3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Quick question i found no answers in this thread

1) What is our source of bleeding? Melee Phys and Ruthless rely on bleeding for their bonus

2) When using Zombies and Skeleton in chest for single target - what would the best gem setup look like? I figured it is not Melee Splash so i went with brutality so far... maybe there is a combination of maim or impale that is better for bossing?

3) Is feeding frenzy in skeleton setup nescesary? Would it not be enough to gain feeding frenzy from our zombies so that we can use the gem socket for more damage?

4) Haste looks like quite as good as Hatred.. not quite the same damage, but pretty close. With vaal Haste even more. I think haste feels better than hatred for mapping and gives enough boost for bossing.. what do you think?

5) Would Grave Intensions boost our Zombie and Sekleton survivability against Metas (because chaos resist) or are these skillpoints better spent in our own survivability?

kind regards
Last edited by inferNOH on Jan 3, 2020, 9:54:53 AM

Hey, build is going great and with the gear above, I bet the awakener (awakening LVL 5) at level 89 with LVL 19 gems and no quality, but I was wondering if it is a lot better for me to switch to a crafted weapon instead of queen's escape because I quite like the idea of having +1 to minions and a longer skeleton duration.
Last edited by karbengo on Jan 3, 2020, 10:13:49 AM
Nidary wrote:
hi guys,
i have all the items pretty much the same passives and gems...
and i am not even close to the hp and energy shield?

i "only" have 4444 (no joke) hp and 3575 energy shield?
can anyone give tips? :D

Your tree is really bad. You chose to go for minion nodes that you don't need, sacrifice and spiritual command. You're missing a ton of life and ES there. Your tree is missing at least 40% life and 25% ES and 2 jewel nodes which give you additional life/es with good jewels. You didn't annoint your amulet so you're wasting a lot of points that way. Your gear isn't min-maxed so you'r missing a lot of flat life from that. Your rings, belt, and jewels are not optimal at all. Also most of your gems seem to be level 20 with no quality, roll them over. Your flasks are even missing mods....

You basically followed the gear part of the guide and did your own tree, that is why your results are worse.
IGN : Futons

just crafted this one, what should I do next?
Last edited by domsannn on Jan 3, 2020, 10:18:19 AM
Is the levelling incomplete? I click levels 81-123 and there's 14 missing points?
Hey all,

So I was checking brunowa's update to the gear/gem setup last night and I noticed the same thing as a few people about no Impale in the Zombie setup.. Also saw War Banner in the auras setup...

Now, this morning, it's back to an Impale setup and a Dread Banner setup... I suppose brunowa changed it once again? :)

Atm, I'm using a skeleton setup since I haven't 6L my weapon and chest armour, unfortunately... Hopefully I get there before the league is over... blah

Edit: Also noticed in The Baron setup:
Raise Spectre + Animate Guardian + Blood Magic + Summon Holy Relic..

So Summon Holy Relic instead of Minion Life in the Victario's Influence setup?
Last edited by Korendir2016 on Jan 3, 2020, 10:29:19 AM
inferNOH wrote:
Quick question i found no answers in this thread

1) What is our source of bleeding? Melee Phys and Ruthless rely on bleeding for their bonus

Hello, I just dropped this and I'm using pride as aura

I want to know, my zombie is affected too ? they can deal double damage ? or is just me ? thx
POE Noob here, would you mind throwing together a small video about the weapon crafting, since it's so heavily dependent on it?

thanks :)
First of all thanks for the great build! I have never has such an easy time mapping among all the starter builds I've played!

One quick question : the guide seems to mention getting commander of darkness in several places which primarily suggesting Mistress of sacrifice. If I'm sticking with spirit offering would it be better to go with commander of darkness?

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