[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

sorlix wrote:
how do you find min endurance charge craft guys? I have unveiled 100-200 rings and there was only 1 with the craft...

It took me a while too. Make sure you're using ilvl 75+, as I *think* that's a requirement. https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Ring

I bought a few ilvl 75+ veiled rings as well
Currently blowing through A8 Sirus deathless, the only thing that take a little while are t16 juiced / delirium map bosses.

If you get resistances on jewels / cluster jewels / Brutal restraint (20% cold) and manage a few res on your gear its doable to swap out rings for full damage / life entirely. I'm sitting at 96/87/88 res with the following rings:

A double DoT quiver is also a huge damage boost as others have mentioned, especially if you can metacraft off a base with decent res

Sitting at 870k tooltip dot with this setup.
Last edited by ShAd0w3d on Mar 29, 2020, 3:05:34 PM
Darkxellmc wrote:
ZzzZZzzZZZZ wrote:
I love this build's clear speed, even tho it's pretty clear single target damage is quite bad it performed really well for me this league.

I was wondering why are we looking for +4% chaos damage multiplier over time when there are some jewel with +10(12?)% chaos damage, they seem better to me. I'm using one right now but will probably change it after the response.

I'm quite well stuffed now, I don't really know what to update next (probably gloves).

Anyway thank you for the guide ! And sorry for my lacking english

The medium ones that grant 4-5% dot multiplier are better than the large ones that grand increased damage. They cost way less points, and chaos multi is much more efficient than generic increased damage. A medium jewel contains on 4 or 5 points 2 notables and a jewel socket, so it's extremely efficient passives per point. The large ones aren't as good, they cost too much passives. It's really hard to make them better than nodes on the tree (though marginally possible).

OK I see, thank you for your answer. I currently use a large one with Unholy Grace, Touch of Cruelty, Unwaveringly Evil, and a Jewel Socket, 12 passives +12% chaos damage. I will probably change it later but I was thinking it was a good Jewel (dropped it myself).

You're doing such a good job with this guide, thank you and congratz
i am trying this build, but on the first day of endgame, looks realy fragile :(
Quite happy, boughed it for 2ex slammed 1ex on it and got max life ^-^

Last edited by Benzka on Mar 29, 2020, 3:38:02 PM
That non chaos DOT is low :/
It its something wrong with this helmet ? i expended 40 resonator( aberrant and dense ) and i dont get -chaos ressistence on enemies. ( ilvl 86 )
Last edited by danit0x on Mar 29, 2020, 5:31:30 PM
No the weight is just horrible.
Just use aberrants and pray you hit a good ES when you get the - res. You'll ruin yourself with 2 sockets resonators
Also get the quality to 28+ before crafting on it
Last edited by Shuggananas on Mar 29, 2020, 5:36:09 PM

My first luxury item craft thanks to this detailed build, unfortunately I didn't hit the onslaught on kill with the redeemer orb but movement speed is nice as well.

Also my next upgrade is 6L Hyrri right? I still feel a little squishy tho I only have 1700 es and 4700 life.
6L hyrri's is useless
Get a +1/dot amulet and dot/cull gloves
+ get rid of spreading rot

Then craft a hubris, slam your enlighten. Don't bother using discipline if the enlighten doesn't get to level 4, it's barely useful
Last edited by Shuggananas on Mar 29, 2020, 6:15:41 PM

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