[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

dandan88 wrote:

Guys the ingame tooltip for Scourge arrow is the dmg the actual arrow does.... nothing about the poison, degen or anything like that is shown ingame. Lioneye always shows higher DPS because of "hits cannot be evaded".

That bow is ridiculously better than a lionseye lol, just make sure you get some accuracy now you don't have the old bow.

That's good info' to know, thanks. I find it hard to tell how stats affect builds other than how they feel playing them or its something simple like flat damage... I think I am thick lol. I did try it out after posting this and of course it feels much better. I don't have any accuracy on any gear but will work on it. I'm attempting the craft for the quiver next! Made the below so far but it needs going again I think. Again I dont know how it fares against my drillneck. this time it doesnt feel much different? I'm guessing the pierce and extra % going from 34% ailment from 50% is the key here? (i know its missing the frenzy mod etc so will re-roll just curious)

Last edited by dirtybeatfreak on Dec 27, 2019, 12:25:46 PM

Comparing both of your linked quivers, yes you will not notice much of a difference unless you get getting multiple damage modifers on your rare crafted bow. This can include the following suffixes:

Damage with Ailments (which you have)
Damage over Time Multiplier
Chaos damage over time multipler (Hunter suffix)

(Below is a two line hunter suffix modifier)
20% chance to Poison on Hit
(26–30)% increased Damage with Poison

But since you really want attack speed as well(along frenzy charge generation) with the quiver you're naturally left with trying to hit one of these, ideally Damage with Ailments or
Chaos damage over time multipler.

Obviously unless you have a ton of currency to spend it's difficult to hit everything you need want at T2/T1 craft (especially with current fossil prices).

But yeah, the %chance to get a frenzy charge is huge for bossing as each individual thorn from each pod has a chance to proc it, combined with the helm enchant for an additional pod (meaning more thorns to proc) & generally decent attack speed means you should have decent uptime on frenzy charges on longer boss fights.

Below is my rather basic one that I use, I spent 15c on the hunter influenced base & and about 40c on fossils. Room for improvement but will last a while.

dandan88 wrote:

Guys the ingame tooltip for Scourge arrow is the dmg the actual arrow does.... nothing about the poison, degen or anything like that is shown ingame. Lioneye always shows higher DPS because of "hits cannot be evaded".

That bow is ridiculously better than a lionseye lol, just make sure you get some accuracy now you don't have the old bow.

That's good info' to know, thanks. I find it hard to tell how stats affect builds other than how they feel playing them or its something simple like flat damage... I think I am thick lol. I did try it out after posting this and of course it feels much better. I don't have any accuracy on any gear but will work on it. I'm attempting the craft for the quiver next! Made the below so far but it needs going again I think. Again I dont know how it fares against my drillneck. this time it doesnt feel much different? I'm guessing the pierce and extra % going from 34% ailment from 50% is the key here? (i know its missing the frenzy mod etc so will re-roll just curious)

Apologies see my above post as I did not quote you!

What gem set ups are you guys using? I cant seem to get a definitive answer
Hey guys,

If going for the Divine Flesh route, do we need Chaos Resistance while affected by Herald of Agony on Circle of Nostalgia or it is not necessary ? (I'm not familiar with these mechanics and I was wondering that for my shopping gear list)

Thanks !
Last edited by Costa69220 on Dec 27, 2019, 1:54:48 PM
this is my character (you can see it on profile too if u want)
I feel like I am not ready for t16 farming, specially against syndicate, i get oneshot often, any suggestions for better defence?
Hryukat wrote:

informative post

hi, thanks for your reply, really informative. I don't know how you guys keep the info all in lol, I've watched so many videos and read the wiki over the years and it doesn't sink in! I want to blame my age but I play and learnt games like eu4 etc fine and they seem to sink in haha.

I think my bow does have some damage multipliers, I made it earlier today and was just posting about it :)

thanks again everyone who has been sharing your knowledge!

I already have a 6 link body armor with my scourge arrow on it. I will upgrade my bow but I wonder should I even go for 6 link on it? Because if I go 4 link I can get a much much better bow. Do I lose anything by using scourge arrow on a different item than the bow? For example bow will have "%100 more poison damage with this weapon" how does that work? Do I need scourge arrow on that weapon? Will it work with every attack or maybe it will work only with the bow attacks. Basically I'm asking this, will my scourge arrow deal %100 more damage when it's in my body armor?
Hey guys, for the Circle of Nostalgia, if I don't have the means to get a chaos damage / agony buff yet, should I get another version until I can afford it? I was thinking about getting a chaos damage / chaos resist or agony buff / chaos resist...

IGN Essence: Shootyah
I also feel like I am missing something defensively, Clearing feels really nice currently clearing t15 maps. But I feel I am beginning to die alot more. Is this something I missed or just a circumstance of tankier buffed mobs. any help would be greatly appreciated

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