[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Hey guys,
I'm a beginner and I die all the time at Sirus and even most mapbosses. I'm level 92 and I can't advance because all progress is ruined by death. My death count is now 555 deaths for 10 days of played time. I have tried to stick to the "What to upgrade next" section, but keep dying.

This is my Gear:

Amulet with damage mods are bloody expensive. I guess i lack a lot on the damage side. Drox is a pain everytime, this fight takes ages. And i get oneshotted by trash mobs every now and then in alched red maps.
What i am missing? This incessant dying is starting to piss me off a lot.

Thanks and stay healthy guys!
arelil wrote:
I think I'm pretty close to finishing up this build, it's been the best iteration of an ED Trickster I've played, good dps and very tanky. awesome job :)

One small change for even more survivability that I recommend. During general play (t16 mapping, simulacrum, etc.), I found myself using my wither totems very infrequently. As this was effectively a wasted slot most of the time, I found that socketing in a CWDT setup with steelskin + withering step was super helpful, and I found myself dying noticeably less often, especially in high waves of simulacrum. I'm running CWDT level 20, which will pop after we take 3.2k damage - this happens with a relatively high frequency even in mapping - but this allows us to take lvl 20 steelskin, which gives us a 2.2k shield, boosting our effective total life pool by a full 25% temporarily. We also have Withering Step proc at the same time, which refreshes our elusive buff, boosting us back up to max dodge chance if we were not already there, and applying 7 stacks of wither to nearby enemies. Although the AOE wither ends when we next use a spell, as it is an instant application to enemies in range when CWDT procs it, nearby enemies (aka those that were damaging us) will automatically be hit with it. For endgame boss encounters where you want the extra wither totem damage, you can still swap to the more traditional setup if you run CWDT in a 2x whitesocket 4L setup. Here's what I'm running it on now:

Good idea. Not a big fan of swapping multiple gems if we can avoid it, but steelskin sure is worth it. Can't wait for PoE2 to have it on all builds! And a 6l phase run... That'll be weird.

I won't add it to the guide as I feel like it adds unessessary complexity, but I can recommend doing this, especially if your damage is high enough to not really need the wither totem (keep using spreading rot in that case).
Maybe I should entirely drop wither totem and keep spreading rot/withering step cwdt, I don't know. I don't really like WS interactions tho.
ozten wrote:
Am I blind or is the HoG gear setup gone? I wanted to try it for atlas completion.

It's still there, iirc in the pros and cons sections. Not sure where to put it, honnestly. It's here because it's the only place in the guide where I talk about Hogm otherwise.
Darkxellmc wrote:
ozten wrote:
Am I blind or is the HoG gear setup gone? I wanted to try it for atlas completion.

It's still there, iirc in the pros and cons sections. Not sure where to put it, honnestly. It's here because it's the only place in the guide where I talk about Hogm otherwise.
Thanks. I just slapped a balefire on and it worked out.
T16 Summit 100% Delirium. 1.1 mill tooltip with frenzy charges and flask. Died ones cause I let my guard down vs double boss.


Also managed to get to 1 mill hideout tooltip with bossing jewels. I swap out Green Nightmare and No Witness for life and dmg jewels.
Thank you very much for or your help guys, you are amazing.

I've just crafted this, is it better than the build quiver?

Darkxellmc wrote:

Harsh way to say that, but very true.

I kinda wish moire people would realize that, no, you can't clear endgame content with basic life+resists gear. Some niche builds might be able to do it, mostly abusing non meta uniques, but most skills absolutely can't do that.

There's currently not a single skill that goes above 300k dps with just a tree, a basic weapon and a 6l. You pretty much need 1M MINIMUM dps to kill any real endgame boss. Any build that claims you can kill endgame bosses with a tabula and life+resist gear is flat out lying to you. It was kinda true before the 3.9 conquerors expansion, but the new health scaling is not actually relevant. Of course, there's a few exceptions to this, GC mines being a good exemple, or doomfletch traps, stuff like that.

The current mentality (mostly conveyed by streamers tbh) is to make builds appear as cheap as you can. It sells better, and there's of course some pride to have when thousands of people follow your guide(s). I'm also guilty of this, I'm the first one to put clickbait titles and focus more on pros than cons.
But let's be real. No, your average build isn't "just the same without headhunter". No, you can't just replaces all voices in a herald build with 2 socket jarge jewels. No, you can't "just not get the +4 corruption", or just the "non legacy slightly nerfed version". Yes, you can (must, actually) swap out all gear pieces of a build for more budget alternatives, but it won't feel the same without the best pieces. The temporary gear should be a placeholder while you farm to acquire the BiS items, not shit you buy at t1 maps and keep forever.

A build is as much about progression as it is about the end goal of the fully built character. I wish more guide makers focused more on the path to build a good character rather than on what gear they currently have equipped. Not only does it make for a much easier to follow guide, but it doesn't make people believe that the budget version performs as good as the minmaxed version. I still have a lot of room to improve on this too, but at least I'm trying. I think.

Rent over, sorry.

You should put these in your FAQ. It is very helpful and an eye opener for me. POE ist not playing like an D2 Hammerdin. -:)
Thanks for the guide!

Botino wrote:
Hi, really enjoying the build so far, I think it's perfect for this league. Thanks for the guide!

About the boots upgrade, I was wondering, why do you chose to go for chance to dodge attack hits and not spell hits ? Any particular reason that i'm missing ? Is there a stat better than the other ?

Does anyone know about this ? I got the currency to buy those boots but i'm still wondering which is better and why.
Meh, atleast it didnt poof.

A question - why is matatl's 6% dodge so important?

If I check my pob, I have 75% dodge with flask and elusive regardless, and I think you mentioned it's good to be not dependent on flask. However, if there are no mobs around to recharge flasks, chances are quite high I don't have elusive either, which drops me all the way down to ~50% dodge. Does 6% really matter in this situation?

Also is culling strike on gloves really better than 28% inc dot/spell damage from warlord? I mean, it sounds good for fat bosses like sirus or uelder, however situations when it really makes a difference sound like a one-on-a-million cases, while inc damage works all the time.
Last edited by Fushta on Apr 8, 2020, 11:55:05 AM

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