
xythian wrote:

Edit: I also posted to /r/pathofexile and got some more results.

It looks like Incinerate is working as expected, it's just difficult to verify due to how quickly the stage changes can happen when combined with latency, fps, UI updates, etc.

Cast Speed vs. Stage 3 Time


So, all works as intended (exept visual part of buff icon)
Right, so I'm thinking of making an incinerate Templar and I would like to know if anyone had any luck with static blows and incinerate + added lightning gem?

Either that or I may go with shock nova with proliferate.

Any thoughts on this?
IGN - Zginc
I had a quick question about listed dps on an incinerate with lesser multiple projectiles. Is the listed dps for only one of the lines of flame? I feel like this might be true because enemy hp drops like a rock when they get close to me and I'm at catacombs merciless so I've got the feel for gauging how much hp somebodies losing.. I'd just like to know if I'm seeing things or if this is a thing.
darkel wrote:
Cybil's paw provides the full life per hit on this skill.

Still not good enough to overcome Lightning Thorns, though...I roll with 79 lightning resist, 50% spell block, the anvil, and an 8 LGOH Cybil's and I still get torn up.

This means when hitting a thorns target, I have a 50% to gain 37 health, a 50% chance to take the thorns damage, and a 100% chance to get the 8 health and a reduced 79% damage.

In short, if thorns was doing 53 damage a hit / .21 (252 damage), I would come out net neutral. With 75% spell block and 83% lightning resist, I would be able to negate 841 damage.

The problem is even with the resist, I'm probably still triple stack shocked.

It just does WAY TOO MUCH damage to counter balance as is but a 80% reduction for the skill would be plenty managable.

So true... Just started to enjoy incinerate until I got killed within 0,00003 sec.
I hope there will be some kind of fix for that.
AstosMaldova wrote:
I had a quick question about listed dps on an incinerate with lesser multiple projectiles. Is the listed dps for only one of the lines of flame?

Yep, DPS is essentially per-projectile, so triple it for a rough estimate of the whole thing.
I am very much enjoying this skill. Made a tank templar around it.

the lighning thorns is not a problem if you use Aegis shield and have a decent amount of spl block. In my build I have 60% spell block and my ES recharges faster due to block/aegis mechanic than it is depleted due to thorns. Around 15k armor and 2k es atm, so I get around 600 es per successful block and I lose not sure how much per successful lightning thorns (but its less than 600 with 77% lightning res).

I agree the thorns/incinerate issue needs to be fixed since using 1 unique item is not really a problem solver.

got 2,1k tooltip dps atm with LMP and it clears relatively fast. Not the best, but decent, considering I invested almost nothing in spl dmg on skill tree and I don't have spl dmg items (apart the paw unique).
items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
Last edited by missuse on Dec 4, 2013, 9:20:37 AM
How does the Life Gain On hit from the unique claw Cybils Paw behave with Lightning Thorns?

Does the "Instaleech On Hit" mechanic counter the "Instadamage On Hit" from thorns in any way?

edit: Nevermind, just saw that an answer already exist some posts above.
That this is not working is another proof how broken this thorn mechanic is!
IGN: AssaScion
Last edited by H4rleQuin on Dec 4, 2013, 9:34:35 AM
Thanx ViperMagi !! so some poor fool takes about 7.5k when they stand right in front of me.. lol I hope they don't have thorns on them cause dang...

Also H4rleQuin, the life gain on hit from paws definitely does not make up for the amount of pain thorns delivers back and you can see it by the sheer number of posts in this forum mentioning frustration at thorns with listed life gain and such. That and just about everybody who runs this skill is going cybils paw. Although I think I'm gonna forgo it for a high spell damage wand with vaal pact as risky as that is..
And has anybody tried the combination of 4k+ Life with 2% LifeRegen, 8 LifeGain o Hit (Cybils Paw) and 40% of damage taken as mana (Cloak Of Defiance)?

Also a question:

Is it viable two go for dual curse with incinerate? And if so, which ones?
Proj.Weakness seems good, but the knockback could be annoying...

So I´m interested in how much the damage would be increased if you have enemies cursed with EleWeak + Flammability or EleWeak + ProjWeak instead of only one of these curses?
IGN: AssaScion
Last edited by H4rleQuin on Dec 5, 2013, 6:45:54 AM
I think the real way to stop thorns from owning incinerate builds is to temporarily lower your dps for areas with thorns by linking other support gems.. try trading damage for life leech and life gain on hit and switch any high damage increasing equipment for lesser ones.. This might be the only way to roll through thorn areas.. because increasing the damage just makes the return all the more brutal..

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