[3.9] Nickonasty's Modular CoCpri Ice Nova Assassin - Shaper/UElder Viable

JustMeCristi wrote:
Do I need to rely on my traps for damage until I get to level 70 so I can equip a pair of boots with CDR? Because my Cyclone doesn't do nearly enough damage and I am having a hard time killing bosses, it's my first time doing a CoC build and I suck at it lol.

I was playing CoC - frostbolt - ice nova from lvl 40~ onwards with a high base crit 1hander + lyco, was perfectly fine, just followed the final tree point for point
CryptoSC wrote:
JustMeCristi wrote:
Do I need to rely on my traps for damage until I get to level 70 so I can equip a pair of boots with CDR? Because my Cyclone doesn't do nearly enough damage and I am having a hard time killing bosses, it's my first time doing a CoC build and I suck at it lol.

I was playing CoC - frostbolt - ice nova from lvl 40~ onwards with a high base crit 1hander + lyco, was perfectly fine, just followed the final tree point for point

Can you kindly check whether my attack speed is optimal ? Im not sure how to include elusive in pob
Krutex90 wrote:
CryptoSC wrote:
JustMeCristi wrote:
Do I need to rely on my traps for damage until I get to level 70 so I can equip a pair of boots with CDR? Because my Cyclone doesn't do nearly enough damage and I am having a hard time killing bosses, it's my first time doing a CoC build and I suck at it lol.

I was playing CoC - frostbolt - ice nova from lvl 40~ onwards with a high base crit 1hander + lyco, was perfectly fine, just followed the final tree point for point

Can you kindly check whether my attack speed is optimal ? Im not sure how to include elusive in pob

Sometimes you can tick a box that says "are you elusive?" but for some reason it dosn't always show up (might be because I am using a different fork of PoB, dunno) in that case you just add 20% increased attack speed to any random item using the "edit item" function.
Make sure to tick frenzy charges if you use them, same goes for onslaught (though I would generally advise against using a onslaught flask or onslaught on kill because either you have optimal aps without it and using it puts you above the threashhold or you have optimal aps only when onslaught flask/on kill is up and are fucked on long bossfights, especially those with immunity phases)

If you don't manage to check it yourself I can take a look a bit later
can u guys check my Assassin and say what i should improve? i feel realy shquishy sometimes....

I had included the 20% atk speed into pob. Turn out my aspd is 8/s. But can you still check it ? And recommend any optimal changes

CryptoSC wrote:
JustMeCristi wrote:
Do I need to rely on my traps for damage until I get to level 70 so I can equip a pair of boots with CDR? Because my Cyclone doesn't do nearly enough damage and I am having a hard time killing bosses, it's my first time doing a CoC build and I suck at it lol.

I was playing CoC - frostbolt - ice nova from lvl 40~ onwards with a high base crit 1hander + lyco, was perfectly fine, just followed the final tree point for point

I fixed it, I didn't know the importance of the optimal attack speed, now I am sitting at 5.95 with 0 CDR waiting to level in order to be able to buy Cospri's
Ralign wrote:
yanabeca wrote:
Hello, great guide. Mixed some stuff from couple of pob to make something that works for me. I have two questions though. Why do we need skitterbots if we're using yoke? Isn't cld crit enough to shock with it? And how does heart of ice work with soul tether, because sometimes i feel like hoi is working when im not full life but sometimes isn't. If my es pool is enough should i just drop soul tether since i have heart of ice?

Edit: Oh and how's the end game boss damage with 6Lfortify? I've been playing with whirling blades or flame dash for a while, leap slam seems too clunky to me.

Thank you.

The build derives it's strength from relatively small hits, at an extremely fast rate. This does not lend itself to hitting a nice high shock value. As such we use Skitterbots because they provide a guaranteed 17% shock on bosses regardless of their shock threshold.

Heart of Ice operates independently of life leech and is true energy shield leech.

The big difference is Soul Tether re purposes your life leech, that is to say, your maximum leech rate of life is 20% of your HP, so if you have 5k life, you leech 1k per second max. The way Soul Tether works is if you hit maximum life it re purposes the same leech rate for your energy shield regardless of the energy shield pool you have.

Energy Leech however, is limited to 10% of your ES, so even if you had 5k ES, your leech from Heart of Ice would max out at 500 per second. Thus, I see no situation where Soul Tether is worth dropping in a leech scenario.

