[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Hey guys, I'm new to poe and playing this build on Ps4. I finished act10 and all 4 labs and playing t8-9 maps. I feel kinda lost and wondering what is the most effective or best way to farm currency for me? should I just continue reaching higher map level? I'm playing magic found maps on my map device, there is also an abyssal mode etc. What should I play?

Maybe someone can bring some light into the dark :D

ZzzZZzzZZZZ wrote:
aerial wrote:
For those long boss fights using bane instead of blight isn't terrible idea. Adds chunk of dot dps that you can apply from distance, automatically curses the target too.
Some bosses that move around a lot are pain in the ass to target with blight, and just tagging them with bane can work better, will be lot safer for sure.

But overall, single target damage of this build is pretty low, especially if someone played stuff like stormbrand archmage which is absolutely ridiculous in comparison.

I think I'll give it a go. Wonder what OP thinks about it !

I don't like it, but you do what you want. It's viable, just personal preference.
I also don't see which bosses move too much for us to blight them. There's phoenix, and that's pretty much it.

When you go in melee range of a boss, most of them stop what they are doing and start auto-attacking you. In this state, they will never do their deadliest attacks. Minotaur will not burrow, shaper will not send balls... Of course you have to know which bosses do what for this to be effective. If you stand in front of hydra, you're dead. But even on hydra you kinda want to stay in melee range to go around her efficiently when she does front attacks...

So, yeah, idk. I just like blight, and the superior damage feels good. Bane is perfectly viable too. Just don't think because it's ranged it'll give you an edge to "dodge the bosses pattern". Most people who say that end up "dodging" around the arena running around like headless chickens. They get hit by even more deadly shit than if they were melee facetanking. Don't be like that. But if you know what you are doing, having some range and less casting time is always nice![/quote]

Very insightfull, thank you. I've played on and off for years and usually just go "brutal force" through content (= I'm not really skilled lol). So most of the time against hard bosses this league I just tag essence drain, and try to react to the visual effects, like a headless... monkey ? Pretty sure if I knew my time windows to blight it wouldn't feel so inadequate against bosses.
Anyway, I really like this build movement and clear speed, and I even more like your guide knowledge and dedication.
attenchun87 wrote:
Hey guys, I'm new to poe and playing this build on Ps4. I finished act10 and all 4 labs and playing t8-9 maps. I feel kinda lost and wondering what is the most effective or best way to farm currency for me? should I just continue reaching higher map level? I'm playing magic found maps on my map device, there is also an abyssal mode etc. What should I play?

Maybe someone can bring some light into the dark :D

It's hard for me or most of the player to answer you because it seems (a player was talking about it like 10 pages ago in this thread) the PS4 economy is rigged. Usually you try to farm at a level you are confortable in order to get some money to buy some stuff that let you get to the next difficulty step. I mean it's the most natural way to progress through the game but there are a lot of other ways to play.
The mod you can put on maps with your device have for primary benefit to add monsters, and so loot. So if you run a very good map (high quantity roll <90, high level map) it is super useful to get some exponential results. But when you start mapping it's not very useful. Just play what you get, alch your maps and run, it's always safe and fun.
Hello, is there no tiers in PoB tree (for leveling - noob here) or am I blind?
This build is very doable on Ps4, you just have to ignore Vertex and go for a rare hubris. Treat Ps4 like SSF and find/ craft all your own gear, or focus run area for items you want and its just as easy as PC.

Currently just waiting on a nice day to enchant my 330ES helm and find decent boots and I think I am done.

Not sure on the amulet I crafted and whether I should craft another. Currently trying it out, but have 2 other bases I can switch too. not sure how to calculate how much life I am getting back from it... (0.5% chaos damage leeched as life affix) and whether to switch to 16% more chaos dot

Also ranking up Leo for free slams on my quiver.
Last edited by Snowball_InHell on Apr 6, 2020, 11:41:20 AM
Hello, is there no tiers in PoB tree (for leveling - noob here) or am I blind?

No, I don't do that.

There's a leveling section in the guide, reaching maps shouldn't be too hard. They include a rough tree for each level, but it doesn't matter really. Chaos dots deal absurd damage before maps, mostly because shadow's tree start had damage everywhere instead of travel points.

Follow the leveling section (more or less), then you'll be at maps, and can start working on the starter PoB. No need for leveling trees and gear setups in PoB, it gets confusing quickly imo.
POB shows higher dmg when I replace transcendent mind with eldritch knowledge, is eldritch better?
judger91 wrote:
POB shows higher dmg when I replace transcendent mind with eldritch knowledge, is eldritch better?

it's not unless you pathed differently, make sure you have only 2-3 int allocated and use transcendent
Hmm even if I got only 3 allocated int pasives within the radius, eldritch shows more dmg.
My character:
Does anyone know the specific interaction with conflux and dots? I.E. if I apply shocking conflux does it affect dots already on enemies, or is it snapshotted. Same question if I apply a dot right when conflux starts, will it snapshot to higher damage even once conflux ends? Trying to figure this helm out, and google hasn't been too informative.

IGN DanteAllighari - Standard
ArcTesla - Domination
DanteAlighari - Domination

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