[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Hi guys,
What should I upgrade next, failed with Sirius Awakened 4.
Here is my Character, thanks!

Hi guys,
What should I upgrade next, failed with Sirius Awakened 4.
Here is my Character, thanks!


Last edited by netsstea#4219 on Apr 6, 2020, 3:46:43 PM
Is it ever worth trying to slam -chaos res when I get 300+ ES and have a free suffix?
PrincessRevolver wrote:
Would it be possible to add Block to this build? The reality is that the moment you get tagged by a single mob in a crowd or there's an "allies cannot die" enchant active you just die outright with no chance. I've lost three simulacrums to that exact phenomenon because this build just really isn't that tanky at all. Endgame bosses also oneshot pretty consistently. :/
I dont know what you are doing or how your gear looks, but I never have this problem. If I see a allies cannot die I pop Vaal Blight and it dies. Only time I die is if im not careful vs slam on Krosis wave 20.
ozten wrote:
PrincessRevolver wrote:
Would it be possible to add Block to this build? The reality is that the moment you get tagged by a single mob in a crowd or there's an "allies cannot die" enchant active you just die outright with no chance. I've lost three simulacrums to that exact phenomenon because this build just really isn't that tanky at all. Endgame bosses also oneshot pretty consistently. :/
I dont know what you are doing or how your gear looks, but I never have this problem. If I see a allies cannot die I pop Vaal Blight and it dies. Only time I die is if im not careful vs slam on Krosis wave 20.

Without looking I can only guess, but the issue is most likely dodge cap. It’s super important to hit that 75% dodge for attacks and to have high evasion to back you up from there. If you’re not hitting cap, you’re gonna die!

should i slam prefix or suffix on these?
emokantu wrote:

should i slam prefix or suffix on these?
I would do prefix for a chance at damage over time or spell damage.

I got super lucky on mine.
hello everyone =)

well I figured out in POB that having more % chaos damage over time in gloves and amu would be only a smal dps upgrade , that's to push the last little thing we can get from it .... feels not really big

the 40% damge on the helm sounds better , isn't it ?

well it feels like having a lack of dps anyway done my sirius yesterday but it took really long , blight seems to be useless in this fight since we move a lot

so how to get bigger dps ? is a low life build will be more powerfull ?
DarkKnightKoki wrote:
leksous wrote:
Hey there,

I cant afford a 6L staff right now but i do have an 5L.
What would be the gem setup with a 5L setup?

■ Weapon

There is no variation when it comes to essence drain. You should push for a 6l as soon as possible and buy a level 3 empower. If you only have a level 1 or 2 empower but you have a 6l, you should use Decay support instead:

Sad News mate...

I mean, a 6l cane is literally 60c at the moment.
If you can't buy that, you're probaly in t1 maps. If you're not in t1 maps, you're doing something very wrong. But for low content like this, a 5l with no empower will be perfectly fine.

akunastal wrote:

Hi to all! What should i do with this helmet? Maybe try to annul +life? Or how else I can do a good helmet from this?

I believe I already answered this.
Why would you annul this? A bit low on es, but 75+ life is definitely worth it! Just multimod %es and a double resist, and you're good to go!

Gripen2 wrote:
Thanks for this awesome build, I've never gotten so far in PoE as I have now.

I just have one question about Eldrich Battery, Wicket Ward and Mind over Matter.
Does these three not decrease survive-ability?
You say to take MoM when we have 2000 ES, with EB this will protect mana instead and MoM only takes 30% damage from mana before HP.

What am I missing because this seems like a big loss.

Well if 30% of damage is taken from ES before life, and we have ~30% of our life+es total worth of es... Well it just so happens that this is the perfect ratio to keep all the benefits from our ES.
Plus we get to recover both life and ES at the same time to mitigate hits, free mana costs to reserve all our mana, and 100% es uptime giving us 10% spell dodge.

You see the synergy now? ^^

ZzzZZzzZZZZ wrote:
NEPHAN wrote:
I had taken wand+shield route and below is what I came up with

OMG that chest O_O ! How much did it cost ?

Yeah, I stopped recommending this setup in the guide for that reason lol. It's better than the bow, but to do it efficiently you really need at LEAST +2 on your chest.
For the record, a chest like this usually goes for 1-2 mirrors. You just don't buy it, you craft it. Chances to hit it aren't actually that bad, but it's very RNG reliant, and costs 2-3ex per try...

I'd really recommend using mistwall and using arcane swiftness on the tree. Not only does it give 75% spell damage and 13% movement speed, but the 15% elemental avoidance stacks additively with our other avoidance sources.
Of course, being block capped is the main thing. Being block capped on a build that already has 30k evasion and 75% dodge is just beyond ridiculous.

