
i m running a eb / mom / iron will / 70 block 69 spellblock with aa.

i litterally take no dmg from lighting thorns ,only the promenade boss hurts but i also survived it shotgunning him with gmp.

why is that? DONT link incinerate with castspeed , thorns is on hit base so fast cast will hurt alot. i link

Incinerate/GMP/fasterprojectiles(manaleechinnoregn) iron will /lifeleech/ fire pen.

i also think that the claw is very ovverated the 1 healh per hit wount do shit in endgame when u have leech anyway. i personaly use the new unique doon chubbychubby (OR SO)
1050 dps with that mentioned gems , semms low but is in fact quite bit higher ecasuse fire pen is insane and the added range is insane.

in really hard maps aka high minus max i use fireball inked in the ui´nique mace even with my 4,5 k hp at lvl 74 .

i will have lighting reist aura and elemtal edaption soon but im taking no dmg from normal lighting thorns so far without either of them.
karlklaps wrote:

i also think that the claw is very ovverated the 1 healh per hit wount do shit in endgame when u have leech anyway.

its not 1 hp per hit its 8 (max roll), with a dps of 1000 u have approximately 75-125 dmg per projectile (or something like that), so the average is 100. with lvl 20 LL u get 8,8% so for one projectile u get 8,8 hp per hit. Not much more than the paw gives. So thats why paw is good.

Unless the paws per hit is multiplied with the 0,2 skill effectiveness, but I am pretty sure it is not. Can someone confirm or deny this?
items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
i read in several very wll written threads that the claw is affected by the 20 % smg effectivnes , they used the claw themseleves.
i think it s by no means a bad item but in hard maps , i will alwaays leech 24 % of my life per sec with leech and the loh is only good agiasnt grpups of lots of enemies but groups arent the problm for that build , just insane bosses are.
I was wonder if there was a way to make the stages go faster? Also does it shotgun when mobs get close? just started using it, so saorry if this a nub question.
Last edited by grubworm on Dec 8, 2013, 3:58:48 PM
Yes, it will shotgun.
The best way, to make it progress through the stages faster, is by stacking a lot of cast speed.
Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii
Delirii wrote:
Yes, it will shotgun.
The best way, to make it progress through the stages faster, is by stacking a lot of cast speed.

thanks man! I thought that it that but didn't want to assume ;). thanks again.
karlklaps wrote:
i read in several very wll written threads that the claw is affected by the 20 % smg effectivnes , they used the claw themseleves.
i think it s by no means a bad item but in hard maps , i will alwaays leech 24 % of my life per sec with leech and the loh is only good agiasnt grpups of lots of enemies but groups arent the problm for that build , just insane bosses are.

Ićve read it gets full hp per spell hit in this thread:
darkel wrote:
Cybil's paw provides the full life per hit on this skill.

Still not good enough to overcome Lightning Thorns, though...I roll with 79 lightning resist, 50% spell block, the anvil, and an 8 LGOH Cybil's and I still get torn up.

This means when hitting a thorns target, I have a 50% to gain 37 health, a 50% chance to take the thorns damage, and a 100% chance to get the 8 health and a reduced 79% damage.

In short, if thorns was doing 53 damage a hit / .21 (252 damage), I would come out net neutral. With 75% spell block and 83% lightning resist, I would be able to negate 841 damage.

The problem is even with the resist, I'm probably still triple stack shocked.

It just does WAY TOO MUCH damage to counter balance as is but a 80% reduction for the skill would be plenty managable.

And my experience confirms that. However I can not be sure since I did not do any in depth examination. It just seems my life goes up a lot faster than 1 hp/hit when I am shooting.

items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
i also saw a video of a claw user , u can see in details that it says life per spell on hit.
if u have it u can sure check it.
Does the point blank passive node work with incinerate?
Point Blank explicitly applies to Attacks. Incinerate is not an Attack.

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