3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game


^ This.

Just wanted to summarize that this build is not immortal , not budget, not League Starter....This is what I said in my first post...

Some methamorphs / bosses are barely scratched by zombies... The build uses some pretty expensive shit right now...

There is no way you will waste 32-33 ex's on a watchers eye with clarity, another 7ex for Emperor almost 0.9 ex on each efficient training , a crafted sword that only the base is 2.5-3 ex , geofri who's 6 ex at the moment just to roll with a build that barely scratches bosses...

True , you can do Sirus, because the boss is more like a tactical fight than a DPS check, keep in mind that are some builds that cannot deal this damage output and still killed Sirus.

My problem is not that it cannot kill Sirus, any half baked build can kill Sirus with good mechanic....

My problem is that wasting a HH worth of currency in a build that only runs through whites and blues fast is not really a build to call "immortal, league start, budget..."

I felt for it, just wanted to put it out there. Some people above stated the same stuff .

Again , the build can safely run T16 has limited capability in some boss fights, some of them are impossible without switching to skellies and so on...

But it's too expensive compared to other builds that can do the same.

P.S any half baked build at 1 ex budget can do all content...Check the forums there are millions of them, I am just saying that the forum name is a lie.

P.S 2 - Ran his aura build the safe end budget gear, wasted around 7 ex on the gear , 2.5 ex weapon, 30-40 chaos geofri, rings has cost me roughly 1ex in chaos, 1.5 ex the efficient training, 1 ex amulet, and the rest of them are broken currency in belt and boots , anoint and so on.

^ This is compared to my Pure phys skelly build, that could be more resilient with some chaos resistance that runs faster than this build ( pressing just 2 flasks, phasing and quicksilver), and literally shits on morphs bosses.

And I only wasted like 1.5 ex mostly anoint and armour.

P.S 3 - you can do Uber elder half asleep with any build after so much time of fighting it, especially with minion build , proves nothing.

You somehow missed the point of my post so I'll say it: I played 4 different builds in this league, had to reroll 2 times and this build by far is the best of the 4 in terms of survivability. And don't get me wrong, the clear speed is good, it's not top-notch, but if it was it would be too OP. The super clear speed builds are generally more squishy, rely on evasion/dodge luck and can be killed by random crit. When Tane appears I just smack all best organs without looking and kill the metamorph, on any map mods. So it's not for "white and blue mobs". This build kills the toughest shit in the game pretty fast. Not the 1 second Shaper like the barrage+ice shot but fast enough for me and without fear of getting randomly 1-shot by some unexpected metamorph bullshit attack.
Last edited by alex_disp on Jan 4, 2020, 3:06:45 PM
The build is great, thanks for sharing.
If i only have 5link geofri what gem should i take out of the build?
alex_disp wrote:

^ This.

Just wanted to summarize that this build is not immortal , not budget, not League Starter....This is what I said in my first post...

Some methamorphs / bosses are barely scratched by zombies... The build uses some pretty expensive shit right now...

There is no way you will waste 32-33 ex's on a watchers eye with clarity, another 7ex for Emperor almost 0.9 ex on each efficient training , a crafted sword that only the base is 2.5-3 ex , geofri who's 6 ex at the moment just to roll with a build that barely scratches bosses...

True , you can do Sirus, because the boss is more like a tactical fight than a DPS check, keep in mind that are some builds that cannot deal this damage output and still killed Sirus.

My problem is not that it cannot kill Sirus, any half baked build can kill Sirus with good mechanic....

My problem is that wasting a HH worth of currency in a build that only runs through whites and blues fast is not really a build to call "immortal, league start, budget..."

I felt for it, just wanted to put it out there. Some people above stated the same stuff .

Again , the build can safely run T16 has limited capability in some boss fights, some of them are impossible without switching to skellies and so on...

But it's too expensive compared to other builds that can do the same.

P.S any half baked build at 1 ex budget can do all content...Check the forums there are millions of them, I am just saying that the forum name is a lie.

P.S 2 - Ran his aura build the safe end budget gear, wasted around 7 ex on the gear , 2.5 ex weapon, 30-40 chaos geofri, rings has cost me roughly 1ex in chaos, 1.5 ex the efficient training, 1 ex amulet, and the rest of them are broken currency in belt and boots , anoint and so on.

