[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

There is currently a grand total of ONE Hyrri's Ire on my xbox marketplace, and it's listed at 4 ex lol. Next season I need to find a SSF build :/
kuriisu wrote:
Yeah each level of ED is flat out 15% MORE dmg so it's overall most efficient to go for ED levels when trying to scale damage, get Brutal restraint if you wanna scale survival, it's actually crazy good.

I guess if you're Bill Gates eventually you'd want +1 socketed/ +2 support hyri and +5 to chaos staff, but yeah that is beyond expensive.

Not really, actually. We already reach ED level 29. Gem levels are about 10% more per level, up to 30. After 30, the returns are more at ~5% more per level, which is barely worth it compared to an other stat.

Cartz83 wrote:
There is currently a grand total of ONE Hyrri's Ire on my xbox marketplace, and it's listed at 4 ex lol. Next season I need to find a SSF build :/

I'm playing group self found rn, and would 100% buy a hyrri's for 4ex ^^'
But yeah, it's annoying.
But on the flipside you get more money on unique drops on console...


Edit: the PoBs now feature actual cluster jewels and are entirely up to date.
Last edited by Darkxellmc on Mar 23, 2020, 8:12:01 AM
I am sure my questions have been asked here before, but there are 10 new pages of questions daily so I was not able to find the answers yet and hope to get some help!

The skill tree is made for lvl 92, but there are no points allocated on the new Jewel Clusters. I am currenly using a medium and a small cluster jewel and was wondering what points are best specced out of for someone that will probably end the league at lvl 93-94. For now I only run 2 Jewel Sockets, but it might be better to spec out of something else?

Also, since getting Empower lvl 4 my damage is enough to clear all red maps with ease, yet the boss damage can be pretty low. I am using a 5l CWDT setup and a 4l Blight setup as stated in the guide. Unfortunately there is no place for a wither totem setup. Has anyone had any success with a more damage oriented setup without having to remove the CWDT setup? Could it be better to just run wither totems instead of blight?

Moreover, in the guide it says that you should spec into MoM once reaching 2k ES. I already have Hyrri´s but I am still only at 1.7k ES. Taking MoM definitely feels like the right choice but I was wondering how I could snag the last 300-500 ES.

Lastly, what would you recommend for me to upgrade next? Just looking at the recommendations from the guide I am missing Chaos-Multi Gloves, a crafted bow, Watchers Eye, Brutal Restraint, Green Nightmare, some very good rare jewels and a GG Amulet. Since I currently do not have room for more Jewels and the unique ones are quite pricey for what they do, my goal has been to save up money for a 10ex bow craft and maybe get the Brutal Restraint and/or Green Nightmare after (If I figure out where to get the Jewel socket skillpoints). The amulet seems so expensive that it is probably the last item to upgrade. Would you recommend getting something else first/another order? Are there any other items that have been recommended here in the comments that make a lot of sense for the build?

My character should be public. Hoping you guys can help me out. Thanks in advance! :)
Amazing build and well written guide, having a blast with this, any recommendation on what to upgrade next?
Maybe brutal restraint and a better neck/hyrri's ire or am i missing anything?

I have started mapping with this build and have a great time. My gear is ok-ish, not great but probably enough up to t11-12 or so. It probably matches the budget version of every piece that you listed and caps my resistances while having around 1300 es.

I'm still missing the Vertex which will be my next upgrade - I hope I can get one for the 1 ex that I have. I wanted to run a 3 Aura setup (Malevolence, Discipline, Flesh and Stone) but my Enlighten is still lvl 1, so I had to put points into the -reserved note near shadow start. When I have Vertex and my Enlighten reaches level 2/3 I can refund those points.

I'm wondering, what I should focus on after that.

Possible steps:
- (most likely) Upgrade from 4L Kintsugi to 5L Hyrris - I probably won't be able to afford a 6L.
- Upgrade my 5L Cane to a 6L or to a Bow
- Get the unique Jewels: Green nightmare, Transcendent Mind, Brutal Restraint of deshret. What would be a good order?

A good Watcher's eye is way out of my price range, so I will skip that for now.

Thanks for any advice :).
Which awakened gem is the most important?
Which awakened gem is the most important?

Imo they're barely worth it. Check POB, and prioritize the cheapest obviously.
My boots have spell dodge. Should I really try to get a pair with attack dodge or do these work just as well?
Cloudyworlds wrote:
I am sure my questions have been asked here before, but there are 10 new pages of questions daily so I was not able to find the answers yet and hope to get some help!

The skill tree is made for lvl 92, but there are no points allocated on the new Jewel Clusters. I am currenly using a medium and a small cluster jewel and was wondering what points are best specced out of for someone that will probably end the league at lvl 93-94. For now I only run 2 Jewel Sockets, but it might be better to spec out of something else?

Also, since getting Empower lvl 4 my damage is enough to clear all red maps with ease, yet the boss damage can be pretty low. I am using a 5l CWDT setup and a 4l Blight setup as stated in the guide. Unfortunately there is no place for a wither totem setup. Has anyone had any success with a more damage oriented setup without having to remove the CWDT setup? Could it be better to just run wither totems instead of blight?

Moreover, in the guide it says that you should spec into MoM once reaching 2k ES. I already have Hyrri´s but I am still only at 1.7k ES. Taking MoM definitely feels like the right choice but I was wondering how I could snag the last 300-500 ES.

Lastly, what would you recommend for me to upgrade next? Just looking at the recommendations from the guide I am missing Chaos-Multi Gloves, a crafted bow, Watchers Eye, Brutal Restraint, Green Nightmare, some very good rare jewels and a GG Amulet. Since I currently do not have room for more Jewels and the unique ones are quite pricey for what they do, my goal has been to save up money for a 10ex bow craft and maybe get the Brutal Restraint and/or Green Nightmare after (If I figure out where to get the Jewel socket skillpoints). The amulet seems so expensive that it is probably the last item to upgrade. Would you recommend getting something else first/another order? Are there any other items that have been recommended here in the comments that make a lot of sense for the build?

My character should be public. Hoping you guys can help me out. Thanks in advance! :)

I don't use cwdt, running with wither totems/dmg blight/self casting despair.
Wither really feels great, gives so much more dmg. And cwdt is not that mandatory, I cleared sim20 deathless without it.
As for ES - i have 1450 es/4200 life, but I still use MoM. You should simply try to keep the ratio 3:1.
I'm in that weird phase when I'm reaching red maps but still don't have the mods to craft the bow...

Also I have an end-game base bow but I can't 6l it, guess RNGesus hates me.

Anyone selling a good ED bow? I have 5 ex budget.

Or is anyone a trustworth crafter that can help? Thanks!
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG

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