[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

I've chosen a Maloney's over a rare quiver for the frenzy and power charge generation on bosses - The damage from power charges is actually about 10% more in PoB, so it does come out higher than a rare.

Got myself a reasonable helm, which I plan on crafting %phys to ele on (just havent discovered it yet).

Currency is just raining in. T16 map sustain has never been easier. My next upgrade is probably going to be a %DoT multi watchers eye and I'll probably then switch out skitter for malevolence.

I dropped ballistas to spell totems for applying wither stacks, as they apply it for longer, have guaranteed applications and are easier to manage.

As I've taken the endurance charge generation node on my amulet, I have not gone with IC - as steelskin is much better at lvl 20 (2200 additional EHP against burst).

This build is insane for both mapping and bossing if flasks are managed effectively. Flask duration on your belt helps a lot! (It cant be crafted)
Miss my old buddies, but life be life sometimes.
liowaart wrote:
your build's full of shit, I've wasted all my nerves, six days and removed the game because I'm not doing anything.

You haven't even leveled a ranger...
Here's some others:

Complete the Eternal Labyrinth in a non-Hardcore league.
Have a Skill Gem reach level 20.
Reach level 90 as a non-Hardcore character.
Reach level 60 as a Hardcore character.

Pretty sad times when you can't hit 90 in 6 days and then proceed to call out a build on the forums...
Miss my old buddies, but life be life sometimes.
Last edited by braddaman on Dec 27, 2019, 8:49:11 AM
Great build, having blast playing metamorph with it so far. Two questions though if OP or anyone else could help me out.
1. What is your source of ignite? You have it checked in POB, but I cannot figure out what is the source, and I want that 10% damage increase from cinderswallow.
2. When I add "poisons you inflict deal damage 10% faster" affix to the boots in your original POB build, it does affect Poison DPS (increases from 82k to 89k), but it does not affect Total DPS inc. Poison at all, doesn't add even one point. Why?

Because as I said before in the thread, faster poisons reduces rampup time. It is increasing per poison DPS, but its also reducing poision duration, so per poison dps will be higher, but the final dps will be the same. Only thing that is changing is rampup time.

liowaart wrote:
your build's full of shit, I've wasted all my nerves, six days and removed the game because I'm not doing anything.

I am sorry that you feel this way, I tried to make the guide as straightforward as I could, but remember, this is build guide, not game guide, I can't possibly cover every single step even if I tried.
My builds:
My site:
Could anyone check my pathfinder if there is anything to change for now? Cheap :D
Valkirth wrote:
lesgrossman wrote:

Can anyone give a quick scourge arrow lesson? Should I always be firing it at max stages?


effciently charge enough to kill your target/s (for example if you can kill pack mobs by charging to stage 2 then no reason to charge to 5,for bosses as much as possible without putting your self at risk (i charge between 3-5 for bosses assuming i don't have to move/dodge)

The build is great, can do red maps smoothly but i wanna upgrade some gears. I know i can improve my helmet but is there anything small i can upgrade to improve life/dps? I have around 3-4 ex rn.

assuming your poison chance is 70% without coralita's flask swap poison support to unbound ailmnent's,swap 1 health flask for atziri's promise,quite a few people have recommended fenumus'weave gloves (2.5ex-3ex) as a massive upgrade to embalmer gloves,a good watchers eye can help for life/Qol,withering step/plague bearing can be linked to inc aoe if you can fit it in,most of your gear is solid,i'd say the weakest piece is your helm so you could always try to get a better one.

1. What is your source of ignite? You have it checked in POB, but I cannot figure out what is the source, and I want that 10% damage increase from cinderswallow.
generally a tiny bit of fire damage on a ring/amulet but some also maybe getting it from adds fire to attacks on bow.

If I use fenumus' weave, should i use the aspect skill? because if i do my mana is pretty much gone or should use a lower precision. Also, thanks for the reccomendations
Last edited by karbengo on Dec 27, 2019, 9:35:05 AM
If I use fenumus' weave, should i use the aspect skill? because if i do my mana is pretty much gone or should use a lower precision. Also, thanks for the reccomendations

if you're using malevolence u could try and get an amulet with malevolence uses % less mana reservation and turn off precision, idk if its viable but it would allow u to run them both
had another go at crafting a bow. this one ok or?? i lose 2k dps on tooltip so im guessing not? but as this is essentially dot damage, this does not matter? (i dont know how to measure dot damage in poe).

Build is still so much fun, i love it!

Last edited by dirtybeatfreak on Dec 27, 2019, 11:17:33 AM
Got to the point of farming t15 maps and I see that I'm lacking damage against bosses. What should I change in my build? Got 10ex + to spend right now. Balistas are useless, they die in the first second of the boss fight.
Advices greatly appreciated!

had another go at crafting a bow. this one ok or?? i lose 2k dps on tooltip so im guessing not? but as this is essentially dot damage, this does not matter? (i dont know how to measure dot damage in poe).

Build is still so much fun, i love it!


Guys the ingame tooltip for Scourge arrow is the dmg the actual arrow does.... nothing about the poison, degen or anything like that is shown ingame. Lioneye always shows higher DPS because of "hits cannot be evaded".

That bow is ridiculously better than a lionseye lol, just make sure you get some accuracy now you don't have the old bow.
Last edited by dandan88 on Dec 27, 2019, 11:58:56 AM
Could you please help me? I don'T understand I invested so much into this build and it still feels like my dps way too low. I would be glad to see any help.
All my resists are capped. Chaos currently at 84. I have all suggested items etc.. Still low dps and i die to one hits




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