[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Sirius a5 not passed :(
tell me pls what to improve first
Last edited by WhiteWolf6666 on Apr 10, 2020, 4:41:24 PM
SimplPrimate wrote:
Viktranka wrote:
@SimplPrimate change flasks to what's suggested in the guide, yours are awful and a lot of death prevention comes from having proper flasks and using them, mana flasks on EB spec are mega worthless

also buy at least lvl 20 essence drain, if not lvl 21 (how do you have empower 4 before that beats me, should be cheaper the other way around)

that topaz ring is quite meh, is that just to fill strength requirements?

amulet lacks anointment

and if you use unset ring you should put flame dash in it and flesh & stone in helmet so it benefits from enlighten

Thanks I completely forgot about flasks, I am really bad about that. I am waiting to find an amulet that I like that has endurance charge then I will anoint it, I got 3 gold oils the other day to do it with.

The ring I will take a look at. The only reason I put flesh and stone in the ring is my helm was already colored, and I have enough to do all my buffs anyways so I didnt think it would matter.

I still can't figure out why I have such low health, with all the expensive shit I have I figured I should be at least breaking 5k. I kinda feel a bit like a glass cannon at the moment, and it's taking me forever to get to lvl 90 :P

Also, I made that empower myself with a Vaal Orb :P
SimplPrimate wrote:
I am waiting to find an amulet that I like that has endurance charge then I will anoint it, I got 3 gold oils the other day to do it with.
If you have a temporary amulet you plan to replace, you can anoint freedom of movement for cheaper and save golden oils until you get an amulet you plan to keep for long.

Also what did you do all your gems are lvl 19 / 23% quality, did you buy them like that? Did you self corrupt them? It's quite... curious. Haven't seen that on anyone else before.
Last edited by Viktranka on Apr 10, 2020, 4:43:34 PM
So I have the spider skill, which reserves 25% and then the VAAL MAsk unique and Malevolence reserves 47 while discipline reserves 32. So as it stands now I can not have all three active. Did I miss something in the guide about lowering the amount needed for reserves?
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/298833 - Mods doing what mods do best
http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/03/how-i-became-a-password-cracker/3/ Cause i bet if everyone did waht they say inhere or god forbid you required a 8 char minimum password less accounts would be comprised
Is there a way to reverse Redeemer influence and try again? I got the awful 4% aura fix.
Viktranka wrote:
SimplPrimate wrote:
I am waiting to find an amulet that I like that has endurance charge then I will anoint it, I got 3 gold oils the other day to do it with.
If you have a temporary amulet you plan to replace, you can anoint freedom of movement for cheaper and save golden oils until you get an amulet you plan to keep for long.

Also what did you do all your gems are lvl 19 / 23% quality, did you buy them like that? Did you self corrupt them? It's quite... curious. Haven't seen that on anyone else before.

I just got a new amulet:

I am working on a ring now.....was thinking something like this:

Rarity: Rare
Rapture Eye
Coral Ring
Quality (Life and Mana Modifiers): +20% (augmented)
Level: 60
Item Level: 75
Your Chilling Towers have 25% increased Range (enchant)
+36 to maximum Life (implicit)
+42 to Strength
+20 to Intelligence
Adds 9 to 14 Physical Damage to Attacks
Adds 2 to 28 Lightning Damage to Attacks
+90 to maximum Life
+1 to Minimum Endurance Charges (crafted)
Note: ~b/o 3 exa

As for the 23% gems, they were cheap to buy at level 1 so I bought them like that lol......goofy but better than nothing on them :)
edit: you can also run this with a chaos damage % increase jewel, which will give a greater base dps, but wont give you the ability to get arcane surge.

Figured I would try and learn a bit more about the new cluster jewels, turns out that there is a large cluster jewel archetype that fits very well with the build, and allows us to boost both our life (very small boost) + damage vs. the standard tree setup, and also allows us to get arcane surge. Nothing earth shattering, but for people min-maxing dps this may help.


Old #’s: Life 4897 – ED Tooltip DPS in HO: 804,976 – ED tooltip DPS with infused channeling: 886,769

New #’s: Life 4909 (improvement lol) – ED Tooltip DPS in HO: 828,168 – ED tooltip DPS with infused channeling & Arcane Surge up: 1,004,075

(New) Chaos Jewel #'s: Life 4909 - ED Tooltip DPS in HO: 879,535 - ED tooltip DPS with infused channeling: 969,899

Detailed Stuff:
Large jewels with the second implicit of “Added Small Passive Skills Grant: 10% Increased Spell Damage” give us access to a number of great nodes that grant additional spell damage, two jewel nodes for the extremely efficient medium + small cluster jewels, as well as two interesting nodes that require interaction to boost damage: Ancestral Inspiration and Arcane Adept, both of which will conditionally grant arcane surge upon a certain action being completed (dropping a totem or channeling a spell for one second, respectively). I’ve created a breakdown on what nodes types I found to be of the most value in this jewel archetype below, but first one other clarification: As far as this build is concerned, increased spell damage % = increased chaos damage % = increased damage %, so any node that boosts any of these stats is effectively ‘as good’ as an otherwise identical node that boosts another.