Adamisgr8 wrote:
Anybody got any ideas on how I can scale my damage further?

Currently at 1.06mil ed dps in ho

Other than leveling up to 97 to pick up the last jewel socket, not really... Really nice gear!
Also, why 13% dmg on your belt? Just craft 20 at that point ^^'

ZzzZZzzZZZZ wrote:
aerial wrote:
For those long boss fights using bane instead of blight isn't terrible idea. Adds chunk of dot dps that you can apply from distance, automatically curses the target too.
Some bosses that move around a lot are pain in the ass to target with blight, and just tagging them with bane can work better, will be lot safer for sure.

But overall, single target damage of this build is pretty low, especially if someone played stuff like stormbrand archmage which is absolutely ridiculous in comparison.

I think I'll give it a go. Wonder what OP thinks about it !

I don't like it, but you do what you want. It's viable, just personal preference.
I also don't see which bosses move too much for us to blight them. There's phoenix, and that's pretty much it.

When you go in melee range of a boss, most of them stop what they are doing and start auto-attacking you. In this state, they will never do their deadliest attacks. Minotaur will not burrow, shaper will not send balls... Of course you have to know which bosses do what for this to be effective. If you stand in front of hydra, you're dead. But even on hydra you kinda want to stay in melee range to go around her efficiently when she does front attacks...

So, yeah, idk. I just like blight, and the superior damage feels good. Bane is perfectly viable too. Just don't think because it's ranged it'll give you an edge to "dodge the bosses pattern". Most people who say that end up "dodging" around the arena running around like headless chickens. They get hit by even more deadly shit than if they were melee facetanking. Don't be like that. But if you know what you are doing, having some range and less casting time is always nice!

PrincessRevolver wrote:
Would it be possible to add Block to this build? The reality is that the moment you get tagged by a single mob in a crowd or there's an "allies cannot die" enchant active you just die outright with no chance. I've lost three simulacrums to that exact phenomenon because this build just really isn't that tanky at all. Endgame bosses also oneshot pretty consistently. :/

You can, you'd just have to get rid of dodge. And you'd need to use glancing blows, which still makes you take 50% damage from blocked hits.
Dodge is just better, it's 75% chance to not take damage VS 75% chance to take half damage, and it still procs onhit stuff.

If you're not feeling tanky, you either have something wrong with your gear, or you're on endgame bosses and still have the life+resistances rare gear you bought in yellow maps. Uniques don't do everything.

xalekx wrote:
Could any1 help me fix the build?

Here is my gear:

My passives arent that good either.

I can do t16 but bosses are pain. Conquers on high tier maps t15+ are hard. I also failed sirus :S.

Trying to get the +1 level int gem amulet but still crafting it.

Thanks for the help.

I was about to say "idk, gear looks pretty good"... But then I saw that bow. What is this?

Get a level 21 ED gem, and recraft a bow. Hell, even cane would probably still be better than this thing. That probably feels really low damage, but at least you know why ^^'

Than probably a +1 amy if you can afford it, and a bit more levels (more damage will make you feel a bit more comfortable, you should die less). And save up for empower 4 after.

Viktranka wrote:
This is a bit more of a theoretical question, but does the mod "monsters take increased damage" stack in the same way as mods that you deal "increased damage"? I.e. on a spec where you have 300% increased damage and monsters take 100% increased damage adding a node with 30% increased damage or monsters take 10% increased damage has the same relative power? Or does it have a cap?

Yes, and monsters taking increased damage is multiplicative with the damage you deal. Note that in your example, you forgot to take in consideration the base damage. If you have 300% increased and monsters taking 100% base, to effectively deal 10% more damage overall you'll need:
- enemies take 10% increased damage
- 40% increased damage
Not 30%. But the reasoning was correct.
In our build, we have ~800% total increased damage and 105% increased enemy damage taken. In this situation, enemies taking 10% increased damage is the same as ~45% increased damage.

AllinBloo wrote:
Allowed myself to buy base for helmet and crafted this

Im running flesh and stone, malevolence and discipline without spider. I think its more defensive.
What are your thoughts ?

Very nice helm. Yeah, flesh and stone instead of spider is a good choice too. 8% less damage, but the blind aura and 11% mitigation at range is really cool. I sometimes swap it in when I really need to be tanky too (deep auls).

it's really difficult to claim that we are " unkillable " feels pretty weak even we dodge a lot I going to reroll to anotyher build and see how I die , the more or less

I had a green nightmare I just removed it it's not worth the cost, yes dodge % but still no DPS
Last edited by mitenayo#0161 on Apr 7, 2020, 3:09:50 AM

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