[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

volhz wrote:

I don’t understand why to craft claws on the base Imperial, we have some problem with mana, I even crafted - the cost of mana per 1 ring, and the claw on the base Gemini Claw very well solves problems with mana.

Not everyone crafts their claw by himself. I just got one from PoE.trade and sometimes you can't chose in reasonable price range.
volhz wrote:

I don’t understand why to craft claws on the base Imperial, we have some problem with mana, I even crafted - the cost of mana per 1 ring, and the claw on the base Gemini Claw very well solves problems with mana.

Imperial Claws have the highest base DPS and more lenient INT requirements. If the crafter is only focused on DPS, Imperial is better. Overall, Gemini is the better claw for this build on average.

I also made the first claws like that, but now only the Gemini Claw, but so far it’s not working out.
volhz wrote:

I don’t understand why to craft claws on the base Imperial, we have some problem with mana, I even crafted - the cost of mana per 1 ring, and the claw on the base Gemini Claw very well solves problems with mana.

If you have a -15 mana chest using imperial is much easier. It's also an option to use one imperial and one gemini.
Anyone else notice venom gyre feels best with 3 pierce? i tried 4 and it doesnt feel as good.

Helps a ton with mana.. makes 100 mana managable. i have 130 and never run out unless im careless on a no regen map.

Guys remember we have mana leech and whirling blades on blood magic so if you run out of mana just whirling blades an enemy.

works very well with this build and 100% up time of the flask and the 6 second onslaught buff is fairly easy when we are critting lots and getting constant frenzy charges from bloodrage.

CWDT - withering step - increased duration

Shout out to mic01851165 for this idea. Works very well.. puts 5 withered stacks on for 5.8 seconds when you take damage and gives a ton of dodge.

That and
at 6 attacks per second which is actually 12 hits a second because venom gyre projectiles return.

This makes for some pretty decent wither stacking.. at least 10-15 stacks between the withering step for 5.8 seconds and the helm wither for 2 seconds.

I'm also trying to figure out a realistic amount of poison stacks to put into PoB if an enemy is being hit 12 times a second.

The main problem is noxious strikes gives us increased poison duration for each poison stack inflicted recently.

So 5 stacks of poison has a duration of 13.64 seconds.

20 stacks of poison has a duration of 16.5 seconds.

50 stacks of poison has a duration of 22.21 seconds.

Most red map bosses are alive for less than 3-4 seconds.

So there is a lot to think about lol...

If i'm conservative and put 10 stacks of poison and 10 stacks of withered in PoB i'm at 8 million dps/2.5 million shaper.


jrelthewise wrote:
shubutnoi wrote:

Well i am not sure those bonuses will overweigt the stats on shield. You got mediocre DPS boost (if got one at all), less block,no defenses. Also there so many nice uniqe shields...

It's more than a mediocre damage boost but yes you can certainly use a shield if you'd like. It's simply a defensive option vs an offensive option. Choose whichever you are more comfortable with. That's really the name of the game with this build. Cobra Lash vs Venom Gyre. Claws vs Daggers. Shield vs Dual Wield. All of the different aura setups. Which unique chest to use. Guess what? They all work! That's the beauty of PoE. Choose whichever you are comfortable with and don't be afraid to invest currency in something. Worse comes to worse you don't like it and wind up reselling it and trying something new.

To be fair, just dual-wielding doesn't offer much for this build. With a Wasp Nest, it doesn't offer much DPS over a shield, and far worse defensive stats. Once you get to end-game level claws, however, the DPS boost IS significant.

Bromeek wrote:

I bought this claw, will it do the job, or needs more pDPS?

It's fine. Maybe a touch pricey, but a big improvement over Wasp Nest.

so what is important in a 2nd weapon for a dual wielder? are stats like phydmg/attack speed/crit chance/ important in a 2nd weapon for dual wield? or try to go for as much flat chaos / poison dmg / poison duration?

Neyeah wrote:

so what is important in a 2nd weapon for a dual wielder? are stats like phydmg/attack speed/crit chance/ important in a 2nd weapon for dual wield? or try to go for as much flat chaos / poison dmg / poison duration?

Venom Gyre will alternate weapons for damage, so ideally both weapons would look similar.
Streaming this build again :)

Neyeah wrote:

so what is important in a 2nd weapon for a dual wielder? are stats like phydmg/attack speed/crit chance/ important in a 2nd weapon for dual wield? or try to go for as much flat chaos / poison dmg / poison duration?

Venom Gyre will alternate weapons for damage, so ideally both weapons would look similar.

What about Cobra Lash ? same thing?
I managed to craft this

Gotten also some stun modifier but managed to lucky annul it.

How do i proceed from here?

I was thinking to put "can have multi mod", and craft attack speed and chaos multi on it.

Or would it be better to craft attack speed and %phys?

I'd like to have crit chance on it too but am too affraid to go for another annul :D
Last edited by Chayman on Sep 17, 2019, 1:24:33 PM

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