3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

The only one I saw with ideal stats is a mirror worth in trade and this will just be around half so still bleeds exalts lol
Just finished 97 to 98 deathless in this spec so I will be keeping it as is to 100.
nachho23 wrote:
which setup is better, tank or speed?

Think its upto what you prefer, im playing tank but running the 50% boots, simple way and doing great, even running skeletons on the chest atm just to test some things. Melting stuff! Wouldnt mind more strength but very happy where im at.

Felt like I just wrote a book, Sorry for the long answer.. Had to tell my exp with the build. 😁
how you deal with freeze and chill if you are using bottled faith?
Really wanted to try the Saqawal setup..bought the armour...lvl 4 enlighten...then realized the Aul's Uprising is 40+ exalts. Is there any other way to do that setup WITHOUT Aul's that wouldn't be a pain in the arse?
Last edited by Alavar on Feb 5, 2020, 6:21:38 PM
@Crazypearse is it worth replacing The Baron with 40% zombie damage for resuce mana reserved on flash and stone? Can get 3 passive points with that but is it still worth it?

P.S still looking for a lethal pride with 20% str well placed
Hey guys, I have a 6link Femurs staff right now, could anyone tell me approximately how much of a damage boost would be if I invested in a fortify crafted weapon? Thanks!
If someone would like to buy a lethal pride with +25% strength (5% notables Redemption/Divine Fury/Endurance/Holy Dominion/Righteous Decree) msg me. It fits well with this build skill tree, at least it worked for me.
Guys gotta ask... Tried to make an amu for my CI build, but failed ofc..

still worth some? Or should i annul and pray for cast% to get recked?
Last edited by Fiskaflesket on Feb 5, 2020, 5:46:00 PM
Tirandill wrote:
@Crazypearse is it worth replacing The Baron with 40% zombie damage for resuce mana reserved on flash and stone? Can get 3 passive points with that but is it still worth it?

P.S still looking for a lethal pride with 20% str well placed

Probably. Zombie dmg helm is overrated, I think a dps wheel will sim better. Not at a pc to check though so you will nerd to sim it

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