3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

robin_nerf wrote:
I dont feel the need of dps or defense atm but would like to use Vaal Summon Skeleton for the provided aoe (for legon monolith and so on), does anyone use Skeletons out of a 5/6-link ?
I dont feel like removing my aura setup in chest (enlight 4-discipline-dread banner-pride-blasphemy-vulnerability)
I got 2 unset rings so got socket's to spare/move around...


i´m using skeletons out of a 6 link in my gloves. Using them as a meatshield on bosses.
You can check my setup in the profile. Sirus AW7 down so far.

Last edited by lzrproof on Jan 2, 2020, 3:30:11 AM
OblikZ wrote:
Hey All !

Could you check my toon and tell me what I sould aim for next? Barely have an ex of budget so farming is levelleing is my priority but I'd like to know what should be my next objective ! :)

Please note that I'm sitting at 1007 strenght so please consider :)

Thanks, I'm able to complete T10-T11 without dying with this current build Level 82 with 5L/5L Victario's/Queen's escape

What gems/skill do you use in your 5L/5L?
Hello I run Queens of decree 6L w empower+ raise zombie+multistrike+ Impale+ Mele physical + Feedin frenzy. I have a litle dude Impale is fine or i need change for dmg minions os speed minions?

Sefirotcler wrote:
Hello I run Queens of decree 6L w empower+ raise zombie+multistrike+ Impale+ Mele physical + Feedin frenzy. I have a litle dude Impale is fine or i need change for dmg minions os speed minions?



buy a "The Misunderstood Queen" prophecy and upgrade your weapon with that to a queens escape to have minion speed on it.

If I have to drop one aura with a 5 link victario's influence what should it be?

Also, I'm having a very hard time getting the socket colors needed on my queen's escape. Burned over a 150 chromes and haven't gotten anything so how should I go about doing that?
Last edited by Crazy_Scott on Jan 2, 2020, 3:55:15 AM
just vaal my chest not a bad outcome

also what is the best ring anointment's to put on them? thanks :)
just vaal my chest not a bad outcome

also what is the best ring anointment's to put on them? thanks :)
rings annoiment afect only bight maps so its up to you what towers yoy use mostly
Shecutor wrote:
just vaal my chest not a bad outcome

also what is the best ring anointment's to put on them? thanks :)
rings annoiment afect only bight maps so its up to you what towers yoy use mostly

Ah i see thanks :)
Really love the build. My main for 3.9. Thank you so much for this

Guys, other than a 6L Victario's... with skitter, what else can I improve on this?

Thank you
Last edited by brunowa on Jan 2, 2020, 4:40:18 AM

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