
Xapti wrote:
Wooser69 wrote:
Just tested it to check and yes indeed, critical weakness lets you crit with incinerate and grants power charges with those crits.

Now to make a character that uses faster casting+lmp+PCOC level 1 incinerate to power a billion cold snaps.
LMP won't get the crits any faster (unless you're using Voll's)
If you have many passives into crit, spark or freezing pulse spam (with faster casting, but also increased critical chance) could very likely gain power charges just as fast (or faster/slower depending on the crit chance), without having to deal with the hassle of continually casting critical weakness. The advantage is that once you have a few power charges going you'll gain them at a faster rate, as opposed to incinerate where the power charges won't increase the rate of gaining power charges at all.
And if you're just looking to establish power charges and not worried about maintaining them, swapping to Voll's will give you power charges in a very short amount time if you use it with pierce/fork/chain/AoE skills.

Also, it seems like a hassle to continually have to cast critical weakness then spam incinerate just to maintain your power charges. When I use PCoC I put it on my DPS skills (as unfortunate as it is) because otherwise I find it's a pretty big hassle and/or charges will run out more frequently between (or during) monster fights.

Why would you want power charges with incinerate??? Base skill has no crit chance so doest matter how much crit rate you get. And crit dmg is wasted with 10% crit chance at lvl 20. Better cap c speed. That way you get more crit in 10s window.
kavinux wrote:

Why would you want power charges with incinerate??? Base skill has no crit chance so doest matter how much crit rate you get. And crit dmg is wasted with 10% crit chance at lvl 20. Better cap c speed. That way you get more crit in 10s window.
If you read the post I was replying to, I think you'd understand.

If for whatever reason you didn't or won't understand what his post was about; he was talking solely about a method to gain power charges quickly, not to deal damage (he was talking about using level 1 incinerate). The damage dealing skill would be something else; perhaps cold snap and/or FP/IS.
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Last edited by Xapti on Jun 7, 2013, 12:14:24 AM
Incinerate was my favorite spell in the game since its introduction, but change to lightning thorns completely killed it for me. And they did nothing about it in 0.11.0 patch.
Has anyone else noticed that when you put incinerate on totems, it's dmg doesn't get bonuses from +elemental dmg and +fire dmg passives. Could be the same for +spell dmg passives but i haven't tested it. I'm using ancestral bond keystone.
It gets bonus, but the numbers are so small, that you dont see it was 5% increased damage. In higher levels so see the increase better.
Skill needs better control over projectiles.
To kill trash mobs wide cone good but when i need to focus 1 target i have to re position so i can burst with shotgun effect like flame totem. Would make this skill popular if you could control cone with mouse position on screen like other projectile bases attacks/spells.
Is the skill's damage effectiveness 100% now after the patch? If so, how is it with added cold/chaos/lightning gems?
Damage Effectiveness is still a thing for Spells, otherwise it'd be really freaking broken.
The only thing that changed is the description, which now lists the real damage, after Damage Effectiveness.
This skill needs slight buff in profectile speed. Maybe increase projectile speed by 7% per stage. Also 4% critical rate would allow flexibility with build and minor dps for non crit build. Mana cost is nothing to worry about when playin with this skill. I can sustain 20% more increased mana cost and 50% would force me to allocate 5 skill points.
Ok, GGG I have thoroughly tested your skill Incinerate. I built my level 90 character just for this skill and respec'ed my passives like 10 time to get this skill at its maximum. So far i am Low Life/Righteous Fire i have 5200 tool tip DPS with Greater Multiple Projectiles and have 0.06 Cast Time or 15.15 Casts Per Second, honestly dont know how to figure out the DPS for different stages. Anyhow i do massive DPS ***BUT IT TAKES TOLONG FOR THE STAGES AND FREEZING PULSE MAGE'S SWOOP IN AND TWO SHOT THE MOBS WITH CRITS JUST AS I GET INTO MY FINAL STAGE***
Also another thing i have noticed is since the skill does not crit it can not penetrate fire resistance, hell even with a Quality Elemental Weakness debuff it still struggles on fire resistant mobs. All i know is this skill does need *Fixed* to get it on par with other skills for more burst DPS, In my honest opinion i think it needs crit chance. But fuck me thats another 2 exalted worth regrets i got to buy lol. Got an Amazing Idea for the gem too, make it so level 18-20 the gem gain 4% Crit Chance BUT HEAR ME OUT Make level 18 only usable by level 80, 19 by level 85, 20 by level 90, Your level 1-17 gem level could have like 1% Crit Chance, This would make the Skill usable in real ENDGAME.

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