3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

brunowa wrote:
Does anyone know why OP doesn't recommend using Multistrike instead of Ruthless for Skeleton? Multistrike does more DPS than Ruthless.

Where do I recommend Ruthless?

I would definitely recommend Multistrike over Ruthless.

What do you think of Awakened Multistrike? is it worth the insane price?
Good Morining Exiles,
so since my english is kinda bad i make it fast.
So i want to play the Regular End-Game Setup but there are no jewels listed are the ones i need in the Original Pastebin ? If not where can i find them ? Im kinda new to this site and maybe i missed it even tho its clear. Ty :)
Hey folks. Have question about Lethal Pride. Checked a lot of people who uses it but can't understand what passive we need? Or it doesn't matter, just get Conquered by karui?
What gems/skill is preferred if you only have 5 link queen and 5link aura chest.

Trying to optimise a little
Hi Guys,

I just attempted Sirius at Awakening Level 8 for the first time.

You will be pleased to know I got him... and that I also recorded it.

I will upload it in a few hours. I was commentating over the top so hopefully it helps those that are struggling with the fight.

Hey folks. Have question about Lethal Pride. Checked a lot of people who uses it but can't understand what passive we need? Or it doesn't matter, just get Conquered by karui?

It will almost impossible to get the same lethal pride as someone else. Pretty much you want to buy one slot it in and see what it gives, and if it isn't good, divine it and look again.

Repeat until you find +% str nodes, or whatever else looks good.
NecroBoombies wrote:
Rehbock wrote:

with Combination of Victario and who needs faster projectiles

Yeah its a pain to sort out the wrong corpses of desencrate if specters ever die but a price i willing to pay ^^

How do you even get your resistances to be enough?

66/62/75/20 with 8,7 ehp

my ring and belt are crap.
i could reach max res except for chaos for now if i would invest.
Rehbock wrote:
NecroBoombies wrote:
Rehbock wrote:

with Combination of Victario and who needs faster projectiles

Yeah its a pain to sort out the wrong corpses of desencrate if specters ever die but a price i willing to pay ^^

How do you even get your resistances to be enough?

66/62/75/20 with 8,7 ehp

my ring and belt are crap.
i could reach max res except for chaos for now if i would invest.

Rings are the only place i can get resists. My boots is alberon. Belt maybe a little ,but since str and attr are suffix , only 1 resist slot.
Just crafted this belt.. not perfect but good enough for now.

Last edited by Durahal on Jan 2, 2020, 2:40:33 AM
Hey All !

Could you check my toon and tell me what I sould aim for next? Barely have an ex of budget so farming is levelleing is my priority but I'd like to know what should be my next objective ! :)

Please note that I'm sitting at 1007 strenght so please consider :)

Thanks, I'm able to complete T10-T11 without dying with this current build Level 82 with 5L/5L Victario's/Queen's escape

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