
So I leveled it up to lvl 16 and using a 5L:

Incinerate - Faster Casting - LMP - Iron Will - Life leech

I'm doing maps 69 and under pretty well. But my general strategy was to use 1 fireball with insane burn damage, throw 3 fire traps, then afk incinerate.

However this doesn't go so well with Flamability because the burn from this spell will remove my Fireball's burning.

Also Fireball's burn duration (of which the burn dps is around 4k+) is 1.3sec. I guess it takes around this much to get to the final stage of Incinerate. But if I throw another fireball to reset the burn time, my Incinerate will restart to stage 1.

If Incinerate wouldn't restart its stage as long as I stand still, and no matter what skill I use in between, this can be the best combo for fire casters.

Right now its damage is a little less than spamming fire/bear traps, but survivability is higher.
IGN DuongThapNgu
incerate's burn does not replace your fireball's burn (unless incerate's burn is stronger), strongest burning "wins" but all burning is still "there" till the strongest of a given nanosecond is done, the next deals its damage.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Mar 10, 2013, 10:23:34 PM
xzken wrote:
However this doesn't go so well with Flamability because the burn from this spell will remove my Fireball's burning.

Nope. Strongest over-Time effect of its type will take effect.

xzken wrote:
Also Fireball's burn duration (of which the burn dps is around 4k+) is 1.3sec.

Ignite has a base duration of four seconds. Not sure how you managed to get such a short Ignite. :P
Oh yea my bad. It was 4/3 dmg of the hit over 4 sec. That said, I still would want it to not reset when u cast another spell though.
IGN DuongThapNgu
rsthrsdj wrote:
Teflondon1975 wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something here but I looked through your youtube video list and could not find any merciless gameplay?

i mean.. did you even try it on HC merc with perfect gears and build?
i asked "did you even see i play on HC merc" because i was very surprised when you judged anything without real proof or gameplay. and you talk like everything will be impossible on HC merc without any proof or gameplay.
i asked a question. i didn't say i played HC merc.
you didnt even try incinerate at low level and you cry as hell.
stop crying like a faggot without any gameplay.
there are already some posts people say it is not bad.

isn't it enough to talk about same thing over and over again for 25 pages?
post the builds or strategies with this skill than crying.
i am low level yet.
why do you judge anything before it begins?

and i didn't say i am melting everything
and i ask you this.. how much strong must i be? must i melt everything with one hit on HC merc?????

Did you Seriously just call me that? I can appreciate that you're not a native English speaker but it's not MY fault if your posts are being mistaken with improper usage/syntax. I HAVE tried at low level, mid level and on my higher leveled character. Please...quote my post where I am crying? I double dare you lol. The onus is on YOU to make your posts understandable.

PS: Call me that again and I'll gladly report you
IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on"
Last edited by Teflondon1975 on Mar 10, 2013, 11:17:16 PM
I mean it kind of sucks thematically that we have another fire spell that doesn't mesh well with ignite, but from a mechanics point of view does it even matter? Lets face it, fire just has the short end of status effect stick. Since ignite is essentially just more damage, it shouldn't matter if incinerate doesn't work well with it as long as the overall DPS is alright. It seems that incinerate might be good at procing other status ailments though.

I haven't gotten around to testing incinerate myself yet but here is my prediction. In initial testing Incinerate was way op so the devs nerfed it allot. Either A.) they overreacted and the skill will be buffed eventually, or B.) It is still powerful and is just waiting for a sufficiently popular streamer to popularize it.
Amiag wrote:
I think the biggest weakness of this spell are ranged attacks. Being stationary means you are gonna get hit a lot and often from longer range than u have with this spell.

I guess faster projectiles can help on that tho

No one skill handles all situations, you could use a firetrap or something of the like to deal with archer packs.
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DarkNRG wrote:

No one skill handles all situations, you could use a firetrap or something of the like to deal with archer packs.

This is what I do, works great so far. That said, I've yet to find a single archer pack I couldn't hit with Incinerate, for some reason they always seem to stop just at the edge of the spell so I still hit them. :P

sirianstar wrote:

good luck on tanking vaal without dodging.

I tried. It failed. :P

Not that it matters, I play softcore anyway and it was an experiment. Who knew you couldn't take 2 Vaal slams in a row?!? :O

It has been the only thing I wasn't able to facetank so far, though. Piety in Crematorium did no damage to me, I'm guessing I will have to line of sight Piety in her ice form though.
Last edited by Caimath on Mar 11, 2013, 2:54:51 AM
I'd like to suggest adding a screen shake to the final stage, same as with Flame Totem. Even better, make the screen shake stack with Flame Totem and with other nearby Incinerate casters.

Draftbeer wrote:
The 20% damage effectiveness and the zero crit is
a huge downer for this skill. Zero crit means that
the only way to boost the dps of the spell is via
spell/fire/ele damage and casting speed.

Zero crit means the skill can be used well with less investment. I'm enjoying that aspect of it.
The Amazon Basin: A Community of Friends Playing Games
I'm playing a marauder with basically nothing but hp and blood magic using a 6 link searing touch with Incinerate, Fire Pen, Iron Will, GMP, Faster Casting, Life Leech. Anything that comes within melee range melts instantly once it is fully ramped up. I have to be careful when dealing with ranged champions, namely the spike shooters from Lunaris. I think with a quality incinerate it would be a lot easier to deal with them. I also like using lightning warp at long range, start ramping up my incinerate, and bombing the enemy with it when the lightning warp finishes.
IGN - DiscoBadger

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