^ This is compared to my Pure phys skelly build, that could be more resilient with some chaos resistance that runs faster than this build ( pressing just 2 flasks, phasing and quicksilver), and literally shits on morphs bosses.

And I only wasted like 1.5 ex mostly anoint and armour.

P.S 3 - you can do Uber elder half asleep with any build after so much time of fighting it, especially with minion build , proves nothing.

You somehow missed the point of my post so I'll say it: I played 4 different builds in this league, had to reroll 2 times and this build by far is the best of the 4 in terms of survivability. And don't get me wrong, the clear speed is good, it's not top-notch, but if it was it would be too OP. The super clear speed builds are generally more squishy, rely on evasion/dodge luck and can be killed by random crit. When Tane appears I just smack all best organs without looking and kill the metamorph, on any map mods. So it's not for "white and blue mobs". This build kills the toughest shit in the game pretty fast. Not the 1 second Shaper like the barrage+ice shot but fast enough for me and without fear of getting randomly 1-shot by some unexpected metamorph bullshit attack.

You can't reason with kiddies on these forums, this build got so popular now streamers and youtubers are copying the build, but yet none of them have came close to being what this build is, so fan boys from the youtubers and streamers are coming in and trying to start shit.

He claims this build isn't league starter build, yet I started this build this league and have now made it to level 93 without dying or stopping to farm gear on some other build. Obviously they have no idea what they are talking about, specially with testimonies by so many people here.
Vendetta wrote:
Just wanted to summarize that this build is not immortal , not budget, not League Starter....This is what I said in my first post...

Some methamorphs / bosses are barely scratched by zombies... The build uses some pretty expensive shit right now...

It is a good build but being advertised as cheap is just plain incorrect.
I already suggested removing the 'cheap' part of the pros/cons:

"Cheap (can do T15 on a few chaos... 6-10ex fully decked out)" -- yeah right

(and before anyone says otherwise, the pro/con part is something a newbie checks right away when choosing a build guide)

And in no way this is a league-starter: any build can be considered a league starter if you upgrade it very very slowly over several league days...

Although the critics may be a little too harsh, the build is not everything some say it is, and no way it is the 'king of all summoners', whatever that may mean.
Last edited by nando124987249582 on Jan 4, 2020, 3:42:37 PM
Vendetta wrote:
Just wanted to summarize that this build is not immortal , not budget, not League Starter....This is what I said in my first post...

Some methamorphs / bosses are barely scratched by zombies... The build uses some pretty expensive shit right now...

It is a good build but being advertised as cheap is just plain incorrect.
I already suggested removing the 'cheap' part of the pros/cons:

"Cheap (can do T15 on a few chaos... 6-10ex fully decked out)" -- yeah right

(and before anyone says otherwise, the pro/con part is something a newbie checks right away when choosing a build guide)

And in no way this is a league-starter: any build can be considered a league starter if you upgrade it very very slowly over several league days...

Although the critics may be a little too harsh, the build is not everything some say it is, and no way it is the 'king of all summoners', whatever that may mean.

You seem to be new to POE, most of these "guide" writers write these guides over several leagues and just update them from time to time. A good bit of the information that is left in these posts are from previous leagues that don't get edited out, as I'm sure the people writing these guides for people that can't come up with their own build follow, have more to do in their life than sit down and edit / write 24/7, so yea, a lot of the text is from previous leagues that hasn't gotten removed yet or probably will never get removed, just depends on how much OP feels like writing. You are more than free to go write your own guide and update it constantly if you wish. Otherwise there is a ton of players who use this build and love it and it's more than viable to do all content in game from start to finish.
Fascinating reading guys :)

On the above, when I first created this build, yes, fully decked out was 6-10ex. Things have become much more expensive now. Why? Because it has proven to be one of the best builds in the game and continues to be even after zombie nerfs. Hence more people playing it pushing prices up. Simple.

On watchers eye. It's not needed.

On Emperor's Mastery. It's not needed.

On Lethal Pride jewel. It's not needed.

On a 6L crafted weapon. It's not needed.

Empower and Enlighten 4. It's not needed.

Those things are in the guide for those looking to push this build and invest and min max it.