•Ancestral Inspiration or Arcane Adept – these nodes give us access to arcane surge. Even though it’s only the equivalent to a level 1 arcane surge gem, it’s a free 10% more damage modifier.
• Burden Projection – largest % increased damage modifier on a single node (30%) + 8% knockback chance on spell hit (throwing ED is basically only way to trigger this portion, didn’t really notice it)
• Conjured Wall – 25% damage + 6% spell block chance. Very niche defensively, but solid offensive bonus
• Practiced Caster – 20% damage + 5% cast speed – damage + utility
• Sap Psyche – 20% damage + regen 1% of ES per second if you’ve recently cursed an enemy – with witchfire this should constantly be up.
• Mage Hunter – 20% damage + 4% block chance (with a 20% change to generate a power charge on block). With the whole point of our build being avoiding hits, this portion is not likely to proc often, meaning we’re basically just getting the increased damage from it.
The other perks are either too situational or are not applicable to our build, and I would not recommend them.

If running a chaos jewel go for the following:
• Unholy Grace 30% increased chaos damage + 10% cast speed
• Unwaveringly Evil 30% increased chaos damage
• Wicked Pall 35% increased chaos damage + 20% duration
• 2x jewel sockets

Anyways, I socketed two medium jewels with the perks recommended by OP on page one (duplicate nodes in different gems DO stack) into this large one, then socketed a small jewel into each of those – first the one recommended by OP with No Witnesses, then another with the “Added Small Passive Skills Grant 4% Increased Maximum Life” implicit archetype into the second medium jewel. This small jewel had fettle and a secondary perk that also granted +ele res for small passive nodes picked up. To get points to allocate on these jewels I de-specced out of the top left portion of the tree where we picked up Cruel Prep + had Transcendent Mind socketed, as well as the small Arcane Expanse wheel. Even after losing the DoT multi from Transcendent mind, the damage boosts picked up from the cluster jewels more than offset it. The only other thing we lose from de-speccing out of these wheels is some AoE (PoB shows aoe on contagion dropping radius from 32 to 29). Also, if you have the points to spare without digging too heavily into other wheels, it may be more efficient to keep transcendent mind and de-speccing from the Growth and Decay wheel. I’m pretty sure that this setup is more efficient than even one that uses a Voices jewel to run 3x medium+small combos, unless you get one that is 3 dead nodes or less

So that’s about it, here are the jewels I’m using, none of them were more than 2ex, and most were under 100c.

Last edited by arelil on Apr 10, 2020, 9:54:09 PM
Viktranka wrote:
SimplPrimate wrote:
I am waiting to find an amulet that I like that has endurance charge then I will anoint it, I got 3 gold oils the other day to do it with.
If you have a temporary amulet you plan to replace, you can anoint freedom of movement for cheaper and save golden oils until you get an amulet you plan to keep for long.

Also what did you do all your gems are lvl 19 / 23% quality, did you buy them like that? Did you self corrupt them? It's quite... curious. Haven't seen that on anyone else before.

What do you think of this one? I like the other one I posted above but it will screw up my resistances too much.....

Rarity: Rare
Soul Hold
Two-Stone Ring
Quality (Attribute Modifiers): +20% (augmented)
Level: 60
Item Level: 82
Your Arc Towers deal 25% increased Damage (enchant)
+15% to Fire and Cold Resistances (implicit)
+42 to Strength
Adds 3 to 7 Fire Damage to Attacks
+52 to Evasion Rating
+79 to maximum Life
+41% to Lightning Resistance
+1 to Minimum Endurance Charges (crafted)
Note: ~price 3.6 exa
mcwaffle wrote:
So I have the spider skill, which reserves 25% and then the VAAL MAsk unique and Malevolence reserves 47 while discipline reserves 32. So as it stands now I can not have all three active. Did I miss something in the guide about lowering the amount needed for reserves?
What level is your enlighten? From what I remember you need rank 3 with vertex and rank 4 with a crafted rare.
Viktranka wrote:
mcwaffle wrote:
So I have the spider skill, which reserves 25% and then the VAAL MAsk unique and Malevolence reserves 47 while discipline reserves 32. So as it stands now I can not have all three active. Did I miss something in the guide about lowering the amount needed for reserves?
What level is your enlighten? From what I remember you need rank 3 with vertex and rank 4 with a crafted rare.

Yea I misread it, thanks that was the issue.
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/298833 - Mods doing what mods do best
http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/03/how-i-became-a-password-cracker/3/ Cause i bet if everyone did waht they say inhere or god forbid you required a 8 char minimum password less accounts would be comprised

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