3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I finally made it to sirius. 6L Queen's Escape, 5L Goeffri's Crest, Level 93.

Sadly I ran out of portals while dying in his big red swirly things. I could never seem to find him!

There's something wrong with my build though... my minion damage is only 14k. Any advice on where to spend my currency on upgrades?
It's in the Gem section

Chest (Skeletons): Vaal Summon Skeletons, Minion Damage (Awakened), Feeding Frenzy, Melee Physical Damage (Awakened), Melee Splash (Awakened), Ruthless
This build is just too damn fun. I have a few end tier items to start saving for but nothing that is really necessary. My zombies are currently at 160k DPS and 56.5k health.I have 5.7k life and 5.3k ES with my offering. Absolutely insane!
Last edited by emwerner on Jan 1, 2020, 10:27:18 PM

with Combination of Victario and who needs faster projectiles

Yeah its a pain to sort out the wrong corpses of desencrate if specters ever die but a price i willing to pay ^^
Last edited by Rehbock on Jan 1, 2020, 10:34:53 PM
I found a bug with Geofri's Sanctuary i posted in bug reports already but some of you might have/haven't noticed it already. Anyways i noticed it usually happens with desecrated ground maps. You will randomly stop healing past a certain health and it will lower more and more. Zombie Leech from Baron and flask wont get you past that health until you take Geofri's off and put it back on.

02/01/2020 - 1:20am - RIP "Fat Billy", my loyal Animated Guardian, kitted out with full BiS gear, with Kingmaker, mask and chest with 10% max life to ES, loads of res and HP regen %.
Died to a t13 map Metamorph on steroids, who spammed what seemed like a minigun of red storm calls all around him and one shot my entire army surrounding him. I've never seen this insane amount of damage burst.
Good bye Fat Billy, I couldn't have asked for a more faithful and loving companion. But I do wish you'd give back the couple of exalts worth of gear...
Raziel33 wrote:

02/01/2020 - 1:20am - RIP "Fat Billy", my loyal Animated Guardian, kitted out with full BiS gear, with Kingmaker, mask and chest with 10% max life to ES, loads of res and HP regen %.
Died to a t13 map Metamorph on steroids, who spammed what seemed like a minigun of red storm calls all around him and one shot my entire army surrounding him. I've never seen this insane amount of damage burst.
Good bye Fat Billy, I couldn't have asked for a more faithful and loving companion. But I do wish you'd give back the couple of exalts worth of gear...

Same mob killed my AG the first time lol

Just killed Sirus/Awakener (awakening level 5) for the first time with this lvl 89 necro + 3/4 ascendancies done + lvl 19 gems and barely any quality, also with no deaths. Some zombies died but I just summoned them while fighting to get the health leech from helmet. The skellies were amazing in the fight and helped me damage it. I used two carnage chieftains with two undying evangelists to shield me, worked great none of them died. Overall, it was very smooth and didn't take long at all. I had 9.7k ehp with lvl 17 discipline and I took the enduring bond wheel for some more dps.

Thanks for the build.

ALSO anyone suggest what the best thing to upgrade is for me rn? I have around 5 ex in stock and I prefer 6l skellies and zombies instead of auras. Thanks
Warning! Some metamorphs can one shot your AGs , mine died today along with 4 ex of gear which was painful as heck. Can someone identify mods that can kill AGs? Mine got killed by a black smash of spirits or something after the boss died.
Rehbock wrote:

with Combination of Victario and who needs faster projectiles

Yeah its a pain to sort out the wrong corpses of desencrate if specters ever die but a price i willing to pay ^^

How do you even get your resistances to be enough?

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