3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

jordanpker wrote:
I have never been really good at this game, so I saw this build and decided to try it out. I have the 6l item(same gems), (First time on a forum idk how to link stuff) Geofri's, Baron helm, Shaper's touch gloves. Basically most items besides the expensive jewels and lvl 4 enlighten. I can't get anywhere near the ES, hp, or damage that is talked about in this guide. I am hoping someone could help me out a little.

you don't need to link, we can see all your gear on your character.

Here are some comments

* You are doing fine. You are making the common mistake of comparing uber end game gear to your still leveling gear. At level 78, you can't expect to have any where near the same stats as a level 95 character. You just need to keep plugging and the build will slowly get better.

* As you save up, upgrading your weapon will be your biggest need. That will improve your DPS significantly, especially as you continue to level all of your gems.

* You may have made a small mistake in buying the corrupted gloves. You should either throw those away and get a pair of non corrupted Shaper Touch gloves or spend a little currency and fix the sockets and colors on the glove you have, so that you can better match the build guide. Only using one gem in your gloves is hurting the build.

* I would not use Purity of Lightning. You would be better off using an aura that helps the build and if you are having resistance problems, toss the belt you have and get a rare belt with life, strength and what ever resistances you are lacking.

Work on these and then come back when you are in the late 80's for level and your gems are pumped up and we can take another look for you.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Feb 4, 2020, 9:36:03 PM
JCOH35 wrote:
The lightning damage is trash but its not messing up anything b/c thats a prefix, can have multiple mods is a suffix so just needed to open that was all.

If you were a sadist you could use another orb of annulment with a 33% chance of bricking the item, then if you win and get the lightning off you can spend 1 ex to add cannot roll attack mods, and then another ex to slam it and hope for a good roll.

You see where im going with this.

Why would ever risk the annul on it? Lol just craft suffixes cannot be changed and scour it, seeing as the prefix is shite anyway.

Doing that and slamming something like +3 to level of gems would be pretty nice
Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong:

Lvl1 fortify and 130% minion damage are very close in terms of dps (according to PoB)

What i'm unsure about is does lvl1 fortify clash with the fortify from the AG's Kingsmaker, making it be less impactful if not useless other than making your zombies a little more tanky?

(not sure if PoB takes into the account the auras from your AG?)

I cant tell you where in the thread but I know OP and others have said the same thing that poB doesnt properly show the 20% increased damage that the fortify route yields, idk.

I chose the fortify route b/c when I 1st started the playing build its the one Brunowa was using himself.

But again, I never obsess over dps b/c in my full tank spec I still instantly kill or phase everything, I wouldnt get too hung up on the PoB # game.

Use whatever feels more comfortable to you.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 4, 2020, 10:01:14 PM
JCOH35 wrote:

How's the soulrend feel?

Also, are you not maiming from anything? I have it linked to my carrion golem right now.
If I don't have the enchantment in the helmet, should I use a weapon with fortify or minion deal increase damage?
First time writing. First season i have been playing end game and found this build. Must say I really do enjoy it very much.

Found Garb of the Ephemeral for my animate guardian yesterday so no more geting crited or affected by temp chains.

trying to figure out the crafting.

Does it matter if the weapon is a elder sword or a mace?
wyvernfist wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:

How's the soulrend feel?

Also, are you not maiming from anything? I have it linked to my carrion golem right now.

Just relying on the chance to maim from attacks built into Vulnerability atm. I barely notice any loss in dps from when i ran flesh and stone or skitter bots, was 1 of the main reasons I went all in going back to a tank spec, still instantly phasing or killing conqerors and sirus.

Soulrend was actually pretty cool, it shot out everywhere but noticablly slowed my cycloning down, even in The Stampede which is supposed to be impossible.

I went with increased AoE but it can be anything, frost bomb, steelskin, molten shell, just whatever you wanna throw in. I like the bigger cyclone aoe b/c when my cyclone hits my holy relic pops its nova so its actually useful, with empower/minion damage it does damage, and the regen it gives my zombies and the ES regen it gives me is insane. I dont have to run any minion leech anymore etc.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 4, 2020, 11:49:42 PM
I think you have a different meaning of 'instantly' phasing everything because I have almost double your dps and certainly don't instantly phase stuff.

Enough dps on Sirus for example will skip one of his phases entirely and enable 1.35 kills. No way that's possible without a 6l skelly setup and more zombie dps along with flesh and stone/skitterbots

T16 metas on awakener 8 are not instant kills either. Can take 10-20 seconds depending on the map rolls and you have to be careful with that because depending on the organ rolls a one shot is possible even with 18k ES and some other DR. Pushing a bit more dps can let you kill those before they cast their first ability which is way more helpful than a bit more ES
Posted half a dozen videos already showing otherwise, plenty of dps for me, im just more comfortable in this setup is all.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 5, 2020, 12:11:09 AM

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