3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

BrewCrew8 wrote:
Great guide! How do you guys go about not being frozen?

The popular meta boots are;

Strength +55
Increased Strength +10%
-Can have multiple crafted mods
-Cannot be chilled
-Cannot be frozen

I prefer to use

so I just use a
Ok @JCOH35, if that is your real name...

I give in. Thinking about trying out your setup.

Probably been posted a thousand times over...PoB link?
Is your char currently using same setup?

Also, I LOVE those boots. What a life changer. You are the reason I switched to them.

Zombie on!
Just killed my 1st sirus at AL5

i just kept running around with no idea what I'm doing and trying to evade, i died a few times because of the bleed always forgetting to use my flask or bone armor lol

what should be my next upgrade after the enlighten 4? cause in mapping i feel kinda slow at killing trash mobs
Hello again. Argued with a friend how to properly summon spectres. He thinks that at first its necessary to raise it at low-level locations and then re-call with desecration on a high-level map in order to make them stronger. But i think there will be no difference because his (spectre's) level are written on the gemstone with other values, does not depend on the level location and not include rare mods, only base. Perhaps it was the case in past leagues and now irrelevant?
Last edited by MahouSensou on Feb 4, 2020, 10:39:23 AM
Im a casual, dont even use PoB but my characters public, just peek at my tree rq.

Honestly nothing is wildly different, I stole my holy relic setup from Brunowa, and I only made some minor changes, and incorporated some of the aspects of the CI tree to compensate for the loss of strength using The Stampede.

All youll need is a watcher's eye with purity of elements chaos resistance roll, and then like 35% total chaos resist from gear, so even 2 small 15% hybrid rolls on rings are enough, then you just annoint cleansed thoughts on the boots and bobs your uncle.

You wil have to recolor some things b/c I run a 5 link cyclone in my chest, you can also do it differently with unset rings, you could fit in convocation and a gap closer like leap slam but they arent necessary.

Thisll be easier though, just look at my crap rq it should save you a few minutes, then just glance at my skill tree;

Jewls are just;
x1 watchers eye / x1 might of the meek / x3 efficient training
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 4, 2020, 10:45:21 AM
Ok @JCOH35, if that is your real name...

I give in. Thinking about trying out your setup.

Probably been posted a thousand times over...PoB link?
Is your char currently using same setup?

Also, I LOVE those boots. What a life changer. You are the reason I switched to them.

Zombie on!

Here pip, watch this one rq, this seems to be the conqueror that gives people trouble, Drox.

This quick video is my full tank spec doing him on A7 for an idea of the dps while playing in god mode;

JCOH35 wrote:
Im a casual, dont even use PoB but my characters public, just peek at my tree rq.

Ok, doing exactly this right now.
Wanna give it a try. I smash everything with current Victario aura setup but I want to get back to something a bit more tanky and I like what I am seeing in your variation of Brun's Geofri setup. Very intriguing. 5-link cyclone and all.

I will let my uncle know you mentioned him.

Zombie on!
JCOH35 wrote:

Here pip, watch this one rq, this seems to be the conqueror that gives people trouble, Drox.

I honest to God have no idea what people are talking 'bout when they say they are having trouble with Drox. I don't get it.

I walked past him with the old Geofri setup and my current Victario setup. Never had an issue with him at any point.

Just saying.

Perhaps I broke the game with my advanced clicking skills?
Guys, i'm doing ok, killing everything everywhere, but now im just collecting currency without spending it.. kinda booring
Want to invest somewhere, have arround 30-40ex atm, for my current gear what should i aim for, better weapon with 5% chance for DD ? Or maybe save more for those 100+ ex jewels ?

Thanks :)
Loving this build I changed some things and running CI. But having trouble with legion. Everything else pretty much dies. Not sure what I could change to help. Running wand and shield but overall damage is good. Character is public.

Last edited by Oso-Smuv on Feb 4, 2020, 1:09:00 PM

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