

So theres something that I use that must be significantly stronger but I couldnt tell you what, thats why I always link my current setups b/c I get all my stuff from sampling other peoples's builds and seeing what works for them.

Normal lightning damage has chance to shock as a status ailment, the higher the damage the higher the chance. When using skills like arc and shocknova you have the chance to shock no matter how much damage you deal because of the spell, however you will have minimum effect of shock applied for every cast(0,2% ?). Think of it like bleed. You cause bleeding on enemy but how much they bleed is based on your main damage.
Therefore cold spells are better because you chill anyway. They will be slowed down, then if u deal enough damage they get frozen.
JCOH35 wrote:

Im still open to suggestions on the last link in my cyclone setup. I really liked soulrend but it noticably slows down your cyclone, even in The Stampede but I am pretty sure shock nova shocks, now to be fair Crazy could also be right and the shock duration could be miniscule and not worth it, ill wait for a more certain answer on that.

I am doing the 6-link cyclone same gems as JCOH atm.
It is definitely shocking trash mobs and map bosses quite reliably. Duration of shock is quite hard to tell as everything dies so fast. Have not tested with no minions to see.
And have only done 1 conqueror since switching to shock nova. Did not look for shock.

So even if shock duration is low...I am constantly Cycloning through everything again (if needed) - doesn't shock reapply just as quickly as the first shock debuff? Or are there diminishing returns that kill those chances?

Side note, sort of; it adds a ton of fun to have 1 even 2 slots to throw into your cyclone. So maybe my DPS isn't mega like my Victario's aura setup but I'm still destroying shit damn quick. It just feels good.

Edit: but yea, wish I still had my skitterbots. Only thing I miss atm.
Last edited by TheStabbie on Feb 6, 2020, 11:20:56 AM
Good to hear, theres honestly quite a few people in the thread that struggled like I did with being 1 hit from a screen away by random nonsense or over-tuned metamorph bosses.

I get alot of pms in the forums and whispers in game from people wanting to swtitch over to a tankier version and so far I havent had any complaints outside the occasional person not liking the boots but those are typically the meta speed guys who are used to clearing maps in under a minute.

Originally I disliked the idea of using 1 of the 6 links for cyclone but now I couldnt imagine not doing it this way. Either way though that 6th socket is optional, whatever the user feels comfortable with, the only must have is the infused channeling b/c that extra mitigation really does make the difference on being 1 hit in A8 maps.

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