3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

JCOH35 wrote:

I dropped my extra dps aura a week or so back, dont run skitterbots or flesh and stone anymore.

I took Crazypearce's advice and went with the cannot change suffixs / scouring route to get that lightning damage off and got a mid tier ES roll.

So for now I am using that one to house my banner and I have another one im currently rolling when I have extra $ chasing that perfect roll,

Asfar as the 6th link goes just utility, even at A8 I instantly delete everything and the supposed 1 shots people always mention dont kill me and trust me, im bad, its not me doing a humble brag, im really not good at this or any keyboard/mouse game.

I have horrible fingers and wrists in rl from playing these damn games since I was 16, im 40 now, and my reaction time is just crap. That being said with the tweaks I made to my necro I can safely do all the content and not be susceptible to the nonsense b/c when I began playing this build, I would get wrecked from a screen away or from metamorph bosses pretty regularly.

Even when I went full CI I would die 2-3 times a day. This is by far the most comfortable I have been playing necromancer. All my resistances including chaos are over-capped, I get fortify from my AG plus an additional 8% physical mitigation from infused channeling which really helps, and I play with over 18k EHP.

Imo the thing that sets it apart is the holy relic, its something I saw Brunowa using that I copied and its just amazing. The extra damage and regen it provides is crazy and aside from the people in the thread that typically copy mine, no-one else is really using it.

My 2 favorite overall things are The Stampede and the Summon Holy Relic.

Do you have the guide /pob?
metalx wrote:
1. I can do t16 normal ones , so that means i can do blight t16 too?
2.Is need to change anything in my tree to improve?
3.Do u need grant avian skill on something so the buffs on chest to work right?

"Any variation of the build will crush T16 blighted maps, provided you're comfortably doing T16 maps already. They're mostly about building properly.
Can u put me in right direction?

1. It certainly means you have a better chance, but there's no guarantee. Try a T13 Blighted Plateau, and if that feels too easy, bump it up to a 14, then a 15, and finally a 16. If you can't do one of them, figure out why - was it damage? Did you die? Did you get distracted while the blight bad guys ate your pump?

2. There are a few gems which you can add quality to, and maybe swap some flasks around. The tree itself looks okay for what you want to do, you're missing out on some defensive nodes, but if you're not dying that's not really a big deal.

3. If you want to gain the Avian-specific buffs from the chest, yes. Personally, I don't use it all the time. I much prefer Flesh and Stone with Maim, and I just run Saqawal's for the reduced mana reserve and increased attributes.
metalx wrote:
1. I can do t16 normal ones , so that means i can do blight t16 too?
2.Is need to change anything in my tree to improve?
3.Do u need grant avian skill on something so the buffs on chest to work right?

"Any variation of the build will crush T16 blighted maps, provided you're comfortably doing T16 maps already. They're mostly about building properly.
Can u put me in right direction?

1 They aren't hard at all, also you can leave them at normal rarity.. just anoint your rings to power up the towers you are planning to use
2 Only for those maps no
3 I think not but if you have it on the chest the effect is doubled. The problem comes with the amount of mana reserved so you have to discard something else
What would you suggest guys? To buy both helmet with 40% zombie dmg and a perfect weapon or one headhunter for the yolo?
Hello guys just thinking which of the weapons here are better in the end? Im planning to redeemer craft the staff to get increased 60% hatred effect once I get more money. Planning to sell the other off thanks
nachho23 wrote:

Do you have the guide /pob?

You can just view my skill tree, all my stuff is public and I can re-link my gear/gems rq for you. Theres quite a few people in the thread that are running this exact same spec and ive had nothing but good feedback.

Keep in mind though, this isnt for those elite 60sec mappers, if you have overwatch/dota2 reflexs just run the victario's speed variant.

Also found the last link I will be using for cyclone, shock nova.

Before I link gear take 20 seconds to see what it looks like, this one was recorded this morning so its current;


Ok, nuts and bolts are;

Obviously the jewels dont need those corruptions, those are min/max. The watchers eye has to have the chaos resistance roll, its how you will be capping the majority of your resistances.

The build also hinges on using The Stampede, thus eliminating the need to run speed flasks or movement skills, opening additional sockets for the turbo charged holy relic.

The second annointment will vary based on your gear progression, you cannot annoint cleansed thoughts until you have positive chaos resistance otherwise it will just double your negative resistance.

Sounds confusing I know, basically with the Watcher's Eye, the 2 purity of flesh nodes in our tree, and x2 small 15% hybrid chaos resist rolls on our rings you can nearly cap your chaos resistance with that annointment.

Until you can do that just use w/e 2nd annointment you prefer, charisma, constitution, whispers of doom, un-natural calm, essence surge etc, its optional.
Funny for farming is Aul's with haste reserve no mana. Then a Watchers Eye with phasing and uneffected by temp. chains while affected by haste. Using iq gem with zombies and 2 iq rings. Still killing evrything. Really fun to play this build !
IGN Sheenara
Also Id like to share how I crafted warstaff with the temple mod

1. Buy or get the warstaff with Citaqualotl's mod. (Ensure its magic only) and remove suffix

2. Craft cannot roll attack mods on it

3. Imprint the item using beastcraft

4. Regal the item. If it doesnt hit the +1 gem level use the imprint to revert back the original magic item which you imprint again

5. Keep doing regal regal till u get desired prefix since the suffix doesnt matter at this point (5% chance to hit so sexpect average 20-30 attemps which is 20-30 exa)

6. Once desired prefixes are hit do the usual multimod craft (after scouring all suffixes) and craft avian if you wish or slam at the end

(Optional) This is my theoretical way to get 60% hatred effect suffix

7 Instead of doing multimod craft a cheap bench prefix tpo block and use a redeemer orb.

8. If hatred doesnt come out change the prefix mod to prefixes cannot be changed and use a scour

9. Block prefixes with a cheap mod again and keep redeemer slamming till desired suffix appears.

10. Once hatred suffix appears multimod as per usual

What do you guys think? I think its still expensive but a more deterministic way of crafting the elusive ultimate minion warstaff :)
Last edited by DongKingKong on Feb 5, 2020, 4:12:23 PM
Ya idk, I felt broke just reading it. I could literally hear all my money crying out.
JCOH35 wrote:
Ya idk, I felt broke just reading it. I could literally hear all my money crying out.

Ditto... ;-(
Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town.

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