3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

vidokas wrote:
Guys, i'm doing ok, killing everything everywhere, but now im just collecting currency without spending it.. kinda booring
Want to invest somewhere, have arround 30-40ex atm, for my current gear what should i aim for, better weapon with 5% chance for DD ? Or maybe save more for those 100+ ex jewels ?

Thanks :)

- Get a fortify weapon (~30 ex for a warstaff)
- No %attributes on belt
- No head enchant
- No curse on hit in gloves
- No enchant on boots

This is my current setup, killed awakener lvl 8 deathless with it, gonna get vulnerability on hit gloves next and can then go vulnerability + blasphemy -> skitterbots + precision/clarity(Clarity once I get the way to expensive WE).

Crafted weapon and belt myself and got lucky and enchanted head myself.

If you need more toughness for bosses you can also give your AG gloves with enfeeble on hit.
JCOH35 wrote:
Ok @JCOH35, if that is your real name...

I give in. Thinking about trying out your setup.

Probably been posted a thousand times over...PoB link?
Is your char currently using same setup?

Also, I LOVE those boots. What a life changer. You are the reason I switched to them.

Zombie on!

Here pip, watch this one rq, this seems to be the conqueror that gives people trouble, Drox.

This quick video is my full tank spec doing him on A7 for an idea of the dps while playing in god mode;


DroX Vs Skeletons)
Regarding DPS only, is it better the combo minion dmg + double damage chance or fortify on the weapon?

Also, lot of people are starting to use the Avian aspect and to stack it, would it be better to have a ring with +#% minion dmg or another stack of the aspect?
Hello again. Argued with a friend how to properly summon spectres. He thinks that at first its necessary to raise it at low-level locations and then re-call with desecration on a high-level map in order to make them stronger. But i think there will be no difference because his (spectre's) level are written on the gemstone with other values, does not depend on the level location and not include rare mods, only base. Perhaps it was the case in past leagues and now irrelevant?

In older leagues, a specters level was based on the area you raised him in.

That all changed in 3.8. Specter levels are now based entirely on your gem level.

And as your gem levels up you don't need to re raise the specter, they automatically get the new stats based on the gems level.
In older leagues, a specters level was based on the area you raised him in.

That all changed in 3.8. Specter levels are now based entirely on your gem level.

And as your gem levels up you don't need to re raise the specter, they automatically get the new stats based on the gems level.

Thanks for the answer. I thought so but want to know sure. I was surprised why raise zombie gemstone's description does not contain any data other than modifiers? Maybe then they should be called only on T16 maps? xDD

Now it remains to decide go to the tanky or balanced build. By the way, is it worth buying weapons with fortify for a tanky build or is it not necessary (I suppose Aspect of the Avian for tanky is useless without Saqawal's)? And what to do in this case with animated guardian which also gives fortify from kingmaker?
Last edited by MahouSensou on Feb 4, 2020, 1:13:23 PM

Just recently obtained these gloves. What is the suggested 6-link once we have vulnerability gloves?

JayChow wrote:

Just recently obtained these gloves. What is the suggested 6-link once we have vulnerability gloves?

I replaced vulnerability and blasphemy support with Flesh and Stone and Maim Support. It works well. I'm sure there are other options as well.
JayChow wrote:

Just recently obtained these gloves. What is the suggested 6-link once we have vulnerability gloves?

optional, popular choices are;

-summon skitter bots
-flesh and stone linked with maim support
-purity of elements in combination with a watcher's eye for a free 50% chaos resistance

*I personally in the end went with adding infused channeling to my cyclone and dropping from a 6 to a 5 link in my chest and use the lone leftover socket for my banner*
Last edited by JCOH35 on Feb 4, 2020, 2:00:17 PM
I got really lucky last night and rolled a 4 5% strength Lethal Pride in fairly decent locations so I decided to give CI a go. I'm at just over 17000 ES and I'm at 2700 strength on the dot. Not much further I can probably take this but do you guys see any areas of improvement? My rings aren't the greatest so my resists aren't where I'd like them to be. I still need some more skill points to finish out the build. Items below:


hey guys this is my current gear and have about 2ex left what would be the best upgrade first ?

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