3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

brunowa wrote:
EC_Zarkas wrote:
Do you think this build is going to be nerfed into oblivion next patch?

I started late and I would really like to push it far in another league.

People were scared of the same thing back in 3.8 and GGG nerfed us hardcore... but we still kickass ;D

There will definitely be some kind of nerf.. last time they hit Zombies directly. This time they will probably hit the Necro ascendencies and Spirit Offering and perhaps even the Baron itself.

Its hard to say because so many things are powerful in the build. Zombies just being generally strong, how easy a +3 fortify weapon is, how lethal prides add a ton of str, str stacking in general, geofris + shapers touch with stat stacking, extra zombies with Baron helm.

My guess would be a nerf with how easy it is to stack strength. You can reach 1500 with very little investment, which is insane. Make that harder and everything in the build gets a little weaker
Osgili4th wrote:

Thanks for answer! I currently have Pride, Flesh and Stone with Maim, Purity of Elements and Dread Banner with the option for an Aspect. I was using Avian but today I was thinking about Spider as superior option.

No harm trying it.

What I would do is simply buy the cheapest ring or Ammy I can find with spider on it and simply test how it feels. If you like it, then craft it onto a piece of your gear... But test it first to ensure you like it so you don't waste the suffix.

do i need an upgrade? thanks for the advice <3
crazypearce wrote:

Its hard to say because so many things are powerful in the build. Zombies just being generally strong, how easy a +3 fortify weapon is, how lethal prides add a ton of str, str stacking in general, geofris + shapers touch with stat stacking, extra zombies with Baron helm.

My guess would be a nerf with how easy it is to stack strength. You can reach 1500 with very little investment, which is insane. Make that harder and everything in the build gets a little weaker

I think taking ascendency from +2 to all minion gems to +1 is something they would look at. This makes getting level 30 zombies much harder but it is an across the board Necro nerf so may punish other Necro builds too much.

They could easily make the current Baron legacy by changing some stats, such as making leech effective from 1200 instead of 1000, or reducing leech to 1% instead of 2%. They could even change it from an extra zombie every 300 strength to every 400 strength, as examples, or a combination of above.

Mistress of sacrifice and spirit offering combo I'm pretty sure will be looked at.

Lethal prides won't be touched because they are a great currency sink. To get good strength there is a big gamble in divines which is fine. And I doubt shapers or Geofri's will be looked at as I don't see anything wrong or OP about them.
Finally bought 6L mace with Fortify and the Aspect of the Avian (14 exs lol) but screwed up again - I saw a bunch of necromancers which are running with Fortify permanently so I expected the same, but in fact minions get fortify only during a melee attack for a short time and not all at the same time (in gem's description appeared line about getting Fortify by minions during a melee attacks). Probably before I saw the Fortify buff effect from AG?

I think because the Zombies use melee sporadically, the Fortify buff happens occasionally.

But remember, Fortify Support is not being used only for the Fortify buff, it is being used more prominently for this stat:

Supported Skills deal 20% more Melee Damage

It is the AG that is used (via Kingmaker) to keep the Fortify buff (the defensive buff) up more consistently.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Feb 5, 2020, 8:15:59 PM
StuckOnHer wrote:

do i need an upgrade? thanks for the advice <3

Here are the upgrades to save for:

1) Level 21 Raise Zombie and Level 4 Empower. This will give a large DPS boost and access to raise another zombie

2) Level 21 Raise Specter. This will allow you to raise a 4th specter. You can choose offensive or defensive based on your needs

3) 6 link chest of your choice, enlighten level 3/4 and shapers touch corrupted gloves with vulnerability curse. This will open up your body armor to run multiple auras of your choice.

4) Your strength is lower than what I expected when first glancing at your gear. You should be shooting for 1200 at your level. Have you used a lethal pride gem yet?
StuckOnHer wrote:

do i need an upgrade? thanks for the advice <3

Here are the upgrades to save for:

1) Level 21 Raise Zombie and Level 4 Empower. This will give a large DPS boost and access to raise another zombie

2) Level 21 Raise Specter. This will allow you to raise a 4th specter. You can choose offensive or defensive based on your needs

3) 6 link chest of your choice, enlighten level 3/4 and shapers touch corrupted gloves with vulnerability curse. This will open up your body armor to run multiple auras of your choice.

4) Your strength is lower than what I expected when first glancing at your gear. You should be shooting for 1200 at your level. Have you used a lethal pride gem yet?

thanks! for no. 1-3 i'll put it on my list. for no. 4 no, i dont have it yet. should i buy it first or either no. 1-3?
StuckOnHer wrote:
StuckOnHer wrote:

do i need an upgrade? thanks for the advice <3

Here are the upgrades to save for:

1) Level 21 Raise Zombie and Level 4 Empower. This will give a large DPS boost and access to raise another zombie

2) Level 21 Raise Specter. This will allow you to raise a 4th specter. You can choose offensive or defensive based on your needs

3) 6 link chest of your choice, enlighten level 3/4 and shapers touch corrupted gloves with vulnerability curse. This will open up your body armor to run multiple auras of your choice.

4) Your strength is lower than what I expected when first glancing at your gear. You should be shooting for 1200 at your level. Have you used a lethal pride gem yet?

thanks! for no. 1-3 i'll put it on my list. for no. 4 no, i dont have it yet. should i buy it first or either no. 1-3?

It is hard to say. Lethal Pride is an indeterminate cost. It either might be the cheapest, or the most costly depending on how many divines it takes you to get some strength rolls.

If you feel ok defensively right now, I might target the empower Level 4, Raise Zombie level 21 and Raise Specter Level 21 first. That will be around 5-6 ex combined but will get you a lot of juice for your build.
JCOH35 wrote:
Ok posting this for clarification b/c there seemed to be some question last night;

Awakened Lv 8 Conqueror
Full Tank Spec / No extra dps aura
Pride / Discipline / Purity of Elements / Dread Banner


Play the build anyway you like, its insanely versatile, but if you are mechanically challenged like me or just lazy feel free to copy my version.

It will let you play one handed safely without the need to micro manage flasks or any movement skill and the dps is instanteous while providing all the safety of a full tank spec.

lol that video ! can't believe with No DPS aura's you got a conq down in less than 5 sec. Is this with incresaed AOE on cyclone 6L?
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
Last edited by thegreatestviz on Feb 5, 2020, 10:58:39 PM

It is hard to say. Lethal Pride is an indeterminate cost. It either might be the cheapest, or the most costly depending on how many divines it takes you to get some strength rolls.

If you feel ok defensively right now, I might target the empower Level 4, Raise Zombie level 21 and Raise Specter Level 21 first. That will be around 5-6 ex combined but will get you a lot of juice for your build.

noted then, thanks a lot Andy <3

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