Minecraft creator and fellow Exile Notch banned from 10 year anniversary celebration for wrongthink

ZZzzzz 4 post's later and still no mention how people perceive sexual orientation just by looking at them.

You stated that power only works when you give it away. Then your example of people not giving away their power ends with them being collectively murdered by those in power.

I mean sure, you can then walk that back to "well if they didn't accept that government in the first place..." etc etc. I just initially assumed that you meant the people "giving power away" were on the victims side of the equation, because otherwise you're not really saying anything other than..."people's actions have consequences". And, you know, that's fine! I wouldn't call it a "funny thing about power", personally, but hey, to each their own.

My assumption is that people would have ended up fighting one another, one side corrupted by an ideology and diffusion of responsibility and another side simply by resisting that part and unwanting to cooperate with it.

There is no "those in power". Your just looking at the "perceived victors" and calling them the ones in power while it could go both ways at either time.

Everybody that comes out on-top did so by "power" it's such an abusive world view when power is just one factor.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
ZZzzzz 4 post's later and still no mention how people perceive sexual orientation just by looking at them.
Nobody's stopping you talking about this thing you clearly want to talk about.

Boem wrote:
There is no "those in power".
Well, you're entitled to your definitions, of course. I don't share this one. The idea of "being in power" is an entirely common, well understood phrase that I see no reason to abandon.

Boem wrote:
There is no "those in power".
Well, you're entitled to your definitions, of course. I don't share this one. The idea of "being in power" is an entirely common, well understood phrase that I see no reason to abandon.

Just like the concept of "being in power" also implies it's a continuum that shifts in time.

Some people call that nuance. I think your dismissing the fact people are allowed to be in power by other people and in the absence of that consensus power crumbles instantly.

Like, why do you vote if power is not a fluid attribute? It seems paradoxal to vote when power is static and fixed. It seems to imply you fear power moving from one location to another which would make it fluid and not something inherent but allocated.

Just like the whole 1% myth as if it's some stationary perceived entity and not a fluid part of society constantly in motion.

As for the other part, you started this with the homophobia and transphobia comment, not me. I'm just interested how people can have prejudice towards people based on sexual orientation when it's not visible on the outside.

Unless you make it visible, in which case, fair game we all have to deal with prejudices sling towards us and i see no distinction between prejudice for being gay and prejudice for being small. The only thing i see that changes is the trigger.

I assume where talking western nations though, because i can accept certain nations having institutionalized homophobia which is stupendous gives 21 century and all that. But there is more in this world thats unfathomable in this day and age that people seem to ignore willingly.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Just like the concept of "being in power" also implies it's a continuum that shifts in time.

Some people call that nuance. I think your dismissing the fact people are allowed to be in power by other people and in the absence of that consensus power crumbles instantly.
I'm not dismissing that at all; I'm just not making any statement about it one way or the other because it doesn't change anything about the nature of racism etc. Of course power can shift around. I don't think there's any disagreement there. But while it is where it is...well...that's where it is.

Boem wrote:
As for the other part, you started this with the homophobia and transphobia comment, not me. I'm just interested how people can have prejudice towards people based on sexual orientation when it's not visible on the outside.
Nobody said anything about it not being visible. I just noted that the topic touched on homophobia, transphobia etc, and you responded by saying that where I live people must be able to smell sexual orientation. It made no sense whatsoever.

Boem wrote:
Unless you make it visible, in which case, fair game
No, not "fair game", jesus christ what a disgusting attitude. People are not "game" to be abused. Homophobic, racist, misogynist etc behaviour is unacceptable. It is the opposite of "fair game".

Boem wrote:
Unless you make it visible, in which case, fair game
No, not "fair game", jesus christ what a disgusting attitude. People are not "game" to be abused. Homophobic, racist, misogynist etc behaviour is unacceptable. It is the opposite of "fair game".

Is such behavior offensive, yes.

Is such behavior illegal, nope.

If you wanna come out in life as "insert anything" be prepared to take some slack for that from any amount of people that disagree or have different views then you.

That goes for anything in life, like people supporting trump getting prejudice for doing so or people saying they are religious or not religious.
Or people that enjoy some kind of kinky fetish etc

All are "life-style choices", being gay is no different.

So yeah, it is fair game, just like an atheist is fair game for religious people or a republican is fair game for a democrat or a small person is fair game for a tall person etc etc

You wanna advertise your life-style choice to the world, be prepared to get criticized by people that disagree.
Nobody get's a free pass.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Is such behavior offensive, yes.

Is such behavior illegal, nope.
Which is notable why, exactly? I'm not a court, I'm not limited to only thinking in terms of legality. If we were only discussing legality this entire thread wouldn't have existed in the first place.
Why is it notable?

Because we are never going to get rid of bigotry.

As long as they don't escalate into violence or assaults they are a non-issue in human life.

People automatically fall back to group-think and discernment under pressure don't think you can get rid of millions of years of evolution because people decided some months ago words physically hurt.
Which i don't prescribe to and find insulting/demeaning to the people being taught.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Right, and we're never going to get rid of burglary, but importantly, we still have laws against it and police to enforce them.

It doesn't matter that perfection is unattainable. That's of literally zero importance. What matters is that we can improve upon the current state of things. We can make people's lives a bit better. If we choose to actually care.

Bigotry does escalate into violence and assaults. It also contributes to mental health issues and suicide. It leads to employment discrimination, electoral discrimination; to failures of health, education and justice systems and so on.

It's nice that bigotry is a non-issue for you, but you aren't the spokesperson for human life.

Boem wrote:
As for the other part, you started this with the homophobia and transphobia comment, not me. I'm just interested how people can have prejudice towards people based on sexual orientation when it's not visible on the outside.
Nobody said anything about it not being visible. I just noted that the topic touched on homophobia, transphobia etc, and you responded by saying that where I live people must be able to smell sexual orientation. It made no sense whatsoever.

Is it just me or was the 'Smell of Homosexuals' one of the more bizarre moments in Path of Exile Off-Topic discussions?

Boem wrote:
Why is it notable?

Because we are never going to get rid of bigotry.

As long as they don't escalate into violence or assaults they are a non-issue in human life.

Extremely wrong. Words can destroy someone like nothing else can.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun

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