That being said, high ES on hit from Discipline Watcher's Eyes for example are one exception where dropping Soul Tether may not be punishing. Personally I enjoy having buffered leech instances that apply the moment I take damage so you'll have to pry Soul Tether from my cold dead fingers.

Merry Christmas

Ahh my bad, i didn't understand how skitterbots worked so i thought we only used shock to get the 5% from yoke. Another question; atziri's promise or the wise oak? Or maybe both? I have the wise oak a basalt and a diamond flask for utility atm and was thinking maybe i should switch to atziri's promise.
yanabeca wrote:
Ralign wrote:
yanabeca wrote:
Hello, great guide. Mixed some stuff from couple of pob to make something that works for me. I have two questions though. Why do we need skitterbots if we're using yoke? Isn't cld crit enough to shock with it? And how does heart of ice work with soul tether, because sometimes i feel like hoi is working when im not full life but sometimes isn't. If my es pool is enough should i just drop soul tether since i have heart of ice?

Edit: Oh and how's the end game boss damage with 6Lfortify? I've been playing with whirling blades or flame dash for a while, leap slam seems too clunky to me.

Thank you.

The build derives it's strength from relatively small hits, at an extremely fast rate. This does not lend itself to hitting a nice high shock value. As such we use Skitterbots because they provide a guaranteed 17% shock on bosses regardless of their shock threshold.

Heart of Ice operates independently of life leech and is true energy shield leech.

The big difference is Soul Tether re purposes your life leech, that is to say, your maximum leech rate of life is 20% of your HP, so if you have 5k life, you leech 1k per second max. The way Soul Tether works is if you hit maximum life it re purposes the same leech rate for your energy shield regardless of the energy shield pool you have.

Energy Leech however, is limited to 10% of your ES, so even if you had 5k ES, your leech from Heart of Ice would max out at 500 per second. Thus, I see no situation where Soul Tether is worth dropping in a leech scenario.

That being said, high ES on hit from Discipline Watcher's Eyes for example are one exception where dropping Soul Tether may not be punishing. Personally I enjoy having buffered leech instances that apply the moment I take damage so you'll have to pry Soul Tether from my cold dead fingers.

Merry Christmas

Ahh my bad, i didn't understand how skitterbots worked so i thought we only used shock to get the 5% from yoke. Another question; atziri's promise or the wise oak? Or maybe both? I have the wise oak a basalt and a diamond flask for utility atm and was thinking maybe i should switch to atziri's promise.

Wise Oak better than Promise. If you're running evasion and dodge you can use a Quartz rather than a Basalt.
noot noot
CryptoSC wrote:
Yo guys, going "cold overleech" , dont have problems with clear. But my single target/survive is hell, spendind like 20s for every t11 metamorph, help please ! https://pastebin.com/k1uNGPiV
Dont ask about tabula/uberlab ;0 Create this CoC tooday, still leveling.
Maybe i did something wrong on tree? Dont wanna going DW , shield is prefer ( id like comfortable gameplay and dont need top dps numbers at poeNinja ). Ty !
Step by step please, if possible ;)

you attack too fast, with 7.71 aps according to PoB (you forgot to tick elusive) you should be losing close to half your dps, drop it down to 7.49 and your damage should double.

You either need to get rid of Precision [The Notable, not the Aura] (as even with a 8% Cospri you are still over 7.49 aps) or, what I'd recommend, get rid of Poachers Mark and then go for a 14% Cospri and pick up 2 or 3 attack speed on a jewel.
Reason for that is that you will not be able to have frenzy charges up in real bossfights anyway, meaning that you will end up with suboptimal attack speed for your cooldown, and that is where you need it the most. Frenzy charges are only really good with the corrupted cospri IMO because then you can guarantee 100% uptime

Also you have two wasted skill points above Trickery (or you missclicked in your PoB)

@Ralign on that note: my ingame aps with cyclone is 7.46 while PoB shows 7.43 and if i get another 1% attack speed on my jewel, which can easily be divined, it goes up to 7.48 in PoB but ingame it goes to 7.51, which one should i trust?

Sorry I didn't notice this but trust in game because some order of operations and rounding stuff isn't perfect in game. That being said because the "real" threshold is like 7.5X you should be ok it varies based on your ping. Try fight Atziri and check your procs on her minion phase.
noot noot
How we can check "procs" at Atziri ? A lot of action`s around us ;0

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