3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

As I currently cant run discipline alongside vuln/banner/pride, could I use vuln on hit shapers touch gloves to replace the vuln aura?
Selling my Lethal Pride 20% STR, +20 flat STR since I realised I can't complete the build, running out of currency. Switched from Vortex CI witch :(
Offer whatever you think is fair, ~10ex+? Send me a PM.
Last edited by DeusVultz on Feb 4, 2020, 2:43:56 PM
Townerr wrote:
As I currently cant run discipline alongside vuln/banner/pride, could I use vuln on hit shapers touch gloves to replace the vuln aura?

yes, that is a common upgrade path. I am doing this right now

Vuln in Gloves

In chest: Dread, Pride, Flesh and Stone, Maim, Discipline, Enlighten Level 3

You need the nodes in the sovereignty cluster to fit this in.

Now it remains to decide go to the tanky or balanced build. By the way, is it worth buying weapons with fortify for a tanky build or is it not necessary (I suppose Aspect of the Avian for tanky is useless without Saqawal's)? And what to do in this case with animated guardian which also gives fortify from kingmaker?

Kingmaker gives Fortify Buff, not the complete Fortify Support.

Fortify Buff: Is a defensive buff
Fortify Support: Gives Fortify Buff plus a nice damage offensive boost to the minions.

It is the second part of Fortify Support that we covet in our weapon.
DanteTDH wrote:
https://pastebin.com/yARUf0yZ That's my current POB and I also use the POB

fork. Saying my zombie default attack damage with impale is 2,291,836 per

zombo ^_^;;

Edit: Also not including ravenous horde and the minion damage and movement

speed above it due to Thread of hope in that dps number.

Also playing around with the idea of another thread of hope in the top left

jewel node and dropping fearsome force and just getting death attunement and

unnatural calm while also running stampede w/ Champion of the cause to still

keep the auras up. All of that is to run Might of the meek right next to

Stamina in the bottom left jewel socket. If I upgrade my belt and boots I think

I can make the stretch to 1800 str w/ 17 zombies and pushing the dps even


Edit #2: If anyone has a bad ass Lethal pride they want to sell or know of

someone selling one for the nodes around Faith and steel/Devotion I'm in the

market for one.

*bump for the end note*
JCOH35 wrote:
BrewCrew8 wrote:
Great guide! How do you guys go about not being frozen?

The popular meta boots are;

Strength +55
Increased Strength +10%
-Can have multiple crafted mods
-Cannot be chilled
-Cannot be frozen

I prefer to use

so I just use a

Just a heads up, if you anoint those boots with cleansed thoughts and your chaos resistance is negative,... it will double the negative, lol.

I went from -48 chaos then -96 chaos res after anointing them. Oops
Yea, thats why I pointed out to obtain roughly 35% chaos resistance before annointing them, to cap your resistance.

Its very easy/cheap to hit that number, you simply need a watchers eye with the purity of elements chaos roll, the 2 nodes we already use in skill tree, and 2 small 15% hybrid rolls on rings.

If you try to get natural chaos resist rolls on accessories, t1 31%+ for example people want 5ex or more for trash rolls. Chaos resist is absurdly over-priced now b/c everyone needs it.
Hello, I'm back for help. So I tried my luck in the locus of corruption with my old weapon, I didn't hit the dream Fortify 10 corruption but I have Onslaught

PoB apparently don't calculate Onslaught in the dmg to minions, so I have no idea if is better or worst than my Elder Weapon. I think is worst but in Trade this weapons with Onslaught corruption sell for over 40ex. So I'm very confuse
Last edited by Osgili4th on Feb 4, 2020, 5:37:39 PM
Need help here. Made my first map after patch and after boss kill my Animated guardian disapeared and I can't resummon it. Any tips? I was in the immortal Brunowa's guide setup, ran lots of maps with it before and first time see this happen.
Tirandill wrote:
Need help here. Made my first map after patch and after boss kill my Animated guardian disapeared and I can't resummon it. Any tips? I was in the immortal Brunowa's guide setup, ran lots of maps with it before and first time see this happen.

That means AG got killed, so sadly you lose everything on him. So you have to keep in mind that minions can get destroy if they don't have cap resistances, specially chaos, very dangerous methamorps and bosses deals a lot of chaos dmg so if your minions have 0, they can get outbursted. That's why Grave Intentions is really good, since give chaos res AND 10% max life as energy shield in top of the armour 10% AG have a ton of reg of life. I lose 2 AGs to Sirus because of that.

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