
Since this is a projectile and a spell, has anyone tried using it on a high-STR character with both Iron Will AND Iron Grip?

Boylston wrote:
Since this is a projectile and a spell, has anyone tried using it on a high-STR character with both Iron Will AND Iron Grip?

iron grip will not work with this cause its a spell and not physical damg.
rsthrsdj wrote:
imr1212 wrote:

I could achieve this using projectile weakness. I don't like knockback because if you drop a totem near ranged mobs, the first two stages will knock them out of range, while your totems are still in their range. I like GMP more than LMP because it has a larger shotgun effect at close range. I have projectile speed on my wand and thats it, I don't think the extra range helps out totems that much since the majority of the damage is done where 3-4 streams overlap in stage 4.

Frost wall is an amazing tool to have with this build. I use a quality frost wall with faster casting and increased duration. Makes mobs like rhoas and shield chargers laughable. It can also block a lot of projectiles (chaos projectiles and flamebears cause problems though). It is a very under-rated skill for sure. If I had a 6L, I would probably add fire pen.

use blind with enfeeble + curse if you hate knockback.
but i think knockback protects totem. if you drop totems, totems will die so easily.
there are many mobs that can attack you through the wall. frost wall seemed not very good.
i took casting speed + freeze + shock and use dual totems.
i don't deal damage but i can freeze and blind mobs. or there is other thing i can do without crit and damage.
i think freeze is best.
i use 2 incinerate gems. 1 is totems. 1 is for freeze.

Well you do no damage because you have no gmp or lmp for the shotgun effect which is where the majority of the damage comes from. There are only a few mobs that can shoot through frost wall, and I usually just try to take them out with bear traps and fire traps when I see them (might start running conversion traps as well). Also, I don't understand how you're freezing mobs, do you mean chill? Unless you're taking the 5% chance to freeze on hit nodes from shadow, but without proliferation, I can't see that being all that effective.
banezilla wrote:
Boylston wrote:
Since this is a projectile and a spell, has anyone tried using it on a high-STR character with both Iron Will AND Iron Grip?

iron grip will not work with this cause its a spell and not physical damg.

That's right... I always forget about the physical damage bit. Ooops!
The spell is great combined with the proper supports but has anyone experienced constant desync when moving through the stages? The ppl in my party basically forbid me to use the spell because it causes the whole group to desync constantly. I tried to find some mentioning of this in the thread and did not see anything and I'm beginning to think I'm the only one? Again want to mention that when in party when moving through stages it causes desync to everyone... ?
Last edited by chancer on Mar 11, 2013, 3:18:26 PM
My current experiences with incinerate:
You need a rediculously high amount of mana regeneration to make it work. However, achieving it is far from impossible.

Right now i am level 41 ish, and i have around 130 MP/s over 2k mana pool and 1.5k HP.
I have not invested in a single dps talent and i am facerolling almost everything.
I am using a 12 % quality incinerate with: added lightning/lmp/faster casting/faster projectiles.

i have no need for mana potions, although my mana regeneration is slightly lower then the mana consumption of incinerate. I can cast it for around 50 seconds before going oom.

Like many people said, it is most likely not going to be the next freezing pulse.
However if you support it with the right gems, have the right totems to back you up (frost wall totem for example) and get enough defensive stats it's a very competitive skill.

If anyone is actualy interested in my build right now, just give me PM and ill send it.
this is too bad for 2 totems. totems can't even stand for 4 seconds. there are so many mobs that attack through frost wall like spells, some projectiles, whirling blades etc. this is for only caster. i dont understand why so many people said 2 totems build on this skill. it is not viable. i would go add cold damage or lightning damage + incinerate.
I'd like some clarification on the wording of the skill.

It says 80% more damage per stage. Does that mean each stage gets a multiplicative bonus of 1.8 so at stage 4 it's doing 1.8*1.8*1.8 = 580% more damage? Or do those multipliers stack additively like saying 80% more per stage so 240% more at stage 4?
jonts26 wrote:
It says 80% more damage per stage. Does that mean each stage gets a multiplicative bonus

Yep. "More" is always multiplicative, "Increased" is always additive.
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rsthrsdj wrote:
this is too bad for 2 totems. totems can't even stand for 4 seconds. there are so many mobs that attack through frost wall like spells, some projectiles, whirling blades etc. this is for only caster. i dont understand why so many people said 2 totems build on this skill. it is not viable. i would go add cold damage or lightning damage + incinerate.

I just beat merciless piety on HC with dual incinerate totems. My totems often stand their full duration when I cast frost wall and spam skeles. It is plenty viable. And why would you go cold damage when it has no crit. Frost wall will stop 90% of mobs, which is fine by me. It also stops rhoas and any other charging mob from moving your totem and restarting its stages. With all due respect, you've spewed nothing but nonsense for the majority of this thread. I just beat all content in the game minus maps (which you can't really "beat") on HC, with dual totem incinerate, so calling it not viable is pretty silly imo.

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