[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

How do you guys (the 2 last posters) have mana issues when the build uses eldritch battery so you spend your ES on spells so even if the spec has all the mana reserved it shouldn't matter. ES recharges all the time and is not affected by "no regen" mod.

Unless you have too little ES so it's depleted from MOM-absorbed hits? Because Wicked Ward should ensure it keeps recharging even if you get hit. You should also get ES back each time ghost shroud gets popped.
They might not have enough ES
I just crafted this beauty:

Not sure if there's anything good to slam there or if I should just craft aspect of the spider on it. Any thoughts?
Last edited by AliveFD on Apr 11, 2020, 8:52:44 PM
AliveFD wrote:
I just crafted this beauty:

Not sure if there's anything good to slam there or if I should just craft aspect of the spider on it. Any thoughts?

Could always get lucky with a slam, but you do need to 'spend' one affix one some piece of gear for Aspect, might as well toss on your amulet, gives you more flexibility on your other picks for stacking res / life / etc
Question on the Cluster Jewels. Should you try and get a jewel that requires less points so you spend less points or should you get one with more?
Krb20 wrote:
Question on the Cluster Jewels. Should you try and get a jewel that requires less points so you spend less points or should you get one with more?
Less unless they have really good value, passive points are a limited resource.
Hello, I have finished with the 1-3 ex and mostly done 10ex version and trying to minmax. I notice however in my pob it shows my damage is 1/3 that of the 10ex version. (918000 dot dps compared to 302000)(15388 average hit vs 37578) Is there anything I've missed? I plan on raising gem quality but raising them all to 20 in my pob doesn't increase it by an insane amount. My pob doesn't show the small cluster jewel with no witnesses but it is there.

I can't say it's all content worthy either, can't handle end-game bosses(though I've been able to slowly kill some elder guardians and hydra) It also struggles on tier 16s, can get through them but there's a chance I'll get killed somehow. I also wish it was faster, so fast on lower tiers then on higher tiers I may have to wait a bit so magic/rare packs can die.

My pob: https://pastebin.com/q7gqVcxT
Last edited by Theo1290 on Apr 12, 2020, 4:01:36 AM
malohp wrote:

I just dropped these. would these be fine for the build? DEX, INT will make it close to ipossible to roll 3reds and 1 blue, tho

life and resist can be added
Make them 2 socket with the crafting bench, then make turn those 2 sockets red using the " Atleast two red sockets ". Then you go up to 3 sockets ( 3 jeweller cost ) , if you dont hit red you make them 2 sockets again. Repeat this until you hit 3 red sockets. Then make them 4 ( 10 jeweller cost ), if you dont hit blue, go back down to 3. Repoeat until you get a blue one. Its really easy and cheap to hit 4 off colors using this method.
i followed this guide but i dont get how u achieve 2m dps, im maximum around 700k, after i compare with your pob i realise your ed damage also effected with despair curse, how should i use that curse??
Is there an option to go CI? I think massive es from Hyrri's Ire could be increased instead of increasing life. Delirium and SIrus have decent chaos damage and it's really rippy for MoM builds.

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