Minecraft creator and fellow Exile Notch banned from 10 year anniversary celebration for wrongthink

The guy's a code-stealing dickwad who nobody likes, what's the loss him not being there?

Everyone knows Hatsune Miko made Minecraft.

Oh! Now I get it. Saw the cosplayer earlier and was puzzled at why you'd post something so unprofessional and spazzy, out of all the gif joints in the internet.

Haha. 'Course you noticed the wrong spelling.

That second one's a great image. She's gorgeous and conceptually amazing, and have seen clips with her performing. But ... Not a typo, genuinely made a mistake. Every time Future Tone is being played around here up in the front room, I don't stick around. Cannot abide the music. Probably fun to play the game to, but as tones, oh my god. Just grates on my ears. That quip from me came from a conversation, Minecraft having a long and fond history 'round here (Much like Pokemon does). How to/we navigate all this PC rabid aggression and bullshit, toxic cesspools of ignorance and hate, and genuine social change and human rights stuff is a recurring conversation, too. I asked what the consensus was on Notch and got that as a reply. No serious debate, nothing, just that, was funny.

Explaining that isn't so funny, but happy to.

Last edited by erdelyii on May 2, 2019, 5:09:21 AM
Yeah, you're right, the "white" thing, eh, not the day to launch into that one, not least because feeling pretty subdued this evening.


How about a hill of beans -

The Turing Test

When troubles got so bad that colours could not live together on an equal basis Alan Turing and partner Jim Crow invented The Turing Test in an effort to remedy some of the problems he had caused. The test was used to decide which colours were better than others, and so greatly improved colour relations. To perform the test those involved would sit naked in their rooms with a computer keyboard typing messages not knowing whether they were talking to a real person or a machine.

Thanks to the test (now more commonly known as Yahoo! chat) it became possible to clearly identify one colour from another, and thus some reduction in tensions was enjoyed by all.

Red, Green and Blue Supremacy

Many of the colour problems came from one group or another...

The Colour Problem

My red hot take: He was being - tricky to find the right word - humble, I guess, gracious, a nod to chasing ideas and finding fun things, not being a jerk like so much of the forum can be, but hey can imagine he's got an amusing answer of his own.

or maybe a Japanese word for exactly that.
Last edited by erdelyii on May 2, 2019, 5:27:54 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
Fun fact: one of my favourite Engrish moments was when I was at a theatre over there, and there was a sign saying 'we will not be responsible for lost properties' and I, being the epic nerd I am, was like, does this place debuff you or something?

What was the show?

Charan wrote:
Okay, enough derailing. Back to the ever-important discussion of whether or not someone who thinks transgender identity with anorexia nervosa are comparable is someone Microsoft should invite to their little parties.



The_Impeacher wrote:
Racist bigots should be pushed out of civilized society. They don't belong with normal, good people. Great move IMO

The people who think they are "enlightened" today, will be judged by the next generations as raving bigots.

How many people on this forum are paying their CPUs for all the work done by them? Think your graphic card doesn't deserve any rights?


Anyone who thinks future AIs aren't going to look at the current generation of humans as a bunch of slave owners is deluding themselves.
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
DalaiLama wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
Racist bigots should be pushed out of civilized society. They don't belong with normal, good people. Great move IMO

The people who think they are "enlightened" today, will be judged by the next generations as raving bigots.

How many people on this forum are paying their CPUs for all the work done by them? Think your graphic card doesn't deserve any rights?


Anyone who thinks future AIs aren't going to look at the current generation of humans as a bunch of slave owners is deluding themselves.

What happens when an algorithm understands you better then you understand yourself?

Are people consciously going to make the worse decision or will they opt to make no decision at all and letting the program become the autority in their life.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
DalaiLama wrote:
Anyone who thinks future AIs aren't going to look at the current generation of humans as a bunch of slave owners is deluding themselves.

We're really quickly getting into basilisk territory.

If future AIs are truly smarter than us, then they'll understand the limitations of our time and will judge us fairly.

Otherwise we should all just stop speaking now. Return to nature, and silence, and death. Any act we take could otherwise lead to infinite judgement and being thrown into damnation. Hmm... where have I heard this all before...?
pneuma wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:
Anyone who thinks future AIs aren't going to look at the current generation of humans as a bunch of slave owners is deluding themselves.

We're really quickly getting into basilisk territory.

If future AIs are truly smarter than us, then they'll understand the limitations of our time and will judge us fairly.

Otherwise we should all just stop speaking now. Return to nature, and silence, and death. Any act we take could otherwise lead to infinite judgement and being thrown into damnation. Hmm... where have I heard this all before...?

AI's are already "smarter" then us, just at very specific and defined calculations.

Here is the problem of the AI revolution, currently our best working systems are based on humanistic libertarian value's.

Democracy is predicated that the individual holds the correct answer to the question "who should rule"
The markets ethos is "the customer is always right"

Most systems we utilize find their primary notions in the fact a person needs to connect with it's inner feelings and then can make a choice.(the individual is the smalest sovereign entity)

Now ask yourself, what happens to these fundamentals when an algorithm can make better choices for you then you yourself can.

A simple current example, the sport watches that monitor your health. This program knows better then you yourself what your hart rate is, how much you walked, how many steps you took.

Not only that, but it can accurately tell you your value's over a period that's impossible for you.

As a result of this, you give autority to this program to dictate your sport behavior, willingly.

These implementations don't need to be perfect, they just need to have better results then humans before they will be adopted at mass.(self-driving cars are another example of this)
And as a result people will give away autority over their lives in return for comfort.

Now extrapolate this and imagine an algorithm that has access to all of your data of your entire live(i imagine in the near future implants will be pushed out to combine bio and tech) and it's purpose is to find you a partner.
The moment it has slightly better results then people choosing themselves it will take over this part of life. Not only that, it will be able to give you exact data on why it chooses that other partner for you etc

This isn't all that far fetched considering the amount of work algorithms already do in our daily life and how wilingly people accept this if it enables comfort.

Algorithms dont need to be perfect before it will have serious impacts on our society, the moment it out-performs us it's ready for implementation and will keep improving from that point forward.

Just like we have an amount of deaths by car accidents based on "human error" and self-driving cars will simply "not make human errors" and this will be justification to adopt this technologie.

Once these programs prove they know you better then you know yourself we will have a serious shift in all of our systems since it will destroy the fundamentals that justify all of our current models.

Now this isn't a bad thing, i'm just highlighting what current tech people are moving towards, and like all tech it can be utilized for good or bad.
Technologie is always neutral in my view.

Data is the wealth of the 21th century and for good reason, it's the source to feed algorithms.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
鬼殺し wrote:
Back to the ever-important discussion of whether or not someone who thinks transgender identity with anorexia nervosa are comparable is someone Microsoft should invite to their little parties.
Well, Notch is definitely wrong that transgenderism is akin to anorexia nervosa. Transgenderism is an ideology, not a mental illness.

Transgenderism is more like saying there's nothing wrong or crazy with the types of body weights associated with anorexia nervosa, that those weights can be safely maintained with the proper medical treatments, and that even though there's nothing wrong with them Medicaid should be forced to pay for those treatments because that's who they are inside, nothing can change that and if you disagree you're a bigot.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

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