The budget version can be done for less than a few ex (although even that is getting more expensive now because more and more people are playing this).

Want skeletons? Just swap in skellies instead of zombies into your weapon. Simple.

That person obviously didn't watch the T16 Metamorph vid seeings how they say Metsmorphs would destroy this.

I just laugh because that person's name "Vendetta", seems very appropriate for them :p

Last edited by brunowa on Jan 4, 2020, 4:37:31 PM
Echosyp wrote:
You seem to be new to POE, most of these "guide" writers write these guides over several leagues and just update them from time to time. A good bit of the information that is left in these posts are from previous leagues that don't get edited out, as I'm sure the people writing these guides for people that can't come up with their own build follow, have more to do in their life than sit down and edit / write 24/7, so yea, a lot of the text is from previous leagues that hasn't gotten removed yet or probably will never get removed, just depends on how much OP feels like writing. You are more than free to go write your own guide and update it constantly if you wish. Otherwise there is a ton of players who use this build and love it and it's more than viable to do all content in game from start to finish.

I am indeed new to PoE, having started in abyss and a bit under 900 hours, but I fail to see how this involves the fact that a important part of the "guide" is just plain incorrect.
I'm aware of the fact that the author doesn't have time to rewrite the whole guide every league, but it would be really nice for starters correcting a few bits of information here and there.
Nowhere I wrote that the build is incapable of doing all content from start to finish, but you seem more interested in defending the guide than correcting any mistakes in it.
This will be my last message in this thread, feel free to answer or ignore it.

Almost forgot: thank you OP for taking the time to write this guide! :)
Last edited by nando124987249582 on Jan 4, 2020, 4:09:09 PM
On above, I did a big cleanse of guide over last week so everything is totally up to date.. perhaps with exception of introduction where I write the word CHEAP that seems to make people go mental.
Echosyp wrote:
You seem to be new to POE, most of these "guide" writers write these guides over several leagues and just update them from time to time. A good bit of the information that is left in these posts are from previous leagues that don't get edited out, as I'm sure the people writing these guides for people that can't come up with their own build follow, have more to do in their life than sit down and edit / write 24/7, so yea, a lot of the text is from previous leagues that hasn't gotten removed yet or probably will never get removed, just depends on how much OP feels like writing. You are more than free to go write your own guide and update it constantly if you wish. Otherwise there is a ton of players who use this build and love it and it's more than viable to do all content in game from start to finish.

I am indeed new to PoE, having started in abyss and a bit under 900 hours, but I fail to see how this involves the fact that a important part of the "guide" is just plain incorrect.
I'm aware of the fact that the author doesn't have time to rewrite the whole guide every league, but it would be really nice for starters correcting a few bits of information here and there.
Nowhere I wrote that the build is incapable of doing all content from start to finish, but you seem more interested in defending the guide than correcting any mistakes in it.
This will be my last message in this thread, feel free to answer or ignore it.

Almost forgot: thank you OP for taking the time to write this guide! :)

Well as Brunowa just posted, this build was super cheap, but it gained so much popularity it has now pushed prices well over what they are worth.

Hell, Look at the Warpath Boots this build uses, a 2 socket boot cost 1 chaos.

We use a 4 socket 2 blue 2 green warpath boots, look on poe trade, cheapest one is 49c and he won't even answer your messages, he is just a price fixer.

I've made over 10ex alone today buying 1 chaos warpath boots, 4-linking them, then chroming them to 2 blue 2 green and re-selling them for 75 chaos each.

when I originally bought my warpath boots they cost me 5 chaos already 4 linked and already 2 blue 2 green, now I'm turning 1 chaos boots into over 75 chaos boots, when the people buying them could easily just buy the 1 chaos boots their selves and 4 link them, then re-chrome them, but they don't they buy my 75 chaos ones instead. So yea, popularity has really pushed this build to be expensive now.

Now for the speed part, with the full speed build, i have 300% speed constantly, I easily run around the whole map wiping it out in no time.

Now for the boss, drop in vaal skellies and pop them T16 bosses, T16 metamorphs all melt within seconds with over 50 skellies doing over 1mil damage each.

So technically, from what I've seen, this build is the FASTEST and has proved to do the most DPS than any other summoner build.

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